与女儿聚餐后,如约看了该系列的第6部,《生化危机:终章(Resident Evil:The Final Chapter, 2016)》。故事情节发生在第一部的十来年后,虽然实际上电影比第一部晚出14年。剧情与前几部的衔接似乎有些小的瑕疵,但毕竟间隔时间长,一般观众未必在意。十多年过去,女主演Milla Jovovich颜值已过巅峰,身材更为丰满,但仍不失打女的矫健。
电影的故事其实无甚出奇。女主Alice在打怪升级中突然收到敌方Red Queen的视频消息,还有48小时人类灭绝,破解之法是到Umbrella总部拿到杀死变异细胞的药水并在开放空间施放。然后又是几番打斗,包括战胜了敌方的卧底以及更强大的大反派,最后拿到解药,拯救了人类。许多细节似乎与前面几部雷同,如果说有不同之处,突出的有两点。其一,Umbrella想出办法把海量的Zombie引向攻击他们的敌人;其二,作为反派大boss的Dr. Isaacs出场,战力远胜女主Alice,而且有众多克隆体。
先前一直悬疑的女主Alice身世终于揭底。她是反派Dr. Isaacs合作者Dr. Marcus (被反派杀害)的女儿Alicia Marcus的克隆体。Red Queen是Dr. Marcus借用自己女儿小时候形象制作的人工智能虚拟人。老年的Alicia Marcus与Red Queen都在场时,Dr. Isaacs向Alice说明她是克隆人。这段对话颇有意思
Alice: I'm not... I'm not a clone.
Dr. Isaacs: Really? You must have wondered why you remember nothing of your childhood. Your father, your mother...
Alice: Memory loss.
Dr. Isaacs: No. You have no memory because you had no life, nothing before the mansion, when we created you 10 years ago.
Alice: I know who I am.
Dr. Isaacs: I don't think so. You're nothing more than a puppet whose strings were cut and then you wondered around for a little while thinking you were a real girl, but you're not. You're just a clever imitation, a facsimile. A rather troublesome one, at that.
Alice: You're lying to me.
Red Queen: I'm afraid he's not. You were created in her image, as was I. My likeness and voice were based on childhood recordings of Alicia Marcus, made by her father. Your genetic structure is based on her DNA, tweaked to avoid the progeria aging disease that afflicted her. I'm the child she was. You are the woman she would have been.
Alicia Marcus: No. You are so much better than I ever could be. I let this happen. I was weak. You cannot afford to be.
Dr. Isaacs是命定论者或者说是设计论者。但人类如Jean-Paul Sartre 所谓“存在先于本质”(《存在主义是种人道主义》)。是否是克隆体并不重要,Alice的一系列选择,不仅让她超出设计者的本意,而且优于原型。
Alice: Why am I still alive?
Red Queen: The antivirus only destroyed the T-virus within your body. It didn't harm the healthy cells. You are now free of infection.
Alice: I thought I would die. You and Alicia, you lied to me.
Red Queen: We had to know if you were willing to make the sacrifice, to give up your life for others. This was something no one at Umbrella would have done. Alicia Marcus was right about you.
Alice: I “was” one of them. I was created by Umbrella, just an instrument for them.
Red Queen: No. You became something more than they ever have anticipated. The clone became more human than they ever could be. And you have one more step to make.
Alice: What do you mean?
Red Queen: Before she died, Alicia downloaded her memories for you. The childhood you never had combined with the woman she could never become.
Red Queen再次肯定“存在先于本质”,并且把Alicia Marcus的早年记忆移植给Alice。除了更强大和更健康外,克隆人Alice与普通人似乎没有区别。这让我联想起六十年代《中国青年报》的社论《出身不由己,道路可选择》。当年我出身不好,这种话让自己有所安慰,虽然实然情况未必如应然。
还有个耐人寻味之处,反派Dr. Isaacs战力超群,Alice与战友联手也被秒杀,但Dr. Isaacs最终还是失败了。这种以弱胜强的战例屡见不鲜,至少可以上溯到《旧约·撒母耳记》,其中幼小的大卫战胜了巨人歌利亚。历史上,确实有些似乎不可一世的庞然大物出乎意料地轰然倒塌。正如《老子·四十二章》所谓,“强梁者不得其死”。因此《墨子·兼爱中》规劝“强不执弱”。事实上,Hollywood电影的童话属性就表现在对Right is might的真诚信念和生动再现。
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