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已有 5412 次阅读 2012-2-21 21:51 |系统分类:科研笔记| 欧洲专利公约














Article 10 Management

(1) The European Patent Office shall be managed by the President,who shall be responsible for its activities to the Administrative Council.

(2) To this end, the President shall have in particular the followingfunctions and powers:

(a) he shall take all necessary steps to ensure the functioning ofthe European Patent Office, including the adoption of internal administrativeinstructions and information to the public;

(b) unless this Convention provides otherwise, he shall prescribewhich acts are to be performed at the European Patent Office in Munich and itsbranch at The Hague respectively;

(c) he may submit to the Administrative Council any proposal foramending this Convention, for general regulations, or for decisions which comewithin the competence of the Administrative Council;

(d) he shall prepare and implement the budget and any amending orsupplementary budget;

(e) he shall submit a management report to the AdministrativeCouncil each year;

(f) he shall exercise supervisory authority over the staff;

(g) subject to Article 11, he shall appoint the employees and decideon their promotion;

(h) he shall exercise disciplinary authority over the employeesother than those referred to in Article 11, and may propose disciplinary actionto the Administrative Council with regard to employees referred to in Article11, paragraphs 2 and 3;

(i) he may delegate his functions and powers.

(3) The President shall be assisted by a number of Vice-Presidents.If the President is absent or indisposed, one of the Vice-Presidents shall takehis place in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Administrative Council.







Article 11

Appointment of senior employees

(1)The President of the European PatentOffice shall be appointed by the Administrative Council.

(2)The Vice‑Presidents shall be appointed bythe Administrative Council after the President of the European Patent Officehas been consulted.

(3)The members, including the Chairmen, ofthe Boards of Appeal and of the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall be appointed bythe Administrative Council on a proposal from the President of the EuropeanPatent Office. They may be re‑appointed by the Administrative Council after thePresident of the European Patent Office has been consulted.

(4)The Administrative Council shall exercisedisciplinary authority over the employees referred to in paragraphs 1to 3.

(5)The Administrative Council, afterconsulting the President of the European Patent Office, may also appoint asmembers of the Enlarged Board of Appeal legally qualified members of thenational courts or quasi‑judicial authorities of the Contracting States, whomay continue their judicial activities at the national level. They shall be appointedfor a term of three years and may be re-appointed.



Article 12 Duties of office

Employees of the European Patent Office shall be bound, even afterthe termination of their employment, neither to disclose nor to make use ofinformation which by its nature is a professional secret.




Article 13 Disputes between the Organisation and the employees ofthe European Patent Office

(1)Employees and former employees of theEuropean Patent Office or their successors in title may apply to theAdministrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization in the case ofdisputes with the European Patent Organisation, in accordance with the Statuteof the Tribunal and within the limits and subject to the conditions laid downin the Service Regulations for permanent employees or the Pension SchemeRegulations or arising from the conditions of employment of otheremployees.

(2)An appeal shall only be admissible if theperson concerned has exhausted such other means of appeal as are available tohim under the Service Regulations, the Pension Scheme Regulations or theconditions of employment.












Article 14 Languagesof the European Patent Office, European patent applications and other documents

(1)The official languages of the European Patent Office shall beEnglish, French and German.

(2)A European patent application shall befiled in one of the official languages or, if filed in any other language,translated into one of the official languages in accordance with theImplementing Regulations. Throughout the proceedings before the European PatentOffice, such translation may be brought into conformity with the application asfiled. If a required translation is not filed in due time, the applicationshall be deemed to be withdrawn.

(3)The official language of the EuropeanPatent Office in which the European patent application is filed or into whichit is translated shall be used as the language of the proceedings in allproceedings before the European Patent Office, unless the ImplementingRegulations provide otherwise.

(4)Natural or legal persons having theirresidence or principal place of business within a Contracting State having alanguage other than English, French or German as an official language, andnationals of that State who are resident abroad, may file documents which haveto be filed within a time limit in an official language of that State. Theyshall, however, file a translation in an official language of the EuropeanPatent Office in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. If any document,other than those documents making up the European patent application, is notfiled in the prescribed language, or if any required translation is not filedin due time, the document shall be deemed not to have been filed.

(5)European patent applications shall bepublished in the language of the proceedings.

(6)Specifications of European patents shallbe published in the language of the proceedings and shall include a translationof the claims in the other two official languages of the European PatentOffice.

(7)The following shall be published in thethree official languages of the European Patent Office:

(a)the European Patent Bulletin;

(b)the Official Journal of the EuropeanPatent Office.

(8)Entries in the European Patent Registershall be made in the three official languages of the European Patent Office. Incases of doubt, the entry in the language of the proceedings shall beauthentic.










Article 15 Departments entrusted with  the procedure

To carry out the procedures laid down in this Convention, thefollowing shall be set up within the European Patent Office:

(a)a Receiving Section;

(b)Search Divisions;

(c)Examining Divisions;

(d)Opposition Divisions;

(e)a Legal Division;

(f)Boards of Appeal;

(g)an Enlarged Board of Appeal.



Article 16 Receiving Section

The Receiving Section shall be responsible for the examination onfiling and the examination as to formal requirements of European patentapplications.



Article 17 Search Divisions

The Search Divisions shall be responsible for drawing up Europeansearch reports.




Article 18 Examining Divisions

(1)The Examining Divisions shall beresponsible for the examination of European patent applications.

(2) An ExaminingDivision shall consist of three technically qualified examiners. However,before a decision is taken on a European patent application, its examinationshall, as a general rule, be entrusted to one member of the Examining Division.Oral proceedings shall be before the Examining Division itself. If theExamining Division considers that the nature of the decision so requires, itshall be enlarged by the addition of a legally qualified examiner. In the eventof parity of votes, the vote of the Chairman of the Examining Division shall bedecisive.




Article 19 Opposition Divisions

(1)The Opposition Divisions shall beresponsible for the examination of oppositions against any Europeanpatent.

(2)An Opposition Division shall consist ofthree technically qualified examiners, at least two of whom shall not havetaken part in the proceedings for grant of the patent to which the oppositionrelates. An examiner who has taken part in the proceedings for the grant of theEuropean patent may not be the Chairman. Before a decision is taken on theopposition, the Opposition Division may entrust the examination of theopposition to one of its members. Oral proceedings shall be before theOpposition Division itself. If the Opposition Division considers that thenature of the decision so requires, it shall be enlarged by the addition of alegally qualified examiner who shall not have taken part in the proceedings forgrant of the patent. In the event of parity of votes, the vote of the Chairmanof the Opposition Division shall be decisive.




Article 20 Legal Division

(1)The Legal Division shall be responsiblefor decisions in respect of entries in the Register of European Patents and inrespect of registration on, and deletion from, the list of professionalrepresentatives.

(2)Decisions of the Legal Division shall betaken by one legally qualified member.











Article 21  Boards of Appeal

(1)The Boards of Appeal shall be responsiblefor the examination of appeals from decisions of the Receiving Section, theExamining Divisions and Opposition Divisions, and the Legal Division.

(2)For appeals from decisions of theReceiving Section or the Legal Division, a Board of Appeal shall consist ofthree legally qualified members.

(3)For appeals from a decision of anExamining Division, a Board of Appeal shall consist of:

(a)two technically qualified members andone legally qualified member, when the decision concerns the refusal of aEuropean patent application or the grant, limitation or revocation of aEuropean patent, and was taken by an Examining Division consisting of less thanfour members;

(b)three technically and two legallyqualified members, when the decision was taken by an Examining Divisionconsisting of four members, or when the Board of Appeal considers that thenature of the appeal so requires;

(c)three legally qualified members in allother cases.

(4)For appeals from a decision of anOpposition Division, a Board of Appeal shall consist of:

(a)two technically qualified members andone legally qualified member, when the decision was taken by an Opposition Divisionconsisting of three members;

(b)three technically and two legallyqualified members, when the decision was taken by an Opposition Divisionconsisting of four members, or when the Board of Appeal considers that thenature of the appeal so requires.







Article 22 Enlarged Board of  Appeal

(1)The Enlarged Board of Appeal shall beresponsible for:  

(a)deciding on points of law referred to itby Boards of Appeal under Article 112;

(b)giving opinions on points of lawreferred to it by the President of the European Patent Office under Article 112;

(c)deciding on petitions for review ofdecisions of the Boards of Appeal under Article 112a.

(2)In proceedings under paragraph 1(a) and (b),the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall consist of five legally and two technicallyqualified members. In proceedings under paragraph 1(c),the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall consist of three or five members as laiddown in the Implementing Regulations. In all proceedings, a legally qualifiedmember shall be the Chairman.






Article 23 Independence of the members of the Boards

(1)The members of the Enlarged Board ofAppeal and of the Boards of Appeal shall be appointed for a term of five yearsand may not be removed from office during this term, except if there areserious grounds for such removal and if the Administrative Council, on aproposal from the Enlarged Board of Appeal, takes a decision to this effect.Notwithstanding sentence 1, the term of office of members of the Boardsshall end if they resign or are retired in accordance with the ServiceRegulations for permanent employees of the European Patent Office.

(2)The members of the Boards may not bemembers of the Receiving Section, Examining Divisions, Opposition Divisions orLegal Division.

(3) In theirdecisions the members of the Boards shall not be bound by any instructions andshall comply only with the provisions of this Convention.

(4) The Rules ofProcedure of the Boards of Appeal and the Enlarged Board of Appeal shall beadopted in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. They shall be subjectto the approval of the Administrative Council.






Article 24

Exclusion and objection

(1)Members of the Boards of Appeal or of the Enlarged Board ofAppeal may not take part in a case in which they have any personal interest, orif they have previously been involved as representatives of one of the parties,or if they participated in the decision under appeal.

(2)If, for one of the reasons mentioned in paragraph 1,or for any other reason, a member of a Board of Appeal or of the Enlarged Boardof Appeal considers that he should not take part in any appeal, he shall informthe Board accordingly.

(3)Members of a Board of Appeal or of the Enlarged Board of Appealmay be objected to by any party for one of the reasons mentioned in paragraph 1,or if suspected of partiality. An objection shall not be admissible if, whilebeing aware of a reason for objection, the party has taken a procedural step.An objection may not be based upon the nationality of members.

(4)The Boards of Appeal and the Enlarged Board of Appeal shalldecide as to the action to be taken in the cases specified in paragraphs 2 and 3,without the participation of the member concerned. For the purposes of takingthis decision the member objected to shall be replaced by his alternate.



Article 25 Technical opinion

Atthe request of the competent national court hearing an infringement orrevocation action, the European Patent Office shall be obliged, on payment ofan appropriate fee, to give a technical opinionconcerning the European patent which is the subject of the action. TheExamining Division shall be responsible for issuing such opinions.


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