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说说安评证书背后的职业伦理 精选

已有 4551 次阅读 2015-8-21 21:13 |个人分类:消防时评|系统分类:观点评述| 伦理学, 行业协会, 环保资质








在这件纵火案之前,我们(消防工作者)讨论伦理学时用的是韩国锦湖轮胎在美国的诉讼案(一位几十年研究轮胎的高级技师,是否有资格作专家证词?答案是否定的,他日常从事的是简单重复的工作,没有发表文章,因此不足以对技术问题发表专家意见。),和Daubert Challenge (一个有无数药理学文章支持的药物是否就是没有问题的?“学术”文章虽多,如果没有经过同行评议,仍然是Junk Science/垃圾科学,不能当作专家意见。所以引用文章的档次要高,证明这是经过严格的同行评议才行)。








Canon of Ethics for Fire ProtectionEngineers

Section I - Preamble

Fire protection engineering is an important learnedprofession. The members of the profession recognize that their work has adirect and vital impact on the quality of life for all people. Accordingly, theservices provided by fire protection engineers require honesty, impartiality,fairness and equity, and must be dedicated to the protection and enhancement ofthe public safety, health and welfare; and the environment. In the practice oftheir profession, fire protection engineers must maintain and constantlyimprove their competence and perform under a standard of professional behaviorwhich requires adherence to the highest principles of ethical conduct withbalanced regard for the interests of the public, clients, employers,colleagues, and the profession. Fire protection engineers are expected to actin accordance with this Code and all applicable laws and actively encourageothers to do so.

Section II - Fundamental Principles

Fire protection engineers uphold and advance the honor andintegrity of their profession by:

I. Using their knowledge and skill for the enhancement ofhuman welfare;
II. Being honest and impartial, and serving with fidelity the public, theiremployers, and clients;
III. Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the fire protectionengineering profession.

Section III - Knowledge and Skill

Canon 1

Fire protection engineers shall be dedicated to the safety,health, and welfare of the public in the performance of their professionalduties. If fire protection engineers become knowledgeable of hazardousconditions that threaten the present or future safety, health or welfare of thepublic, then they shall so advise their employers or clients. Should knowledgeof such conditions not be properly acted upon, then fire protection engineersshall notify the appropriate public authority.

Canon 2

Fire protection engineers shall consider the consequences oftheir work and societal issues pertinent to it and shall seek to extend publicunderstanding of those relationships.

Canon 3

Fire protection engineers shall be encouraged to contributeservices for the advancement of the safety, health and welfare of the communityand support worthy causes.

Canon 4 (adopted4/3/08, revised 1/8/10)

Fire protection engineers shall perform their professionalduties in such a manner that considers the consequences to the environment.

Section IV – Honesty and Impartiality

Canon 5

Fire protection engineers shall perform professionalservices only in the areas of their competence and after full disclosure oftheir pertinent qualifications.

Canon 6 (revised1/8/10)

Fire protection engineers shall be honest in presentingtheir professional qualifications, data and estimates, professional opinions andconclusions, and in their public statements dealing with professional matters.Fire protection engineers shall not engage in improper solicitation ofprofessional employment or contracts.

Canon 7

Fire protection engineers shall act in professional mattersfor each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees and shall notdisclose confidential information concerning the business affairs or technicalprocesses of any present or former client or employer without consent.

Canon 8 (revised1/8/10)

Fire protection engineers' decisions shall be made andactions taken without bias because of race, religion, sex, age, nationalorigin, sexual orientation or disabilities.

Canon 9

Fire protection engineers shall make prior disclosure to allinterested parties of all known or potential conflicts of interest or othercircumstances which could influence or appear to influence their judgment orthe quality of their service.

Section V – Competence and Prestige

Canon 10

Fire protection engineers shall perform services andassociate with others only in such a manner as to uphold and enhance the honorand integrity of the profession.

Canon 11

Fire protection engineers shall continue their professionaldevelopment throughout their careers and shall provide opportunities for theprofessional development of those engineers under their supervision.

Canon 12 (revised1/8/10)

Fire protection engineers having knowledge of any allegedviolation of these Canons shall cooperate with the proper authorities infurnishing such information or assistance as may be required.

Canon 13

Fire protection engineers shall accept responsibility fortheir actions, seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of work, properlycredit the contributions of others, and shall not accept credit for the work ofothers.

Canon 14

Fire protection engineers shall strive to advance theknowledge and skills of the profession and to make these advancements availableto colleagues, clients, and the public.

Canon 15 (adopted9/17/92, revised 04/03/08, deleted 1/8/10)


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