我在罗马的断壁残垣前常遐想昔日盛况。作者给出了古建筑损毁的四大原因,时间和自然的损害(the injuries of time and nature),蛮族和基督徒的敌意攻击(the hostile attacks of the Barbarians and Christians),对材料的利用和滥用(the use and abuse of the materials)和罗马人的内部纷争(the domestic quarrels of the Romans)。作者特别指出,最后一点是最主要原因,虽然与第三点有耦合。建筑如此,罗马帝国本身也如此,其衰亡的最主要因素是帝国内部的腐败和分裂,基督教的兴起和蛮族的入侵也加速了罗马帝国的衰亡。这完全在情理之中,如中学要背诵全文的杜牧《阿房宫赋》所谓,“灭六国者,六国也,非秦也;族秦者,秦也,非天下也。”或者同样是中学学过的,“内因是变化的依据,外因是变化的条件,外因通过内容起作用。”
附录:The History of The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire最后一段
Of these pilgrims, and of every reader, the attention will be excited by a History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; the greatest, perhaps, and most awful scene in the history of mankind. The various causes and progressive effects are connected with many of the events most interesting in human annals: the artful policy of the Caesars, who long maintained the name and image of a free republic; the disorders of military despotism; the rise, establishment, and sects of Christianity; the foundation of Constantinople; the division of the monarchy; the invasion and settlements of the Barbarians of Germany and Scythia; the institutions of the civil law; the character and religion of Mahomet; the temporal sovereignty of the popes; the restoration and decay of the Western empire of Charlemagne; the crusades of the Latins in the East: the conquests of the Saracens and Turks; the ruin of the Greek empire; the state and revolutions of Rome in the middle age. The historian may applaud the importance and variety of his subject; but while he is conscious of his own imperfections, he must often accuse the deficiency of his materials. It was among the ruins of the Capitol that I first conceived the idea of a work which has amused and exercised near twenty years of my life, and which, however inadequate to my own wishes, I finally delivered to the curiosity and candor of the public.
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