该书是弗里德曼(Milton Friedman, 1912-2006)系列演讲的结集。作者是1976诺贝尔经济学奖得主,其专业贡献是货币数量理论和消费函数理论,但真正影响世界的是他在书中阐述的新自由主义经济观。弗里德曼和哈耶克等人所倡导的理论,深刻影响了里根和撒切尔夫人等美英领导人,多少也影响了太平洋彼岸的设计师和决策者。从而开启了以和平和发展为主流的繁荣时代。无数芸芸众生,包括我自己和家人,都是这个繁荣时代的受益者。
该书的主旨是强调,“竞争的资本主义—即通过在自由市场上发生作用的私有企业来执行我们的部分经济活动—是一个经济自由的制度,并且是政治自由的一个必要条件(the role of competitive capitalism – the organization of the bulk of economic activity through private enterprise operating in a free market – as a system of economic freedom and a necessary condition for political freedom)”,以及“政府在致力于自由和主要依赖市场组织经济活动的社会所应起的作用 (the role that government should play in a society dedicated to freedom and relying primarily on the market to organize economic activity)”。该书的基础就是自由主义哲学“相信个人的尊严,相信根据他自己的意志来尽量发挥他的能力和机会,只要他不妨碍别人进行同样的活动的话。(a belief in the dignity of the individual, in his freedom to make the most of his capacities and opportunities according to his own lights, subject only to the proviso that he not interfere with the freedom of other individuals to do the same.)”开篇作者就对JFK在就职演讲(被美国英语教材English for Today 5选为课文,40来年前我听过现场演讲录音)中的名言不以为然。“自由人既不会问他的国家能为他做些什么,也不会问他能为他的国家做些什么。他会问的是,‘我和我的同胞能通过政府做些什么’,以便尽到我们个人的责任,以便达到我们各自的目标和理想,其中最重要的是:保护我们的自由。(The free man will ask neither what his country can do for him nor what he can do for his country. He will ask rather ‘what can I and my compatriots do through government’ to help us discharge our individual responsibiligies, to achieve our several goals and purposes,and above all, to protect out freedom?)”我觉得这体现了自由主义最重要的方法论原则,只有个人才能是思考和行动的主体,任何非个人行为主体都是简化或修辞的说法。例如,所谓答辩委员会通过了博士论文答辩,其实是说各位委员中的多数同意通过。又例如,所谓学院或者学科要求我做什么,其实只是相关领导的要求。这个方法论原则帮助我想清楚很多问题,甚至有助于采取有效的措施。
该书对自由的认知,本质上与哈耶克“自发的秩序”一致。任何举措,能增加自由,有更多或更大范围的选择,都值得肯定。我所谓人性的力量,用书中的话说,就是“数以万计的人增进他们自己的利益的企图,按照他们自己的价值观来过他们自己的生活的企图(the attempt by millions of individuals to promete their their own interests, to live their lives by their own values)”。作者特别澄清,“我所谈的利益不仅是狭隘的关心自己的利益。相反地,它们包括整个一系列人们认为是宝贵的东西,为此他们愿意耗尽他们的钱财和牺牲他们的生命。……允许这些利益充分发展而不使之从属于统治人类大多数的狭窄的物质利益正是自由社会的优越之处。这就是为什么资本主义社会比集体主义社会在较少的程度上看重物质。(The interests of which I speak are not simply narrow selfregarding interests. On the contrary, they include the whole range of values that men hold dear and for which they are willing to spend their fortunes and sacrifice their lives. ……It is the virtue of a free society that it nonetheless permits these interests full scope and does not subordinate them to the narrow materialistic interests that dominate the bulk of mankind. That is why capitalist societies are less materialistic than collectivist societies.)”
书中有些具体观点很值得深思。只举3个例子。“由于从双亲那里继承到一个为众所喜爱的歌喉而得到高额收益在道德上是否比由于从双亲那里承继到财产而得到高额收益具有任何更大的正当理由呢?(Is there any greater ethical justification for the high returns to the individual who inherits from his parents a peculiar voice for which there is a great demand than for the high returns to the individual who inherits property?)”“身分或地位或财富的大部分的差异归根结蒂可以被认为是机会的产物。努力工作和节俭的人会被认为是‘该受奖的’;然而,这些品质很大一部分得归功于他幸运地(或不幸运地)所继承到的遗传因子。尽管在口头上比较赞成按‘功劳’,而不是按‘机会’取得收入,我们却一般地比较易于接受来源于机会的不均等,而不是来源于显然可归因于功劳的不均等。(Most differences of status or position or wealthcan be regarded as the product of chance at a far enough remove. The man who is hard working and thrifty is to be regarded as ‘deserving’; yet these qualities owe much to the genes he was fortunate (or unfortunate?) enough to inherit. Despite the lip service that we all pay to ‘merit’ as compared to ‘chance,’ we are generally much readier to accept inequalities arising from chance than those clearly attributable to merit. )” “把‘学校教育’和‘教育’区别开来是重要的。并不是所有的学校教育都是教育,也不是所有的教育都是学校教育。(it is important to distinguish between ‘schooling’ and ‘education.’ Not all schooling is education nor all education, schooling.)”
多少有些意外,书中并没有弗里德曼那句被广泛引用虽然未必是原创的话,天下没有免费的午餐(There’s no such thing as a free lunch)。前面提到的“繁荣时代”似乎到了尾声,如果还没有结束。现在人们普遍重视保障胜于自由。但先知般的哈耶克在《通往奴役之路》中的断言振聋发聩,“愿意放弃自由来换取保障的人,他最终既得不到自由,也得不到保障。”本想听《通往奴役之路》。但要到韩国大邱开会,急用先学,下本书听《韩国史新论》。
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