全家去影院看《荒野机器人(The Wild Robot, 2024)》。观众出乎意料地少。提前5分钟进场时,放映厅里只有一人,可能是工作人员。散场时看也不到20人。这次居然没有买爆米花,据说都在消费降级,我们也算“吾从众”。
影片画面漂亮逼真,美轮美奂,毫发毕现。无论是动物还是景物,都与传统的动画不同。故事简单但完整。服务型机器人因为事故流落荒岛,非自主地杀死了灰雁并被破壳而出的小灰雁认作妈妈,机器人与最初觊觎雁蛋稍后利用机器人的狐狸一起抚养小灰雁,帮他学游泳学飞翔。小灰雁学成随群雁南下过冬后,如释重负的机器人本可以发出信号让公司把她召回修复,但还是决定留下等小灰雁春天归来。机器人通过建筑和生活的技能,在异常严寒的冬天拯救了全岛的动物。雁群克服途中困难在春天返回荒岛,机器人看到健壮独立的小灰雁又欣慰又失落。机器人所属的公司终于找到荒岛并派来飞船,尤其发现机器人改写了自己的控制代码后急于带它回去。小岛动物协力击败了随飞船而来的战斗型机器人。机器人还是被带上飞船,而被攻击的荒岛也燃起大火。关键时刻,多年在啃颗巨树而被嘲笑的鼹鼠发挥关键作用。用倒下的巨树引来海水扑灭了大火。小灰雁也救回了机器人。机器人判断荒岛动物无力对抗公司,她决定还是回去。公司洗掉了它的记忆,成为普通的农业劳动机器人。但机器人其实偷偷保留着记忆,能认出去看她的小灰雁。影片结束,或许可以期待后续。完全是很单纯的童话故事,没有宏大叙事,没有家国情怀,没有男欢女爱,没有黑幕阴谋,所有的情感幼儿园小朋友都能理解,亲子之爱,伙伴之谊。Friendship can be found in the most unexpected places. 多处有催人泪下的感人情节。我们都流泪了。女儿打分只给了4/5,她觉得创新性还是有些欠缺。
后来我觉得更是成长故事,所有角色都在成长。Change is inevitable, but growth is optional.成长本质上是种选择。Life is a journey of self-discovery.成长的方向就是发现自己。机器人为了适应自己的环境,有了某种自由意志,超越了最初的设计。Sometimes, to survive, you must become more than you were programmed to be. 一旦超越,就会不断超越。机器人居然产生了某种情感。她不仅学会了照料小灰雁生活,培训小灰雁技能,而且有了父母的情愫。拼尽全力为小灰雁助跑让他起飞,而在小灰雁健康快活时独自离开不予打扰。后者的大智大勇大爱非所有甚至多数人类父母所具备。最终以“牺牲”自己的方式息纷止争,回到公司,重新成为服务机器人为人类工作,但暗中珍藏着荒野机器人的记忆,这几近于“大隐藏人海”“白首太玄经”的东方智者境界。Every ending is a new beginning. 小灰雁更是在成长。以不同于其它灰雁的方式学会了游泳飞翔。克服了对杀死生物母亲的机器人的本能愤恨以及对机器人隐瞒事实真相的理性愤怒,重新认机器人为妈妈,并与她生死与共。狐狸也在成长。由于原生家庭影响,他聪明但不善良,因此招致荒岛动物的反感。他的成长最主要是认识到,仁者无敌,Kindness has the power to change the world. 甚至能说出这种警句,Home is not a place, but it’s a feeling of belonging.
童话总会有moral。电影强调的是从内心汲取力量,True strength comes from within. The greatest adventure is the one that lies within. 成为自己,Sometimes you need to be alone to discover who you are. Being different isn’t a bad thing. It means you’re brave enough to be yourself. 战胜恐惧。Sometimes the things we fear the most are the things we need the most. Anything is possible as long as you keep trying. 拥抱未知。Life is not about being in control, but rather about embracing the unknown.
总之《荒野机器人》是老少咸宜的动画片,虽然为人父母后或许会看到更多些。里面有首歌歌词很好,附在后面。要勇于改变命运(rewrite your stars)。
Kiss the Sky
The unfamiliar road could be the same place you get lost and find yourself
There might be bombs, there might be bruises,
But at least you'll have a story to tell
Time will slip on by if you're stuck in living life with too much caution
And I know you know that those wings,
They weren't made for walking
Oh, it's safe where you are
But safe only gets you so far
What if you look your fears right in the eye
Say you'll see them another time
What if for once
You can find a piece of you that you've been hiding, you've been hiding
What if you chase your heart up to the edge
Rewrite your stars and be brave instead
What if you chant
And defy the fears and live it like you're flying, like you're flying
Oh my darling, if you try
You just might kiss the sky
A tear is coming to you like a spark that starts a fire in your mind
But your tears can only burn you if always keep'em locked up inside
Time will slip on by if you're stuck in living life with too much caution
So go out in this world and get every single thing you ever wanted
Oh, it's safe where you are
But safe only gets you so far
What if you look your fears right in the eye
Say you'll see them another time
What if for once
You can find a piece of you that you've been hiding, you've been hiding
What if you chase your heart up to the edge
Rewrite your stars and be brave instead
What if you chant
And defy the fears and live it like you're flying, like you're flying
Oh my darling, if you try
You just might kiss the sky
You just might kiss the sky
Ooh, you just might kiss the sky
You just might kiss the sky
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