据物理学家组织网(Phys.org)2017年7月21日转载来自美国国际商用机器公司(IBM)的消息,科学家在地球上观察到重力异常现象,有关研究结果于2017年7月19日已经在《自然》(Nature)杂志网站发表——Johannes Gooth, Anna C. Niemann, Tobias Meng, Adolfo G. Grushin, Karl Landsteiner, Bernd Gotsmann, Fabian Menges, Marcus Schmidt, Chandra Shekhar, Vicky Süß, Ruben Hühne, Bernd Rellinghaus, Claudia Felser, Binghai Yan, Kornelius Nielsch. Experimental signatures of the mixed axial–gravitational anomaly in the Weyl semimetal NbP. Nature, 2017, 547:324–327. DOI: 10.1038/nature23005. 图1就是IBM研究院(IBM Research)提供的UAM/CSIC理论物理研究所(Instituto de Fisica Teorica)的弦理论教授卡尔·兰德斯泰纳博士(Prof. Dr. Karl Landsteiner)、同时也是上述《自然》杂志论文的合作者为了解释重力异常所勾画的图示。
Fig.1 Prof. Dr. Karl Landsteiner, a string theorist at the Instituto de Fisica Teorica UAM/CSIC and co-author of the paper made this graphic to explain the gravitational anomaly. Credit: IBM Research
参加此项研究的科学家包括来自德国汉堡大学(Universität Hamburg)纳米结构与固态物理研究所、瑞士苏黎世IBM研究院(IBM Research -Zurich)、德国金属材料研究院德累斯顿的莱布尼兹固态和材料研究所(Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden, Institute for Metallic Materials)、德国德累斯顿工业大学(Technical University Dresden)理论物理研究所、美国加利福尼亚大学(University of California)物理系、西班牙马德里自治大学(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)理论物理研究所(Instituto de Física Teórica UAM/CSIC)、德国马克斯·普朗克固态化学物理研究所(Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids)以及以色列魏茨曼科学研究学院(Weizmann Institute of Science)凝聚态物理系的研究人员。
现代物理学特别是量子物理学,已经使我们习惯于现实的奇怪的和违反直觉的概念,量子物理学以离开物理对象的奇怪叠加态而著名。例如,薛定谔猫(Schrödinger's cat),他发现自己无法判断其是死是活。然而有时量子力学是更果断的、甚至是破坏性的。
对其历史的绝大部分而言,这些量子异常被局限于基本粒子物理学探索的范畴,巨大加速器实验室如瑞士欧洲核子研究中心的大型强子对撞机(Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland)。然而,现在一种新型的材料,即所谓的威尔半金属(Weyl semimetals,NbP)新形式,类似于三维石墨烯,允许我们把对称破坏量子异常表达成日常工作现象,如电流的创建。
Fig. 2 An international team of scientists have verified a fundamental effect in a crystal that had been previously only thought to be observable in the deep universe. The experiments have verified a quantum anomaly that had been experimentally elusive before. The results are appearing in the journal Nature. Credit: Robert Strasser, Kees Scherer; collage: Michael Büker
图2是罗伯特·施特拉塞尔(Robert Strasser)、凯斯·舍雷尔(Kees Scherer)以及迈克尔·巴克(Michael Büker)提供的照片。一个国际性的科学家小组已经验证了晶体中一种基本效应,此晶体先前只认为是在宇宙深处可观测的。实验已经验证了一种之前一直在实验上难以捉摸量子异常。相关研究结果已经于2017年7月19日在《自然》(Nature)杂志网站发表。
IBM研究院的科学家、同时也是上述论文的主要作者约翰尼斯·古奇博士(Dr. Johannes Gooth)说:“对于第一次而言,我们在实验上已经观察到这个地球上基本量子异常,对我们更好地了解宇宙是非常重要的。我们现在可以基于此异常来构建一种新的固态设备,而这种异常以前从未被认为是在经典电子设备如晶体管内潜在的规避固有的一些问题。”
UAM/CSIC理论物理研究所(Instituto de Fisica Teorica UAM/CSIC)的弦理论家、教授、也是上述研究论文的合作者卡尔·兰德斯泰纳博士(Dr. Karl Landsteiner)说:“这是一个令人难以置信、而又激动人心的发现。我们可以清楚地得出结论,在任何物理系统中都可以观察到相同的对称性破坏,无论是发生在宇宙的开始或正在今天发生,恰恰就是在地球上。”
Scientists observe gravitational anomaly on Earth;
New breakthrough discovery—every quantum particle travels backwards
The conservation laws, such as those of charge, energy and momentum, have a central role in physics. In some special cases, classical conservation laws are broken at the quantum level by quantum fluctuations, in which case the theory is said to have quantum anomalies1. One of the most prominent examples is the chiral anomaly2, 3, which involves massless chiral fermions. These particles have their spin, or internal angular momentum, aligned either parallel or antiparallel with their linear momentum, labelled as left and right chirality, respectively. In three spatial dimensions, the chiral anomaly is the breakdown (as a result of externally applied parallel electric and magnetic fields4) of the classical conservation law that dictates that the number of massless fermions of each chirality are separately conserved. The current that measures the difference between left- and right-handed particles is called the axial current and is not conserved at the quantum level. In addition, an underlying curved space-time provides a distinct contribution to a chiral imbalance, an effect known as the mixed axial–gravitational anomaly1, but this anomaly has yet to be confirmed experimentally. However, the presence of a mixed gauge–gravitational anomaly has recently been tied to thermoelectrical transport in a magnetic field5, 6, even in flat space-time, suggesting that such types of mixed anomaly could be experimentally probed in condensed matter systems known as Weyl semimetals7. Here, using a temperature gradient, we observe experimentally a positive magneto-thermoelectric conductance in the Weyl semimetal niobium phosphide (NbP) for collinear temperature gradients and magnetic fields that vanishes in the ultra-quantum limit, when only a single Landau level is occupied. This observation is consistent with the presence of a mixed axial–gravitational anomaly, providing clear evidence for a theoretical concept that has so far eluded experimental detection.
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