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今日学院:暂无。|| 新闻+ || 符号大全上下标.|| 常用:↑↓ π ΓΔΛμφΣ∈ ∪ ∩ ⊆ ⊇ ⊂ ⊃ ≤ ≥ ≠  ⁻⁰ ¹ ² ³ ᵈ x₀ ₁ ₂ ₃ ᵢ .

(接前: 25 24 22) 命题5.5的证明.
---- 原作证明共12段,分6个步骤. 
Step 1,第一段 (逐句评论).
1. From here until the end of Step 3, we will try to relate the problem to a similar problem on the projective space lP.
---- 前3个步骤预将问题关联到射影空间lP上.
注:共6段,接近1.5页,占整个证明的 48%.
2. It is enough to prove the statement over C, by the Lefschetz principle.
---- 由Lefschetz原理,只须在复数域上证明命题.
---- Lefschetz principle 的内容待了解(1,2,3).
3. Removing the components of Λ not passing through x, we can assume Λ = ΣS where S are the irreducible components.
---- 从 Λ 中去除不经过 x 的分量,可假定 Λ = ΣS 其中 S 是不可约分量.
---- 侧面信息: 大写字母代表(抽象)几何对象.
评论:这里又出现了 “we can assume...”
---- 为何不直接在条件中提出来?
---- 可能是为了不使命题显得过于累赘.
---- 在证明中途加条件,可称作“argument”.
---- 相当于对条件进行某种“微调”(trim, fine tuning).
4. Since degAΛ ≤ r, (X, Λ) belongs to a bounded family of pairs depending only on d, r.
---- 既然 Λ 相对于A的度有界,则 (X, Λ) 属于有界配对族,仅依赖于d, r.
---- 这句话涉及到大结论,但未提及任何文献.
---- 姑且作为已知结论记住.
5. Thus replacing A with a bounded multiple and replacing r accordingly, we can assume A - S is very ample for each i.
---- 于是,用“bounded multiple”替换 A 并相应地替换 r,可以假定对每个i, A - S 系 “very ample”.
---- 后半句该是此段的“落点”.
---- 和上一句一样,此句突兀且未提及文献.
---- 估计是已知且常有的结论或手法.
---- 此句也出现了“we can assume...”.
---- 第二段将调用命题5.2.
---- 3  是准备条件 “x∈∩S”.
---- 5  是准备条件“A - Sᵢ is very ample”.
Write B = ΣbjBj where Bj are the distinct irreducible components.
---- 写出B的分量式,本段及命题5.2用到.
---- 未提及B非负的事情,或蕴含在eps-lc
By Proposition 5.2, there is a finite morphism π: X --> Z = lP = ProjC[t,...,td], mapping x to the origin z = (1:0:...:0) and mapping S onto the hyperplane H defined by t.
---- 开始调用命题5.2.
---- 注:原命题中的 换成了更具的复数域.
Moreover, π is étale over z, Supp B contains no point of π⁻¹{z} other than x, deg π = A, and degHC ≤ degAB ≤ r where C = Σπ(bj)Bj.
---- 继续复述命题5.2的结论.
In addition, by the proof of the proposition, π*H coincides with S near x.
---- 这句话没有直接出现在命题5.2.
---- 看原作的意思是蕴含在那里的证明里(?).
---- “coincide” 该是基本概念,待考(?). 


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2 郑永军 谢力

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