(接昨天^)。第七段照录如次。The theorem would not hold if one takes eps=0: it already fails in dimension two, and in dimension three it fails even if we replace bounded by birationally bounded [25].
第八段照录如次。In addition to the results mentioned earlier, there are few other partial cases of the theorem in the literature. Boundedness was known for: Fano 3-folds with terminal singularities and Picard number one [18], Fano 3-folds with canonical singularities [23], Fano 3-folds with fixed Cartier index of KX [6], and more generally, Fano varieties of given dimension with fixed Cartier index of KX [11]; in a given dimension, the Fano varieties X equipped with a boundary Δ such that KX + Δ ≡ 0, (X, Δ ) is eps-lc, and such that the coefficients of Δ belong to a DCC set [11], or more generally when the coefficients of Δ are bounded from below away from zero [3], form a bounded family.