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已有 18354 次阅读 2011-1-26 23:03 |个人分类:重点推荐|系统分类:论文交流| 论文



  1. Cai JM, Kang ZM, Liu WW, Xu L, Sun Q, Zhang JH, Ohta S, Sun XJ*, Xu WG, Tao HY, Li RP. Hydrogen therapy reduces apoptosis in neonatal hypoxia-ischemia rat model. Neurosci lett. 2008; 441: 167–172. (if2.1) google sd  pdf  Cited By in Scopus
  2. Cai JM, Kang ZM, Liu K, Li RP, Zhang JH, Luo X, Sun XJ*. Neuroprotective effects of hydrogen saline in neonatal hypoxia-ischemia rat model. Brain Res. 2009;1256:129-137.(if2.2) google sd  pdf Cited By in Scopus
  3. Toft-Hansen H, Buist R, Sun XJ, Schellenberg A, Peeling J, Owens T*. Metalloproteinases control brain inflammation induced by pertussis toxin in mice overexpressing the chemokine CCL2 in the central nervous system. J Immunol. 2006;177(10):7242-7249. google www  pdf  Cited By in Scopus
  4. Li JS, Liu WW, Ding SJ, Xu WG, Guan YT, Zhang JH, Sun XJ*. Hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning induces tolerance against brain ischemia-reperfusion injury by upregulation of antioxidant enzymes in rats. Brain Res. 2008;1210:223-229. (if 2.2)google sd  pdf  Cited By in Scopus
  5. Mao YF, Zheng XF, Cai JM, You XM,Deng XM,Zhang JH,  Jiang L, Sun XJ*. Hydrogen-rich saline reduces lung injury induced by intestinal ischemia/reperfusion in rats. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2009; 381: 602-605 (if2.9) google  sd  pdf Cited By in Scopus
  6. Zheng XF, Mao YF, Cai JM, Li YH, Liu WW, Sun PL, Zhang JH, Sun XJ*, Yuan.HB Hydrogen-Rich Saline Protects against Intestinal Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Rats.Free Radical Res.2009 435:1-7. (if2.9) google free radical res  pdf Cited By in Scopus   
  7. Peng ZY, Ren P, Kang ZM, Du J, Lian QL, Liu Y, Zhang JH, Sun XJ*. Up-regulated HIF-1 is involved in the hypoxic tolerance induced by hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning.Brain Res. 2008;1212:71-78.( if 2.2) google  SD  pdf  Cited By in Scopus
  8. Gu GJ, Li YP, Peng ZY, Xu JJ, Kang ZM, Xu WG, Tao HY, Ostrowski RP, Zhang JH, Sun XJ*. Mechanism of ischemic tolerance induced by hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning involves up-regulation of hypoxia-inducible factor-1a and erythropoietin in rats. J Appl Physiol. 2008; 104(4):1185-1191. (if3.6) google www  pdf  Cited By in Scopus        
  9. Li Z, Liu WW, Kang ZM, Lv S, Han CH, Sun XJ*, Zhang JH. Mechanism of hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning in neonatal hypoxia-ischemia rat model. Brain Res. 2008;1196:151-156. (if 2.2) google sd  pdf  Cited By in Scopus         
  10. Li JS, Zhang W, Kang ZM, Liu WW, Ding SJ Zhang JH, Guan YT, Sun XJ*. Hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning reduces ischemia-reperfusion injury by inhibition of apoptosis via mitochondrial way in rat brain. Neuroscience. 2009;159:1309-15.(if3.4) google sd  pdf Cited By in Scopus
  11. Wang LP, Li WX, Kang ZM, Liu Y, Deng XM, Xu WG, Tao HY, Li RP, Zhang JH, Sun XJ*.Hyperbaric Oxygen Preconditioning Attenuates Early Apoptosis after Spinal Cord Ischemia in Rats. J Neurotrauma. 2009; 26 : 55-66. (if3.6) google medline  liebertonline  pdf  Cited By in Scopus
  12. Han CH, Lin L, Zhang WD, Zhang L, Lv SJ, Sun Q, Tao HY, Zhang JH, Sun XJ*. Hyperbaric oxygen pretreatment accelerates angiogenesis and alleviates myocardial ischemia in rats. Exp Biol Med.2008; 233: 1448-1453. (if1.9) google www  pdf Cited By in Scopus
  13. Liu WW, Li JS, Sun XJ*, Liu K, Zhang JH, Xu WG, Tao HY. Effect of repetitive hyperbaric oxygen exposures on latency to convulsion and the role of NOS. Brain Res. 2008;1201:128-134.  (if 2.2)google sd  pdf Cited By in Scopus
  14. Chen H, Sun XJ, Wang Q. Hydrogen-rich saline ameliorates the severity of L-arginine-induced acute pancreatitis in rats. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2010; pdf google Cited By in Scopus
  15. Sun Q, Kang ZM, Cai JM, Liu WW, Liu Y, Zhang JH, Denoblec PJ, Tao HY*, Sun XJ*.Hydrogen-rich saline protects myocardium against ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats Exp Biol Med.2009; 234:1212-1219 pdf google Cited By in Scopus
  16. Ren P, Kang ZM, Liu Y, Ji H, Sun XJ*, Zhang JH. Hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning increases rat liver regeneration by promoting angiogenesis.life sci.2008; 83:236-241.(if 2.3) sd  pdf  google Cited By in Scopus
  17. Xu JJ, Peng ZY, Li RP, Dou TH, Xu WG,Gu GJ, Liu Y, Kang ZM, Tao HY, Zhang JH, Ostrowski RP, Lu J, Sun XJ*. Normoxic induction of cerebral HIF-1<alpha> by acetazolamide in rats: role of acidosis. Neurosci lett 2009; 451:374-278. (if2.1)google SD  pdf  Cited By in Scopus
  18. Chen H, Sun YP, Hu PF, Liu WW, Xiang HG, Li Y,Yan RL, Su N, Ruan CP, Sun XJ*, Wang Q*.The effects of hydrogen-rich saline on the contractile and structural changes of intestine induced by ischemia-reperfusion in rats. J Surg Res.2009; in press pdf google
  19. Huang ZX, Kang ZM, Gu GJ, Peng GN, Liu Y, Tao HY, Xu WG, Sun XJ*, Zhang JH. Therapeutic effects of hyperbaric oxygen in a rat model of endothelin-1-induced focal cerebral ischemia. Brain Res. 2007;1153:204-213. (if2.2) google sd  pdf  Cited By in Scopus
  20. Wang RB, Xu JJ, Xie JX , Kang ZM, Sun XJ, Chen N, Liu L, Xu JJ*. Hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning promotes survival of retinal ganglion cells in a rat model of optic nerve crush.  J Neurotrauma.   2010; 27 (4), pp. 763-770 投稿 Cited By in Scopus
  21. Li J, Wang C, Zhang JH, Cai JM, Cao YP, Sun XJ*. Hydrogen-rich Saline Improves Memory Function in a Rat Model of Amyloid-beta-induced Alzheimer’s Disease by Reduction of Oxidative Stress.Brain res. 2010; pdf google Scopus
  22. Sun Q, Sun Q, Liu Y, Sun XJ, Tao HY*. Anti-Apoptotic Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen Preconditioning on a Rat Model of Myocardial Infarction. J Surg Res.2010; pdf  google Scopus
  23. Liu XR, Liu WW, Sun XJ, Liu K, Xu JJ, Lv YH, Yan SK, Zhang WD, Xu WG. Effects of hyperbaric oxygen on uric acid and arachidonic acid: metabolomic study in rats and human. 2010; in press  google
  24. Wang YX, Xu WG, Sun XJ, Chen YZ, Liu XY, Tang H, Jiang CL*. Fever of recombinant human interferon-alpha is mediated by opioid domain interaction with opioid receptor inducing prostaglandin E2.J Neuroimmunol. 2004;156(1-2):107-12  google sd  pdf Cited By in Scopus
  25. Tang QJ, Tao KZ, Liu Y, Sun XJ, Geng MY, Jiang CL. Immunocytochemical localization of secretory component in Paneth cell secretory granules-rat Paneth cells participate in acquired immunity.J Mol Histol. 2005;36(5):331-335. google springer  pdf Cited By in Scopus
  26. Matchett GA, Fathali N, Hasegawa Y, Jadhav V, Ostrowski RP, Martin RD, Dorotta IR, Sun XJ, Zhang JH*. Hydrogen gas is ineffective in moderate and severe neonatal hypoxia-ischemia rat models, Brain Res. 2009;1259: 90-7 google sd  pdf Cited By in Scopus
  27. Li Q, Guo ML, Xu X, Xiao X, Xu WG, Sun XJ, Tao HY, Li RP*. Rapid Decrease of GAD 67 Content Before the Convulsion Induced by Hyperbaric Oxygen Exposure. Neurochem Res. 2008;33(1):185-193. google www  pdf Cited By in Scopus
  28. Xu WG*, Tao HY, Liu Y, Sun XJ, Jiang CL. Immune function in rats following repetitive exposures to 7 ATA air.  Aviat Space Environ Med. 2007;78(4):368-73. google rubicon-foundation  pdf Cited By in Scopus
  29. Liu W, Zhang J, Ma C, Liu Y, Li R, Sun X, Zhang J, Xu WG*. Dual effects of hyperbaric oxygen on proliferation and cytotoxic T lymphocyte activity of rat splenic lymphocytes. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2009 May-Jun;36(3):155-60. pdf google
  30. Xu XF, Wang ZZ, Li Q, Xiao X, Lian QL, Xu WG, Sun XJ, Tao HY, Li RP. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression is progressively increased in primary cerebral microvascular endothelial cells during hyperbaric oxygen exposure. Oxidative Medicine & Cellular Longevity, 2009, 2(1): 7-13.pdf
  31. Shen MH, Cai JM, Sun Q, He J, Sun XJ, Huo ZL. Hydrogen as a novel and effective treatment of acute carbon monoxide poisoning. Medical Hypotheses.2010 pdf in press
  32. Xu J, Zhou JR, Cai JM, Zhu Z, Sun XJ, Jiang CL.Anti-inflammation effects of hydrogen saline in LPS activated macrophages and carrageenan induced paw oedema. Inflammation Res.2009 in press pdf
  33. Chen CW, Chen QB, Mao YF, Xu SM, Xia CY, Shi XY, Zhang JH, Yuan HB, Sun XJ*. Hydrogen-rich saline protects against spinal cord injury in rats.Neurochem Res. 2010;in press pdf   Cited in Scopus
  34. Liu Q, Shen WF, Sun HY, Fan DF, Nakao A, Cai JM, Yan G, Zhou WP, Shen RX, Yang JM, Sun XJ*. Hydrogen-Rich Saline Protects against Liver Injury in Rats with Obstructive Jaundice.Liver International 2010; 30(7):958-68 pdf
  35. Zhang P, Liu W, Kang Z, Cai J, Wang Q, Wang S, Zhang JH, Sun XJ*. Sulforaphane Protects Brains against Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury through Induction of Nrf2-Dependent Phase 2 Enzyme. Brain res 2010.pdf 111
  36. Zheng J, Liu K. Sun XJ*. Saturated hydrogen saline protects lung against oxygen toxicity. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2010; 37(3):185-92
  37. Huang JL,Sun XJ*. Through increasing cerebral blood flow acetazolamide aggravates central nervous system oxygen toxicity of rats. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2010; 37(5):271-80 pdf
  38. Fan DF, Liu K, Xu WG, et al. Hyperbaric oxygen preconditioning reduces the incidence of decompression sickness in rats: nitric oxide might be involved. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2010; 37(3):173-80 pdf
  39. Zheng J, Fang J, Yin YJ, Wang XC, Ren AJ, Bai J, Sun XJ*, Yuan WJ, Lin L. Leptin protects cardiomyocytes from serum-deprivation-induced apoptosis by increasing anti-oxidant defence. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol, 2010 pdf1
  40. Chen QB Sun XJ*. Hydrogen-rich saline attenuated neuropathic pain by reducing oxidative stress and BDNF in spinal cord in a chronic constriction injury rat model. Brain res.2010;35(7):1111-8.pdf
  41. Liu SL, Tao HY, Sun Q, Sun XJ*. Oral administration of mannitol may be an effective treatment for ischemia-reperfusion injury. Medical Hypotheses. 2010; in press pdf
  42. Zhang YF, Sun Q, He B, Xiao J, Wang ZN, Sun XJ*. Anti-inflammatory effect of hydrogen-rich saline in a rat model of regional myocardial ischemia and reperfusion. International Journal of Cardiology.2010; in press pdf
  43. Sun Q, Cai JM, Liu SL, Liu Y, Xu WG, Tao HY, Sun XJ*. Hydrogen-rich saline provides protection against hyperoxic lung injury. J Surg Res. 2011;165:e43–e49  pdf offprint
  44. Chen X, Sun XJ*. Lactulose: an indirect antioxidant ameliorating inflammatory bowel disease by increasing hydrogen production. Medical Hypotheses 2010 pdf1
  45. Sun H, Chen L, Zhou W, Hu L, Li L, Tu Q, Chang Y, Liu Q, Sun X, Wu M, Wang H.The Protective Role of Hydrogen -Rich Saline in Experimental Liver Injury in Mice. J Hepatology. 2010; in press
  46. Sun Q, Cai JM,Zhou JR,Tao HY,Zhang JH,Zhang W,Sun XJ*.Hydrogen-rich saline reduces delayed neurologic sequelae in experimental carbon monoxide toxicity. Critical Care medicine. 2010 in press
  47. Wang F, Yu G, Liu SY, Li JB, Wang JF, Bo LL, Sun XJ*, Deng XM..Hydrogen-rich saline protects against renal ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats. J Surg Res.2010; in press pdf
  48. Fang Y. Fu XJ, Gu C, Xu P, Wang Y, Yu WR, Sun Q, Sun XJ*, Yao M. Hydrogen-Rich Saline Protects against Acute Lung Injury Induced by Extensive Burn in Rat Model. J Burn Care Res.in press
  49. Liu Y, Xue F, Liu GK, Wang X, Liu Y, Liu WW, Xu L, Sun XJ*. Helium preconditioning attenuates hypoxia/ischemia-induced injury in the developing brain. Brain res. 2011. in press
  50. Liu SL, Liu K, Sun Q, Liu WW, Xu WG, Denoble P, Tao HY, Sun XJ*. Consumption of hydrogen water reduces paraquat-induced acute lung injury in rats. J Biomed Biotechnol. 2011;
  51. Toft-Hansen, H; Buist, R; Sun, XJ; et al.Metalloproteinases control brain inflammation induced by pertussis toxin in mice overexpressing the chemokine CCL2 in the CNS.2006 Journal of Neuroimmunology.178: 146-146(会议)
  52. Sun, XJ; Yuan, HB; Mao, YF. HYDROGEN-RICH SALINE PROTECTS AGAINST INTESTINAL ISCHEMIA/REPERFUSION INJURY IN RATS. Journal of Physiological Sciences. 2009; 59: 160-160(会议)
  53.  Sun, XJ; Mei, CJ; Kang, ZM. HYDROGEN-RICH WATER THERAPY ON NEONATAL HYPOXIA-ISCHEMIA RAT: SHORT AND LONG-TERM EFFECTS. Journal of Physiological Sciences. 2009; 59: 160-160(会议)
  54.  Sun, Q; Sun, XJ; Tao, HY; et al. HYDROGEN-RICH SALINE PROTECTS MYOCARDIUM AGAINST ISCHEMIA/REPERFUSION INJURY IN RATS. Journal of Physiological Sciences. 2009; 59: 318-318 (会议)




1.    Zheng XF, Sun XJ, Xia ZF  Hydrogen Resuscitation, a New Cytoprotective Approach.   Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol.2011; http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1440-1681.2011.05479.x/abstract

2.   Wang C, Li J, Liu Q, Yang R, Zhang JH, Cao YP, Sun XJ*. Hydrogen-rich Saline Reduces Oxidative Stress and Inflammation by Inhibit of JNK and NF-κB Activation in a Rat Model of Amyloid-beta-induced Alzheimer's Disease. Neurosci Lett. 2011 Jan 13. [Epub ahead of print]pdf

3.   Wang Y, Jing L, Zhao XM, Han JJ, Xia ZL, Qin SC, Wu YP, Sun XJ.Protective effects of hydrogen-rich saline on monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension in a rat model. Respir Res. 2011 Mar 4;12:26.pdf

4.    Ji Q, Hui K, Zhang L, Sun X, Li W, Duan M.The Effect of Hydrogen-Rich Saline on the Brain of Rats with Transient Ischemia. J Surg Res. 2011 Mar 2. [Epub ahead of print]pdf

5.    Shen L, Wang J, Liu  K, Wang CZ, Wang CT, Wu HW, Sun Q, Sun XJ, Jing H.Hydrogen-Rich Saline is Cerebroprotective in a Rat Model of Deep Hypothermic Circulatory Arrest. Neurochem Res DOI 10.1007/s11064-011-0476-4pdf

6.      Song G, Tian H, Liu J, Zhang H, Sun X, Qin S. H(2) inhibits TNF-α-induced lectin-like oxidized LDL receptor-1 expression by inhibiting nuclear factor κB activation in endothelial cells. Biotechnol Lett. 2011 May 5. [Epub ahead of print] pdf

7.      Yu P,  Wang Z,  Sun X, Chen X,  Zeng S, Chen L , Li S. Hydrogen-rich medium protects human skin fibroblasts from high glucose or mannitol induced oxidative damage. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2011 pdf


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