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今日学院:数学科学学院(同济大学) 。新闻



(接上回#) Step 3. 第一段。

In view of Steps 1-2, we can assume that there is a boundary Γ ≤ B such that (X, Γ) is plt, \Γ/=S, and A:= αM - (Kx +Γ) is ample for some α∈(0,1). However, M - (Kx + B) may no longer be ample but it is still nef and big.


---- 似乎只涉及到Step1,看不出Step2体现在哪里。

---- 在当前假设下,“M - (Kx + B) is ample” 可以不成立。

---- 这种“倒置”的做法令人略感困惑。

---- 这里定义的 A 要到 Step 6 才出现。

加评:“we can assume” 出现不止一次,或许运用了某种方法。


Step 3. 第二段。

Let Ks + Bs = (Kx + B)|s. The coefficients of Bs belong to Φ(G) for some finite set G  [0, 1] of rational numbers containing R and depending only on R [26, Proposition 3.8] [3, Lemma 3.3]. Since (X, Γ) is plt and -(Kx + Γ)|s ~R (α M - (Kx + Γ))|s is ample, S is Fano type. Thus as -(Ks + Bs) ~ (M - (Kx + B))|s is nef, by Theorem 2.13, there is a natural number n divisible by I(G) and depending only on d, G such that Ks + Bs has an n-complement Ks + Bs^+  with Bs^+≥ Bs.

评论:此段处理 Kx + B 限制到S 上的情况(找“n-补”). 逐句评论:


Let Ks + Bs = (Kx + B)|s. 

---- 简化符号。


The coefficients of Bs belong to Φ(G)...

---- 此句较长,核心 Bs 的系数约束/规律。

---- 涉及两个外部“调用”。


Since (X, Γ) is plt and -(Kx + Γ)|s ~(α M - (Kx + Γ))|s is ample, S is Fano type. 

---- 粉色部分不就是 A ?

---- 看上去,A|s = α M - (Kx + Γ) -(Kx + Γ)|s 但文中的“~R”是怎么回事?

---- 明白了,也许是 M|s ~ 0 (而不是 M|s = 0) 引起了~R

概括: “(X, Γ) is plt” 结合 “-(Kx + Γ)|s is ample” 可推导出 “S is Fano type”来源待考。


Thus as -(Ks + Bs) ~ (M - (Kx + B))|s is nef...

---- 参第一段,“M - (Kx + B) ... is still nef...” 看来限制到S后,是保持 nef 的。


by Theorem 2.13... Ks + Bs has an n-complement Ks + Bs^+  with Bs^+≥ Bs.

---- 看上去,定理 2.13 是决定性的(“n-补”的存在性)。



小结:Step3的落点是“Ks + Bs has an n-complement Ks + Bs^+”,对应 “M - (Kx + B) ... is still nef...” 。

* * *


Leonhard Euler  Carl Friedrich Gauss  Grothendieck   

Glossary (AG) 



Abstract 8/4


  Boundedness of singular Fano varieties (1) 8/5

  Boundedness of singular Fano varieties (2) 8/6

  Boundedness of singular Fano varieties (3) 8/7

  Boundedness of singular Fano varieties (4) 8/8

  Boundedness of singular Fano varieties (5) 8/9

  Boundedness of singular Fano varieties (6) 8/9

  Jordan property of Cremona groups 8/10

  Lc thresholds of lR-linear systems   8/11

  Lc thresholds of anti-log canonical systems of Fano pairs (1)  8/12

  Lc thresholds of anti-log canonical systems of Fano pairs (2)  8/13

  Lc thresholds of R-linear systems with bounded degree  8/14

  Complements near a divisor  8/15


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