However, the practice in publication has evolved into peer review
to avoid mistakes which is a task not achievable.
“I do not support the claim that 90% of journal articles are false.
This may be true to some extent for the non-peer-reviewed publications,
but still, 90% is more of an exaggeration than a scientific statement.
According to Nobel laureate Honjo Tasuku,
90% of the views published by top magazines like CNS are wrong.
As I said before, I see this sentence as an exaggerated formulation
to alert young researchers that they should not blindly follow superstition. ”
The purpose of peer review is to prevent incorrect results to be published,
but my experience tell me that this purpose is not achievable
and the only result is that disrupt innovations are prevented by the peer review practice.
And it is not just me with this view
and that is why the Qeios platform is important. However, I agree with the reviewer that different people have different views
and I respect the view of the reviewer.
[Commentary] Comments on: “A perspective on impedance matching and
resonance absorption mechanism for electromagnetic wave absorbing”
by Hou et al. [Carbon 222 (2024) 118935]
Corrections of Common Errors in Current Theories of Microwave Absorption
Caused by Confusing Film and Material
“So we have little evidence on the effectiveness of peer review,
but we have considerable evidence on its defects.
In addition to being poor at detecting gross defects
and almost useless for detecting fraud
it is slow, expensive, profligate of academic time,
highly subjective, something of a lottery, prone to bias,
and easily abused.”
Peer review: a flawed process at the heart of science and journals
Aly 发现91篇文章反复出现一个教课书水平的错误,没有一个被期刊同行评审纠正。
K.A. Aly, Comment on the relationship between electrical and optical conductivity
used in several recent papers published in
the journal of materials science: materials in electronics,
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 33 (2022) 2889-2898 --------------------
Gibbs–Duhem Equation 原本有正确的表述,但是后来被错误战胜。
"Twenty-five years have passed since I wrote the paper cited in Jemal’s letter.
I have reviewed an average of about a paper per year on this subject
since then and have seen many other published papers on this topic.", J.N. Spencer, ΔG and ∂G/∂ξ, and the Physical Meaning of a Derivative (author's reply),
Journal of Chemical Education, J. Chem. Educ. 1999, 76, 9, 1188
使得下面这篇纠错文章被不同期刊反复拒稿: Liu Ying, Liu Yue, Drew Michael G. B. Natural mathematical derivation
of the Gibbs-Duhem Equation related to ΔG and ∂G/∂ξ,
International Journal of Thermophysics, 2022, 43, 73
doi: 10.1007/s10765-022-02998-y.
----------------------------------- 膜微波吸收的波动力学理论推翻了现行微波吸收理论,但是这个新理论被不同期刊反复拒稿,
Although the theoretical background is not beyond college physics,
the correct is always rejected by the "justifications" based on the reasons
from the wrong concepts established from the wrong.
Our papers on the subject are always rejected by many many peer reviewed journals
before it finally appeared in one.
Disrupt innovations are unpopular and the number of rejections
do not signify that they are not deserve to be published.
而正确文章在期刊同行评审下很难发表: Yue Liu,Ying Liu,Michael G. B Drew. Review:Wave mechanics of microwave absorption in films:
a short review, Optics and Laser Technology, 2024, 178, 111211 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optlastec.2024.111211
Yue Liu,Ying Liu,Michael G. B Drew,Wave Mechanics of Microwave Absorption in Films
- Distinguishing Film from Material,
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2024, 593, 171850 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2024.171850
Ying Liu, Michael G. B. Drew, Yue Liu, A physics investigation on impedance matching theory
in microwave absorption film—Part 2: Problem Analyses,
Journal of Applied Physics, 2023, 134(4), 045304, DOI: 10.1063/5.0153612
Ying Liu, Yi Ding, Yue Liu, Michael G. B. Drew. Unexpected Results in Microwave Absorption
– Part 1: Different absorption mechanisms for metal-backed film and for material,
Surfaces and Interfaces, 2023, 40, 103022
Ying Liu, Yue Liu, Drew M.G.B, A re-evaluation of the mechanism of microwave absorption in film
– Part 2: The Real mechanism,
Mater. Chem. Phys,. 2022, 291, 126601.
Liu Y, Liu Y, Drew MGB. A theoretical investigation of the quarter-wavelength model
— part 2: verification and extension.
Physica Scripta 2022 , 97(1) : 015806.
The actual effect of avoiding mistakes in publication has turned into rejecting new ideas.
Le Chatelier原理 早就被证明是错的。
错误的 Le Chatelier原理 现在还在课堂中讲授。
Liu Y, Liu Y, Drew MGB. A mathematical approach to chemical equilibrium theory
for gaseous systems IV: a mathematical clarification of Le Chatelier's principle.
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 2015, 53(8): 1835-1870.
“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light,
but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it” M. Planck, Scientific Autobiography and Other Paper, William & Norgate, London, 1950, pp. 33 -34. “some scientists wondered how a questionable line of research persisted for so long …
experts were just too timid to take a stand.” Harvard calls for retraction of dozens of studies by noted cardiologist, New York Times, http://www.staradvertiser.com/2018/10/16/news/harvard-calls-for-retraction-of-dozens-of-studies-by-noted-cardiologist/
. 16 Oct 2018 “Now pretty much every journal uses outside experts to vet papers,
and papers that don‘t please reviewers get rejected …
Weak-link thinking makes scientific censorship seem reasonable,
but all censorship does is make old ideas harder to defeat.
Remember that it used to be obviously true that the Earth is the center of the universe,
and if scientific journals had existed in Copernicus‘ time,
geocentrist reviewers would have rejected his paper
and patted themselves on the back for preventing the spread of misinformation.
Eugenics used to be hot stuff in science—do you think
a bunch of racists would give the green light to a paper
showing that Black people are just as smart as white people?
Or any paper at all by a Black author?
(And if you think that‘s ancient history: this dynamic is still playing out today.)
We still don‘t understand basic truths about the universe,
and many ideas we believe today will one day be debunked.
Peer review, like every form of censorship, merely slows down truth.”
The rise and fall of peer review
More examples of mistakes in publications ---------------------- 下面这篇短文充满大学水平的错误,但是这篇稿件很容易就通过的同行评审,
Comments on the article ‘Comparison of calculations for interplanar distances
in a crystal lattice’, by Ying Liu, Yue Liu & Michael G. B. Drew Pages 302-303 |
Received 30 May 2017, Accepted 02 Jun 2017, Published online: 18 Jun 2017
这些错误与对经典米勒指数的错误理解有关: Miller indices, Online Dictionary of Crystallography.
有意思的是回应文章很难通过同行评审。纠错文章最后发表在 SN Applied Sciences上: Ying Liu, Yue Liu, Drew MGB. Review: Clarifications of concepts concerning interplanar spacing
in crystals with reference to recent publications.
SN Applied Sciences 2020 , 2(4) : 755.
A new method of calculating planar density: the position-duplication-number method
A new method of calculating interplanar spacing: the position-factor method
下面两篇是纠错文章: Ying Liu, Yue Liu, Drew MGB. Review: Comparison of calculations
for interplanar distances in a crystal lattice.
Crystallography Reviews 2017 , 23(4) : 252-301.
Ying Liu, Yue Liu, Drew MGB. Review: Clarifications of concepts concerning interplanar
spacing in crystals with reference to recent publications.
SN Applied Sciences 2020 , 2(4) : 755.
------------------------------- 金属保护中的钝化膜理论都进入了教材,但是这是一个错误理论,
Liu Y, Drew MGB, Liu Y, Liu L. Anodic Polarization Curves Revisited.
Journal of Chemical Education 2012 , 90(1) : 76-81
“On the off chance you do figure out a way to improve peer review
without also making it worse, you can try convincing the nearly 30,000 scientific journals
in existence to apply your magical method to the ~4.7 million articles
they publish every year. Good luck!”
The rise and fall of peer review “We thus planned to make posting peer review documents the next stage
in opening up our peer review process, … The final step was, in my mind,
to open up the whole process and conduct it in real time
on the web in front of the eyes of anybody interested. Peer review would then be
transformed from a black box into an open scientific discourse.
Often I found the discourse around a study was a lot more interesting
than the study itself.”
J R Soc Med. 2006 Apr; 99(4): 178–182. doi: 10.1258/jrsm.99.4.178 Peer review: a flawed process at the heart of science and journals Qeios has taken an important step in this direction. “Professor Braben argues that the introduction in the 1970s of the (peer) review
of research proposals has led to a dearth of big scientific discoveries.
The most radical ideas, he says, are unlikely to get funded
because it is difficult to impress peers before they have been proven. …
It (peer review) works well enough in the mainstream
but it is at the margins where major discoveries are made,
where people don’t believe in the current wisdom
and want to head off into dramatically different directions.
To submit those ideas to peer review is disastrous”
Kill peer review, save civilization The academic world is conservative. Nobel laureate Tasuku Honjo: “First-class work often overturns the established conclusion,
so it is unpopular. The reviewers cannot fully understand your work
and will give you many negative comments, ….
Articles catering to the trend of the times are easy to be accepted,
otherwise, it will take a long time to get recognized” (2000) and “If your research can’t overturn the established conclusion,
science can’t progress. Of course, your research will be not recorded in history.
The academic world is conservative. If you don’t write your paper
according to the existing conclusion, it will be very difficult for your paper
to be accepted, and you will suffer a lot, but the research that can survive
in history is exactly this kind of research.“ (2013) https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataverse/BaFe12-iCeiO19-PPy
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
Is Most Published Research Wrong?
"There's a lot of rubbish published in high-profile journals" Paul Nurse, Nobel Laureatehttps://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.2021636118
Slowed canonical progress in large fields of science
Why Current Publication Practices May Distort Science
This is How Easy It Is to Lie With Statistics
Your Favorite Research Is (Probably) Wrong: The Replicability Crisis
Is Science Reliable?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xgbRxA_7DI
ACADEMIA IS BROKEN! The publishing scandal happening right now
6 Publication Bias: Why Most Published Research Findings are False: Part I (FR)
"Why Most Published Research Findings are False" Part I
"Why Most Published Research Findings are False" Part II
"Why Most Published Research Findings are False" Part III
Post-Truth: Why Facts Don't Matter Anymore
Fraud & Deception in Science | Elisabeth Bik, PhD
The scandal that shook psychology to its core ----------------------------- Ethical problems in academic peer review
(Peer review) is the ability for your peers to keep the world from learning about your work.
Real peer review is what happens after you've passed the thing called peer review
The Problem With Peer Review - Eric Weinstein
Specialist classes make informational gatekeeping processes into safeguards
for their own status.
The rise and fall of peer review
Kill peer review, save civilization | Times Higher Education (THE)
Donald W. Braben - Scientific Freedom_ The Elixir of Civilization-Wiley-Interscience (2008)
Copyright © 2008 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved
Is Science Broken? The Failure of Peer Review (Especially in Medicine)
The Failure of Peer Review (Especially in Medicine) with Brendan D. Murphy
科学网—[汇集,负能量] “同行评议”局限性的一些近年顶刊论文报道 - 杨正瓴的博文 (sciencenet.cn)
Peer review is not predicting outcomes at all. And that's quite disconcerting.
There is high-impact research that has been rejected, and low-impact research that has been funded.
Jeffrey Mervis. Peering Into Peer Review [J]. Science, 2014, 343(6171): 596-598. 7 Feb 2014,
doi: 10.1126/science.343.6171.596
[3] 夏香根,2021-03-23 10:00,再论论文 精选
[2] 夏香根,2024-05-22 10:36,再说说学术界的变化
后来国际上的期刊太多太厚了,特别是大多数期刊都成了电子版,也有很多open access的网络期刊。期刊发表论文页数比起过去有千倍之多。现在如果静下心来细读一篇期刊上发表的文章,很可能会发现错误百出,会后悔翻读。现在已经很难能找到一篇让你叫好的文章了,加之手边再无任何期刊翻阅,所以仔细翻读期刊论文的人越来越少。即使你在你专业好的相关期刊上发表100篇论文,可能也无人知晓。所以现在,想让天下知,需获多功名,或者在所有人都知道的最知名期刊上,如《自然》《科学》,发表几篇,然后就有各种媒体的宣传。专业这个词已渐渐离去!”
科学网—[打听] 当前“顶刊”论文怎么了? - 杨正瓴的博文 (sciencenet.cn)
【新提醒】科学网—决不屈服于“对的东西很弱小而错的东西很强大” - 崔锦华的博文 (sciencenet.cn)
“对的东西很弱小, 错的东西很强大”. 决不屈服! 只有人人都敢于血性,错误才不敢嚣张。
Y. Akinay, U. Gunes, B. Çolak, T. Cetin, Recent progress of electromagnetic wave absorbers:
A systematic review and bibliometric approach,
ChemPhysMater, 2 (2023) 197-206.
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