1 Conformity Paranoia
2 Confirmation Bias
“A considerable number of individuals are inclined to align with authority, seemingly believing that this aligning somehow validates their own greatness.”
“AIP Advances does not accept submissions that contain extraordinary claims that contradict well-established physical law. Such claims require extraordinary efforts to verify, which we cannot provide.“
学术期刊的目的是促进科学进步,是不同观点争鸣的平台,所以“Such claims require extraordinary efforts to verify, which we cannot provide“理由不充分,真正的原因是从众偏执。
1 Conformity Paranoia
What Is Conformity? Definition, Types, Psychology Research
Updated on une 15, 2023
Reviewed byOlivia Guy-Evans, MSc
On This Page:
Conformity is a type of social influence involving a change in belief or behavior in order to fit in with a group.
This change is in response to real (involving the physical presence of others) or imagined (involving the pressure of social norms/expectations) group pressure.
Conformity can also be simply defined as “ yielding to group pressures” (Crutchfield, 1955). Group pressure may take different forms, for example bullying, persuasion, teasing, criticism, etc. Conformity is also known as majority influence (or group pressure).
The term conformity is often used to indicate an agreement to the majority position, brought about either by a desire to ‘ fit in ’ or be liked (normative) or because of a desire to be correct (informational), or simply to conform to a social role (identification).
Jenness (1932) was the first psychologist to study conformity. His experiment was an ambiguous situation involving a glass bottle filled with beans.
He asked participants individually to estimate how many beans the bottle contained. Jenness then put the group in a room with the bottle and asked them to provide a group estimate through discussion.
Participants were then asked to estimate the number on their own again to find whether their initial estimates had altered based on the influence of the majority.
Jenness then interviewed the participants individually again and asked if they would like to change their original estimates or stay with the group’s estimate. Almost all changed their individual guesses to be closer to the group estimate.
However, perhaps the most famous conformity experiment was by Solomon Asch (1951) and his line judgment experiment.
然而,也许最著名的从众实验是Solomon Asch(1951)和他的直线判断实验。
Types of Conformity
Kelman (1958) distinguished between three different types of conformity:
Compliance (or group acceptance)
This occurs “when an individual accepts influence because he hopes to achieve a favorable reaction from another person or group. He adopts the induced behavior because….he expects to gain specific rewards or approval and avoid specific punishment or disapproval by conformity” (Kelman, 1958, p. 53).
In other words, conforming to the majority (publicly) in spite of not really agreeing with them (privately). This is seen in Asch’s line experiment.
Compliance stops when there are no group pressures to conform and is, therefore, a temporary behavior change.
Internalization (genuine acceptance of group norms)
This occurs “when an individual accepts influence because the content of the induced behavior – the ideas and actions of which it is composed – is intrinsically rewarding. He adopts the induced behavior because it is congruent [consistent] with his value system” (Kelman, 1958, p. 53).
Internalization always involves public and private conformity. A person publicly changes their behavior to fit in with the group while also agreeing with them privately.
This is the deepest level of conformity, where the beliefs of the group become part of the individual’s own belief system. This means the change in behavior is permanent. This is seen in Sherif’s autokinetic experiment.
This is most likely to occur when the majority has greater knowledge and members of the minority have little knowledge to challenge the majority’s position.
Identification (or group membership)
This occurs “when an individual accepts influence because he wants to establish or maintain a satisfying self-defining relationship to another person or group” (Kelman, 1958, p. 53).
Individuals conform to the expectations of a social role, e.g., nurses and police officers.
It is similar to compliance as there does not have to be a change in private opinion. A good example is Zimbardo’s Prison Study.
Man (1969) identified an additional type of conformity:
This is when a person conforms to impress or gain favor/acceptance from other people.
It is similar to normative influence but is motivated by the need for social rewards rather than the threat of rejection, i.e., group pressure does not enter the decision to conform.
Why Do People Conform?
Deutsch and Gerrard (1955) identified two reasons why people conform:
Normative Conformity
· Yielding to group pressure because a person wants to fit in with the group. E.g., Asch Line Study.
· Conforming because the person is scared of being rejected by the group.
· This type of conformity usually involves compliance – where a person publicly accepts the views of a group but privately rejects them.
Informational Conformity
· This usually occurs when a person lacks knowledge and looks to the group for guidance.
· Or when a person is in an ambiguous (i.e., unclear) situation and socially compares their behavior with the group. E.g., Sherif’s Study.
· This type of conformity usually involves internalization – where a person accepts the views of the groups and adopts them as an individual.
Conformity Examples
Sherif (1935) Autokinetic Effect Experiment
Aim: Sherif (1935) conducted an experiment with the aim of demonstrating that people conform to group norms when they are put in an ambiguous (i.e., unclear) situation.
Method: Sherif used a lab experiment to study conformity. He used the autokinetic effect – this is where a small spot of light (projected onto a screen) in a dark room will appear to move even though it is still (i.e., it is a visual illusion).
It was discovered that when participants were individually tested, their estimates of how far the light moved varied considerably (e.g., from 20cm to 80cm).
The participants were then tested in groups of three. Sherif manipulated the composition of the group by putting together two people whose estimate of the light movement when alone was very similar and one person whose estimate was very different. Each person in the group had to say aloud how far they thought the light had moved.
Results: Sherif found that over numerous estimates (trials) of the movement of light, the group converged to a common estimate. The person whose estimate of movement was greatly different from the other two in the group conformed to the view of the other two.
Sherif said that this showed that people would always tend to conform. Rather than make individual judgments, they tend to come to a group agreement.
Conclusion : The results show that when in an ambiguous situation (such as the autokinetic effect), a person will look to others (who know more / better) for guidance (i.e., adopt the group norm). They want to do the right thing but may lack the appropriate information. Observing others can provide this information. This is known as informational conformity.
Non Conformity
Not everyone conforms to social pressure. Indeed, there are many factors that contribute to an individual’s desire to remain independent of the group.
For example, Smith and Bond (1998) discovered cultural differences in conformity between western and eastern countries. People from Western cultures (such as America and the UK) are more likely to be individualistic and don’t want to be seen as being the same as everyone else.
This means that they value being independent and self-sufficient (the individual is more important than the group) and, as such, are more likely to participate in non-conformity.
In contrast, eastern cultures (such as Asian countries) are more likely to value the needs of the family and other social groups before their own. They are known as collectivist cultures and are more likely to conform.
Asch, S. E. (1951). Effects of group pressure upon the modification and distortion of judgments. In H. Guetzkow (Ed.), Groups, leadership and men. Pittsburg, PA: Carnegie Press.
Crutchfield, R. (1955). Conformity and Character. American Psychologist, 10, 191-198.
Deutsch, M., & Gerard, H. B. (1955). A study of normative and informational social influences upon individual judgment. The journal of abnormal and social psychology, 51(3), 629.
Jenness, A. (1932). The role of discussion in changing opinion regarding a matter of fact. The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 27, 279-296.
Kelman, H. C. (1958). Compliance, identification, and internalization: three processes of attitude change. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2, 51–60.
Mann, L (1969). Social Psychology. New York: Wiley.
Sherif, M. (1935). A study of some social factors in perception. Archives of Psychology, 27(187) .
Smith, P. B., & Bond, M. H. (1993). Social Psychology Across Cultures: Analysis and Perspectives. Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc Psychology of Education
Associate Editor for Simply Psychology
Olivia Guy-Evans is a writer and associate editor for Simply Psychology. She has previously worked in healthcare and educational sectors.
2 Confirmation Bias
What Is Confirmation Bias?
Cherrypicking the facts to support an existing belief
Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."
Learn about our editorial process
Updated on May 19, 2024
Reviewed by
Verywell / Daniel Fishel
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Confirmation bias is a type of cognitive bias that favors information that confirms your previously existing beliefs or biases.
For example, imagine that Mary believes left-handed people are more creative than right-handed people. Whenever Mary encounters a left-handed, creative person, she will place greater importance on this "evidence" because it supports what she already believes. Mary might even seek proof that further backs up this belief while discounting examples that don't support the idea.
Confirmation biases affect not only how we gather information but also how we interpret and recall it. For example, people who support or oppose a particular issue will not only seek information to support it, but they will also interpret news stories in a way that upholds their existing ideas. They will also remember details in a way that reinforces these attitudes.
History of Confirmation Bias
The idea behind the confirmation bias has been observed by philosophers and writers since ancient times. In the 1960s, cognitive psychologist Peter Wason conducted several experiments known as Wason's rule discovery task. He demonstrated that people tend to seek information that confirms their existing beliefs.
哲学家和作家很早就观知道confirmation偏执背后的东西。在20世纪60年代,认知心理学家Peter Wason进行了几项实验,称为Wason的规则发现任务。他证明,人们倾向于寻求信息证实他们现有的信仰。
Signs of Confirmation Bias
When it comes to confirmation bias, there are often signs that a person is inadvertently or consciously falling victim to it. Unfortunately, it can also be very subtle and difficult to spot. Some of these signs that might help you identify when you or someone else is experiencing this bias include:
Only seeking out information that confirms your beliefs and ignoring or discredit information that doesn't support them.
Looking for evidence that confirms what you already think is true, rather than considering all of the evidence available.
Relying on stereotypes or personal biases when assessing information.
Selectively remembering information that supports your views while forgetting or discounting information that doesn't.
Having a strong emotional reaction to information (positive or negative) that confirms your beliefs, while remaining relatively unaffected by information that doesn't.
Types of Confirmation Bias
There are a few different types of confirmation bias that can occur. Some of the most common include the following:
Biased attention: This is when we selectively focus on information that confirms our views while ignoring or discounting data that doesn't.
Biased interpretation: This is when we consciously interpret information in a way that confirms our beliefs.
Biased memory: This is when we selectively remember information that supports our views while forgetting or discounting information that doesn't.
Examples of the Confirmation Bias
It can be helpful to consider a few examples of how confirmation bias works in everyday life to get a better idea of the effects and impact it may have.
Interpretations of Current Issues
One of the most common examples of confirmation bias is how we seek out or interpret news stories. We are more likely to believe a story if it confirms our pre-existing views, even if the evidence presented is shaky or inconclusive. For example, if we support a particular political candidate, we are more likely to believe news stories that paint them in a positive light while discounting or ignoring those that are critical.
Consider the debate over gun control:
Let's say Sally is in support of gun control. She seeks out news stories and opinion pieces that reaffirm the need for limitations on gun ownership. When she hears stories about shootings in the media, she interprets them in a way that supports her existing beliefs.
Henry, on the other hand, is adamantly opposed to gun control. He seeks out news sources that are aligned with his position. When he comes across news stories about shootings, he interprets them in a way that supports his current point of view.
These two people have very different opinions on the same subject, and their interpretations are based on their beliefs. Even if they read the same story, their bias shapes how they perceive the details, further confirming their beliefs.
Personal Relationships
Another example of confirmation bias can be seen in the way we choose friends and partners. We are more likely to be attracted to and befriend people who share our same beliefs and values, and less likely to associate with those who don't. This can lead to an echo chamber effect, where we only ever hear information that confirms our views and never have our opinions challenged.
The confirmation bias can often lead to bad decision-making. For example, if we are convinced that a particular investment is good, we may ignore warning signs that it might not be. Or, if we are set on getting a job with a particular company, we may not consider other opportunities that may be better suited for us.
Impact of the Confirmation Bias
The confirmation bias happens due to the natural way the brain works, so eliminating it is impossible. While it is often discussed as a negative tendency that impairs logic and decisions, it isn't always bad. The confirmation bias can significantly impact our lives, both positively and negatively. On the positive side, it can help us stay confident in our beliefs and values and give us a sense of certainty and security.
Unfortunately, this type of bias can prevent us from looking at situations objectively. It can also influence our decisions and lead to poor or faulty choices.
During an election season, for example, people tend to seek positive information that paints their favored candidates in a good light. They will also look for information that casts the opposing candidate in a negative light.
By not seeking objective facts, interpreting information in a way that only supports their existing beliefs, and remembering details that uphold these beliefs, they often miss important information. These details and facts might have influenced their decision on which candidate to support.
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How to Overcome the Confirmation Bias
There are a few different ways that we can try to overcome confirmation bias:
Be aware of the signs that you may be falling victim to it. This includes being aware of your personal biases and how they might be influencing your decision-making.
Consider all the evidence available, rather than just the evidence confirming your views.
Seek out different perspectives, especially from those who hold opposing views.
Be willing to change your mind in light of new evidence, even if it means updating or even changing your current beliefs.
Confirmation Bias: The Takeaway
Unfortunately, all humans are prone to confirmation bias. Even if you believe you are very open-minded and consider the facts before coming to conclusions, some bias likely shapes your opinion. Combating this natural tendency is difficult.
不幸的是, 所有人们都容易产生confirmation偏执。即使你认为自己思想开放,你认为你在得出结论之前考虑了事实,你仍然可能已经被偏见影响了你的观点。对抗这种偏执并不容易。
However, knowing about confirmation bias and accepting its existence can help you recognize it. Be curious about opposing views and listen to what others have to say and why. This can help you see issues and beliefs from other perspectives.
Signs of Different Types of Biases and How to Overcome Each of Them
Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."
Vazire, S., 2020. A toast to the error detectors. Nature. 577, 9.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-019-03909-2
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