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Nat.:铁催化+阳光将CO2转化为甲烷 精选

已有 9280 次阅读 2017-7-21 22:02 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:博客资讯| 甲烷, CO2, 铁配合物催化剂



前文介绍了将CO2转化为碳纳米管的新技术——清理CO2排放可创造价值数十万亿美金的利润本文再介绍来自《自然》(Nature)杂志网站的另一则新成果。法国(Université Paris Diderot)和阿根廷(Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina)的研究人员合作,利用铁配合物(作为催化剂)和太阳光可以将CO2转化为甲烷。详见Heng Rao, Luciana C. Schmidt, Julien Bonin, Marc Robert. Visible-light-driven methane formation from CO2 with a molecular iron catalyst. Nature, 2017, DOI: 10.1038/nature23016.1就是来自《自然》杂志发表的论文中利用铁化合物(作为催化剂)和太阳光可以将CO2转化为甲烷机理图示。

Fig. 1 Sketch of the proposed mechanism for CO2 reduction to CH4 by catalyst 1. Credit: Nature (2017). DOI: 10.1038/nature23016

来自法国巴黎狄德罗大学Université Paris Diderot来自阿根廷科尔多瓦国立大学(Universidad Nacional de Córdoba研究人员合作,已经发现了一种可以用来将CO2转换成甲烷的化学反应过程。他们的论文2017717日已在《自然》杂志网站发表,研究小组描述了他们的技术是怎样工作的以及他们对其进行改进一些想法。


技术涉及到对于CO2乙腈CH3CN)溶液照射,CH3CN具有可以提供的单电子,一种光敏剂和一种四苯基铁卟啉配合物(iron tetraphenylporphyrin催化剂。此配合物是用四苯基卟啉基团功能化的一种配合物。被阳光照射持续几个小时,此过程会导致甲烷(CH4)、CO及H2产生

研究人员承认,这个过程是非常低效的,因为生产产品实际上CO含量占82%而且此过程也非常慢,产生CH4的速度为12 g/h。但是该研究团队认为使用修改后的两步过程即可得到更高效研究人员指出,他们还使用纯洁CO2进行了相关研究。研究团队还计划更好地了解在反应过程中实际究竟发生了什么反应,他们知道在此过程第一步就是CO2结合,但它究竟是如何发生加氢反应的仍然不清楚。更多信息请注意浏览原文或者相关报道

Converting carbon dioxide to methane using iron and sunlight

New photocatalyst speeds up the conversion of carbon dioxide into chemical resources

Converting CO2 into fuel or chemical feedstock compounds could in principle reduce fossil fuel consumption and climate-changing CO2 emissions. One strategy aims for electrochemical conversions powered by electricity from renewable sources, but photochemical approaches driven by sunlight are also conceivable. A considerable challenge in both approaches is the development of efficient and selective catalysts, ideally based on cheap and Earth-abundant elements rather than expensive precious metals. Of the molecular photo- and electrocatalysts reported, only a few catalysts are stable and selective for CO2 reduction; moreover, these catalysts produce primarily CO or HCOOH, and catalysts capable of generating even low to moderate yields of highly reduced hydrocarbons remain rare. Here we show that an iron tetraphenylporphyrin complex functionalized with trimethylammonio groups, which is the most efficient and selective molecular electro- catalyst for converting CO2 to CO known, can also catalyse the eight-electron reduction of CO2 to methane upon visible light irradiation at ambient temperature and pressure. We find that the catalytic system, operated in an acetonitrile solution containing a photosensitizer and sacrificial electron donor, operates stably over several days. CO is the main product of the direct CO2 photoreduction reaction, but a two-pot procedure that first reduces CO2 and then reduces CO generates methane with a selectivity of up to 82 per cent and a quantum yield (light-to-product efficiency) of 0.18 per cent. However, we anticipate that the operating principles of our system may aid the development of other molecular catalysts for the production of solar fuels from CO2 under mild conditions.


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