(接上回<)第 6 个小标题:Complements near a divisor.
第一段照录如次。We prove boundedness of certain “complements” near a divisorial lc centre on a projective pair. Such complements are in a sense local but they are somehow controlled globally.
第一句,我们证明某种“complements”的有界性,它们(complements)位于仿射配对的divisorial lc中心附近。
评注:complements 是“补”的意思,它是相对于某个整体而言的。
第二段照录如次。Theorem 1.7. Let d be a natural number and R ⊂ [0, 1] a finite set of rational numbers. Then there is a natural number n divisible by I(R) and depending only on d, R satisfying the following. Assume
(X, B) is a projective lc pair of dimension d,
(X, 0) is Q-factorial klt,
S is a component of [B],
the coefficients of B are in R,
M is a semi-ample Cartier divisor on X with M|S ~0, and
M- (Kx + B) is ample.
Then there is a divisor
0 <= G ~ (n +1) M - n (Kx + B)
such that (X, B^+:=B+1/n G) is lc near S.
评注:这是某种 divisor 的存在定理。
第三段照录如次。This is a key ingredient of the proof of Theorem 1.6. The number I=I(R) is the smallest natural number such that Ir∈ Z for every r ∈ R. Since M is semi-ample, it defines a contraction X --> Z which maps S to a point z. The proof of the theorem shows that Kx + B^+ is actually an n-complement of Kx + B over a neighbourhood of z.
第二句,数值 I=I(R) 是最小自然数,使得 lr ∈Z 对每个r ∈R.
第三句,既然M是semi-ample的,它定义了一个压缩 X --> Z,把 S 映射到一个点z.
第四句,该定理的证明显示Kx+B^+实际上是 z的领域上的 Kx + B 的n-补。
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至此,引言部分的读写全部完结。这个引言是整篇的概括,列出了主要结果和定义,并做了扼要说明。预计后文会反复指向这些结果,并完成其中蕴含的技术内容(即证明与推导)。读写过程中意识到,如果把数学看做水,那么,为了熟悉水性,不妨直接从阅读原著开始,也就是从你最终要去的地方开始。也许,你和那个终点之间仍存在着巨大的间隙,但这间隙就是一种度量,可以帮助少走冤枉路。虽说教科书中的数学也是数学,但人们往往就被粘在上面 —— 多少人永远在里面打转转?!
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