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推翻现代研究领域微波吸收理论的文献导读(综述)---- 重点是第3节

已有 1946 次阅读 2024-4-1 05:24 |个人分类:微波吸收|系统分类:科研笔记

1 坚持主流微波理论的文章继续大量刊登在主流期刊上,包括顶刊

推翻现代微波吸收理论的文章从2017年首先见刊,目前在Journal of Applied Physics,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,Physica B: Condensed Matter,Applied Physics A,Physica Scripta, Surfaces and Interfaces,Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy,Materials Chemistry and Physics, AIP Advances等有影响的专业期刊从不同角度发表了充分证据推翻现代微波吸收理论。



科学网—大多数主流科学家的同行评审学术不端是比“图片误用”更恶劣的学术不端 - 刘跃的博文 (sciencenet.cn)





  1. Liu YLiu Y, Drew MGB. A theoretical investigation of the quarter-wavelength model  part 2: verification and extensionPhysica Scripta 2022 , 97(1) 015806. 【445 Total downloads

  2. Liu Y, Liu Y, Drew MGB. A theoretical investigation on the quarter-wavelength model — part 1: analysisPhysica Scripta 2021 , 96(12) 125003. 【373 Total downloads

  3. Liu Y, Zhao K, Drew MGB, Liu Y. A theoretical and practical clarification on the calculation of reflection loss for microwave absorbing materialsAIP Advances 2018 , 8(1) 015223. 【4,767 Pageviews,1,414 PDF Downloads

  4. Liu Y, Drew MGB, Li H, Liu Y. A theoretical analysis of the relationships shown from the general experimental results of scattering parameters s11 and s21 – exemplified by the film of BaFe12-iCeiO19/polypyrene with i = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6Journal of Microwave Power and Electromagnetic Energy 2021 , 55(3) 197-218. 【206 Views

  5. Ying Liu, Michael G. B. Drew, Yue Liu, A physics investigation on impedance matching theory in microwave absorption film—Part 1: Theory, Journal of Applied Physics, 2023, 134(4), 045303, DOI: 10.1063/5.0153608,【267 Pageviews,129 PDF Downloads

  6. Ying Liu, Michael G. B. Drew, Yue Liu, A physics investigation on impedance matching theory in microwave absorption film—Part 2: Problem AnalysesJournal of Applied Physics, 2023, 134(4), 045304, DOI: 10.1063/5.0153612,【175 Pageviews,93 PDF Downloads






[1] J. Cheng, H. Zhang, M. Ning, H. Raza, D. Zhang, G. Zheng, Q. Zheng, R. Che, Emerging Materials and Designs for Low and MultiBand Electromagnetic Wave Absorbers: The Search for Dielectric and Magnetic Synergy?, Advanced Functional Materials, 32 (2022) 2200123.

[2] Y. Akinay, U. Gunes, B. Çolak, T. Cetin, Recent progress of electromagnetic wave absorbers: A systematic review and bibliometric approach, ChemPhysMater, 2 (2023) 197-206.

[3] Z. Ma, K. Yang, D. Li, H. Liu, S. Hui, Y. Jiang, S. Li, Y. Li, W. Yang, H. Wu, Y. Hou, The Electron Migration Polarization Boosting Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Based on Ce Atoms Modulated yolk@shell FexN@NGC, Advanced Materials, (2024) 2314233

[4] Z. Zhao, Y. Qing, L. Kong, H. Xu, X. Fan, J. Yun, L. Zhang, H. Wu, Advancements in Microwave Absorption Motivated by Interdisciplinary Research, Advanced Materials, 36 (2023) 2304182

[5] Q. An, D. Li, W. Liao, T. Liu, D. Joralmon, X. Li, J. Zhao, A Novel UltraWideband ElectromagneticWaveAbsorbing Metastructure Inspired by Bionic Gyroid Structures, Advanced Materials, 35 (2023) 2300659.

[6] G. Chen, H. Liang, J. Yun, L. Zhang, H. Wu, J. Wang, Ultrasonic Field Induces Better Crystallinity And Abundant Defects at Grain Boundaries to Develop Cus Electromagnetic Wave Absorber, Advanced Materials, 35 (2023) 2305586.

[7] J. Ma, J. Choi, S. Park, I. Kong, D. Kim, C. Lee, Y. Youn, M. Hwang, S. Oh, W. Hong, W. Kim, Liquid Crystals for Advanced Smart Devices with Microwave and MillimeterWave Applications: Recent Progress for NextGeneration Communications, Advanced Materials, (2023).

[8] J. Yan, Q. Zheng, S.P. Wang, Y.Z. Tian, W.Q. Gong, F. Gao, J.J. Qiu, L. Li, S.H. Yang, M.S. Cao, Multifunctional Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Microcrystalline Engineering and Electromagnetic Response Switching MultiBand Devices, Advanced Materials, 35 (2023) 2300015.

[9] B. Zhao, Z. Yan, Y. Du, L. Rao, G. Chen, Y. Wu, L. Yang, J. Zhang, L. Wu, D.W. Zhang, R. Che, HighEntropy Enhanced Microwave Attenuation in Titanate Perovskites, Advanced Materials, 35 (2023) 2210243.

[10] I. Huynen, N. Quiévy, C. Bailly, P. Bollen, C. Detrembleur, S. Eggermont, I. Molenberg, J.M. Thomassin, L. Urbanczyk, T. Pardoen, Multifunctional hybrids for electromagnetic absorption, Acta Materialia, 59 (2011) 3255-3266.

[11] W. Yang, Y. Zhang, G. Qiao, Y. Lai, S. Liu, C. Wang, J. Han, H. Du, Y. Zhang, Y. Yang, Y. Hou, J. Yang, Tunable magnetic and microwave absorption properties of Sm1.5Y0.5Fe17-xSix and their composites, Acta Materialia, 145 (2018) 331-336.

[12] R.H. Fan, B. Xiong, R.W. Peng, M. Wang, Constructing Metastructures with Broadband Electromagnetic Functionality, Adv Mater, 32 (2020) 1904646.

[13] L. Liang, W. Gu, Y. Wu, B. Zhang, G. Wang, Y. Yang, G. Ji, Heterointerface Engineering in Electromagnetic Absorbers: New Insights and Opportunities, Adv Mater, 34 (2022) 2106195.

[14] Q. Liu, Q. Cao, H. Bi, C. Liang, K. Yuan, W. She, Y. Yang, R. Che, CoNi@SiO2 @TiO2 and CoNi@Air@TiO2 Microspheres with Strong Wideband Microwave Absorption, Adv Mater, 28 (2016) 486-490.

[15] H. Sun, R. Che, X. You, Y. Jiang, Z. Yang, J. Deng, L. Qiu, H. Peng, Cross-stacking aligned carbon-nanotube films to tune microwave absorption frequencies and increase absorption intensities, Adv Mater, 26 (2014) 8120–8125.

[16] Z. Wu, H.W. Cheng, C. Jin, B. Yang, C. Xu, K. Pei, H. Zhang, Z. Yang, R. Che, Dimensional Design and Core-Shell Engineering of Nanomaterials for Electromagnetic Wave Absorption, Adv Mater, 34 (2022) 2107538.

[17] C.M. Watts, X. Liu, W.J. Padilla, Metamaterial electromagnetic wave absorbers, Advanced  Materials, 24 (2012) OP98-OP120.

[18] M.S. Cao, X.X. Wang, M. Zhang, J.C. Shu, W.Q. Cao, H.J. Yang, X.Y. Fang, J. Yuan, Electromagnetic Response and Energy Conversion for Functions and Devices in LowDimensional Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, 29 (2019) 1807398.

[19] P. Liu, Y. Wang, G. Zhang, Y. Huang, R. Zhang, X. Liu, X. Zhang, R. Che, Hierarchical Engineering of DoubleShelled Nanotubes toward HeteroInterfaces Induced Polarization and Microscale Magnetic Interaction, Advanced Functional Materials, 32 (2022) 2202588.

[20] P. Liu, G. Zhang, H. Xu, S. Cheng, Y. Huang, B. Ouyang, Y. Qian, R. Zhang, R. Che, Synergistic DielectricMagnetic Enhancement via PhaseEvolution Engineering and Dynamic Magnetic Resonance, Advanced Functional Materials, 33 (2023) 2211298.

[21] J.C. Shu, M.S. Cao, M. Zhang, X.X. Wang, W.Q. Cao, X.Y. Fang, M.Q. Cao, Molecular Patching Engineering to Drive Energy Conversion as Efficient and EnvironmentFriendly Cell toward Wireless Power Transmission, Advanced Functional Materials, 30 (2020) 1908299.

[22] Y. Xia, W. Gao, C. Gao, A Review on GrapheneBased Electromagnetic Functional Materials: Electromagnetic Wave Shielding and Absorption, Advanced Functional Materials, 32 (2022) 2204591.

[23] F. Ye, Q. Song, Z. Zhang, W. Li, S. Zhang, X. Yin, Y. Zhou, H. Tao, Y. Liu, L. Cheng, L. Zhang, H. Li, Direct Growth of Edge-Rich Graphene with Tunable Dielectric Properties in Porous Si3N4 Ceramic for Broadband High-Performance Microwave Absorption, Advanced Functional Materials, 28 (2018) 1707205.


科学网—大多数主流科学家的同行评审学术不端是比“图片误用”更恶劣的学术不端 - 刘跃的博文 (sciencenet.cn)





  • 黄河宁   2024-3-26 08:48

  • “With respect to the activity by countries and regions, China plays the leading role with a total of 8415 published documents, followed by the United States with 3600. China, the United States, Japan, and India accounted for 53% of the total publications. Akinay et al. (2023)”

  • 关于微波吸收的课题竟会有这么多的研究工作。


2 问题是到底是主流微波吸收理论错了,还是反对理论错了?





这个事实说明,现代科学研究的一个普遍问题是对理论不关心,现代科学研究几乎没有深入的理论研究,大家都热衷于实验研究。热衷于用高精尖的最先进仪器 做表面文章。现代科学最缺乏的是深入的理论研究,缺乏像牛顿时代那样用数学逻辑从理论上揭示实验数据背后的本质。没有基础理论的支持,想从实验数据中瞎猫碰上死耗子做出重大发现是天方夜谈。



















Ethical problems in academic peer review - Peeref










Questions from Acaudio (with answers attached)

Fundamental theory of microwave absorption for films



The Accepted Theories Have Been Overturned - Peeref

Ethical problems in academic peer review - Peeref

Yue Liu – Kudos: Growing the influence of research (growkudos.com)





Ethical problems in academic peer review - Peeref


"Wrong is wrong, even if everyone is doing it. Right is right, even if no one is doing it.


Moral principles do not depend on a majority vote. Wrong is wrong, even if everybody is wrong. Right is right, even if nobody is right.”

― Fulton J. Sheenhttps://bibleportal.com/bible-quote/morality-right-and-wrong-right-is-right-even-if-no-one-is-doing-it-wrong-is-wrong-even-if-everyone-is-doing-it

Right is right even if no one is doing it; wrong is wrong even if everyone is doing it.


















科学网—教学名师不是优美的教态、不是工整的板书、不是美观教案,教学名师更是对教材逻辑内容的理解 - 刘跃的博文 (sciencenet.cn)







3 推翻主流微波吸收理论的文章导读


3.1 推翻微波吸收理论中的阻抗匹配理论的主要文章

 A physics investigation on impedance matching theory in microwave absorption film—Part 2: Problem AnalysesJournal of Applied Physics, 2023, 134(4), 045304

 Unexpected Results in Microwave Absorption – Part 1: Different absorption mechanisms for metal-backed film and for materialSurfaces and Interfaces, 2023, 40, 103022

A theoretical investigation of the quarter-wavelength model  part 2: verification and extensionPhysica Scripta 2022 , 97(1) 015806.

 A Theoretical Exploration of Impedance Matching Coefficients for Interfaces and Films, Applied Physics A, 2024, 130, 212

3.2 推翻微波吸收理论中的四分之一波长理论的主要文章:

A theoretical investigation of the quarter-wavelength model  part 2: verification and extensionPhysica Scripta 2022 , 97(1) 015806.

A re-evaluation of the mechanism of microwave absorption in film, Part 3: Inverse relationshipMater. Chem. Phys2022, 290, 126521.

A Theoretical Exploration of Impedance Matching Coefficients for Interfaces and Films, Applied Physics A, 2024, 130, 212, please see section 2.3

 A physics investigation on impedance matching theory in microwave absorption film—Part I: Theory, Journal of Applied Physics, 2023, 134(4), 045303,

Please see section III.

A physics investigation on impedance matching theory in microwave absorption film—Part II: Problem AnalysesJournal of Applied Physics, 2023, 134(4), 045304 

Please see section III.

 The wave mechanics for microwave absorption film-Part 3: Film with multilayers, Preprint, Research Square, 13 Aug, 2023

3.3 指出主流理论混淆了膜和材料的不同的主要文章

Wave Mechanics of Microwave Absorption in Films - Distinguishing Film from Material,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2024, 593, 171850 ;

 Unexpected Results in Microwave Absorption – Part 1: Different absorption mechanisms for metal-backed film and for materialSurfaces and Interfaces, 2023, 40, 103022

Reflection Loss is a Parameter for Film, not MaterialNon-Metallic Material Science, 2023, 5(1): 38-48

 Microwave absorption of film explained accurately by wave cancellation theoryPhysica B: Condensed Matter, 2023, 666, 415108

3.4 这些文章建立了正确的微波吸收的波动力学理论


A re-evaluation of the mechanism of microwave absorption in film – Part 2: The Real mechanismMater. Chem. Phys,. 2022, 291, 126601.

The wave mechanics for microwave absorption film-Part 1: A short review, Preprint, Research Square, 15 Aug, 2023

膜的微波吸收机理, 分子科学学报, 2023,v.39; No.194(06) 521-527



[1] Theory, Modeling, Measurement, and Testing of Electromagnetic Absorbers: A Review

A. A. Abu Sanad, M. N. Mahmud, M. F. Ain, M. A. B. Ahmad, N. Z. B. Yahaya and Z. Mohamad Ariff

physica status solidi (a) 2024 Vol. 221 Issue 4 Pages 2300828

DOI: 10.1002/pssa.202300828


Theory, Modeling, Measurement, and Testing of Electromagnetic Absorbers: A Review - Abu Sanad - 2024 - physica status solidi (a) - Wiley Online Library

[2] The Developed Wave Cancellation Theory Contributing to Understand Wave Absorption 

Mechanism of ZIF Derivatives with Controllable Electromagnetic Parameters

Y. Zhou, P. He, W. Ma, P. Zuo, J. Xu, C. Tang, et al.

Small 2023 Pages 2305277

Accession Number: 37661569 DOI: 10.1002/smll.202305277


The Developed Wave Cancellation Theory Contributing to Understand Wave Absorption Mechanism of ZIF Derivatives with Controllable Electromagnetic Parameters - PubMed (nih.gov)



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