女儿回家,《周末全家火锅聚餐》后用电视投屏手机看电影《碟中谍:致命清算(上)(Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One, 2023)》。开始时,电视屏幕似乎有些问题,可能是许久未用。后来不知道什么时候,问题自行消失了。
《碟中谍7》中,Tom Cruise饰演的Ethan Hunt对手似乎是没有实体出场的人工智能Entity,实际的反派是Hunt的老对头Gabriel。该剧只是第一部,取得了阶段性的胜利,一番厮杀后拿到了有望控制Entity的钥匙,并且知道了下一步的突破口。Ethan Hunt似乎失去了战友Ilsa Faust,不过以后她再复活似乎不无可能,但招募了神偷Grace。Grace说到被认为已经牺牲了的Ilsa,Am I the reason she's dead? 有位队友答,No, she's the reason you're alive.
人工智能Entity对人类的态度其实并不明朗。Entity一直在显示巨大的力量,似乎无穷的可能性,但并没有造成特别巨大的灾难性后果。如果不算偶尔帮助坏人Gabriel,简直可以自诩Don't be evil。更耐人寻味的是人类对Entity的态度,基本上可以分成两类,一类是设法控制,另一类是设法利用。Hunt的态度总体上前者,但可能走得更远,他想根除或者关闭Entity。此外,Entity的巨大算力,几乎可以实现Laplace的确定论世界图景。但是,由于人类的自由意志,也由于认知精度不可避免的有限性,这种决定论图景注定只是幻觉。这是混沌理论最核心的洞见。
Hunt的上司,亦正亦邪或者不知正邪的Eugene Kittridge,在电影中有些像哲人,喜欢布道说教。他不相信价值的客观性。Your days of fighting for the so-called greater good are over. This is our chance to control the truth. The concepts of right and wrong for everyone for centuries to come. You're fighting to save an ideal that doesn't exist. Never did. You need to pick a side. 他也不看好Hunt团队的未来。We cannot escape the past. Some of us are doomed to repeat it. Grace may believe you saved her from her fate, but you and I both know you merely bought her time. But that's the pattern, isn't it? A cross you've been left to bear. The closer someone gets to you, the harder it is to keep them alive. A new day brings a new burden. The key is only the beginning. Wherever it leads, wherever it takes to get there, you'll have to do it on your own. Should you fail in your mission, the Entity wins. Gabriel wins. And the world will pay the ultimate price. Should any members of your team be caught or killed, their sacrifice will have been in vain. So hurry. There isn't much time. The world doesn't know it, but they're counting on you. Good luck, Ethan. 或许是在Entity巨大算力的阴影下,人们容易相信宿命论。Our lives are the sum of our choices. And we cannot escape the past. Ethan, this mission of yours is going to cost you... dearly.
至于Hunt的力量所在,电影的说法其实就是Right is might,“仁者无敌”。老于世故的东方人往往不相信西方人所谓的价值观,认为不是过于天真就是纯粹欺骗。这或许正是最大的分歧所在,是否相信价值观的存在及其力量,这种分歧甚至大于具体价值观的差别。这就是为什么文明与野蛮的冲突,可能远大于不同文明的冲突。电影为使Right is might这种难以置信的说法可信,特别有个情节,Hunt击败了Gabriel的女杀手,但饶了她性命。Entity因此认定她会与Hunt合作而,Gabriel想杀了她,果然她不仅救了Hunt和Grace的性命,而且透露了关键信息。尽管在所谓相对性的当代,《碟中谍7》其实仍然坚持启蒙时代以来欧美的主流价值观。这种价值观可能在式微,但仍有不可小觑的力量。无数轻视并挑战这种力量者,被扫入历史的垃圾箱。用我小时候广播中元旦社论的话,“一座座火山爆发,一顶顶王冠落地。”
《碟中谍7》仍是Tom Cruise主演,年逾花甲的他真是老了。女主人公Grace的饰演者,Hayley Atwell正当不惑之年,也显得有些老了,开始我都没有认出来。她的作品我看得相对多些。在Captain America:The Winter Soldier(2013)演过美国队长的初恋情人,衍生出她主演的美剧Agent Carter (2015, 2016)但可惜只有两季;另外还有部英国历史的短剧集The Pillars of the Earth (2010);还有系列剧Black Mirror中一部尺度超过其它作品的Be Right Back (2013)。现在看电影,往往是新人不知道,知道的都有些老了。故事地点主要是罗马和威尼斯,看起来很亲切,特别是罗马。
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