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Maya Angelou诗一首:不做失败者,不做哭泣者

已有 6453 次阅读 2017-5-5 06:48 |个人分类:译海扁舟|系统分类:人文社科

Maya Angelou诗一首:不做失败者,不做哭泣者




武夷山译 版权所有 ©


















No Loser, No Weeper

Maya Angelou

"I hate to lose something,"

then she bent her head, "

even a dime, I wish I was dead.

I can't explain it. No more to be said. '

Cept I hate to lose something.

"I lost a doll once and cried for a week.

She could open her eyes, and do all but speak.

I believe she was took, by some doll-snatching sneak.

I tell you, I hate to lose something. "

A watch of mine once, got up and walked away.

It had twelve numbers on it and for the time of day.

I'll never forget it and all I can say

Is I really hate to lose something. "

Now if I felt that way 'bout a watch and a toy,

What you think I feel 'bout my lover-boy?

I ain't threatening you, madam, but he is my evening's joy.

And I mean I really hate to lose something."


In Maya Angelou's, "No Loser, No Weeper," one of her many poems, she describes the emotional state she endured growing up in the 1920's during the Depression, by using tone, diction, repetition, rhyme, and figurative language. Because of the suffering that she has endured as an African American Woman during the 1920's, Angelou's life made her far more than a loser or a weeper instead, she would be labeled a poet, an actress, a teacher, a playwright, dancer, author, and a survivor. In order to understand the success of Ms. Maya Angelo we must first understand her background.
Maya Angelo grew up with her grandmother in Stamps, Arkansas, along with her brother. Angelo has experienced a lot of negative things in her life. The Great Depression, her parents' death, racism, being sexually abused at an early age, becoming a single mother in her middle teenage years and bad marriages. This period in Maya's life constitutes much of the pain that is included in many other poems.
In the poem, "No Loser, No Weeper," Maya describes how she just hates to lose something, whether is small like a watch or a toy. Moreover this poem is directed towards another female trying to steal her lover. Maya wants to make it clear to the woman not touch her "lover-boy." She explains her warning by stating that she hates to lose something "even a dime, I wish I was dead." We gather from that statement that losing something so small and worthless as a dime would make Maya wish she was dead is very serious and very threatening. This remark can be traced back to her background to when the trauma in her life made her think about suicide. Maya Angelo felt that if she did not speak that man who assaulted her would still be alive. She later solved that by not talking to anyone at all. She also explains how she lost a "doll once and cried for a week, the doll could open her eyes and do all but speak." The rhyming couplets in the poem makes the speaker of the poem sound calm and nonchalant about the whole matter of losing someone important and warning someone else to stay away. This part of the poem again can be related to her personal life because when her mother died she locked herself in a room and cried for an entire week and when she came out of the room she had a gray streak of hair in front of her head.
When Maya comments in the poem that "a watch of [hers] once got up and walked away. I'll never forget an all I can say..." is how she hates to lose something. She describes how she lost many people and things in her life and that she will never forget them no matter what and how she can still remember them in great detail. Finally, she emphasizes, that "now if I felt that way about a watch and a toy, what you think I feel about my love-boy? I ain't threatening you madam, but he's my evening's joy" Here she explains the whole poem. This poem is not about a dime, watch, or toy; instead it explains how she feels about losing a man because of another woman. We could speculate that if she cried for a small materialistic object imagine how she would react to losing a man that she really loves. So instead of going through the hurt and pain of losing something else that she cared about she expressing her feelings to the other woman in a playful that the man is taken and that she better stay away from him.
In conclusion, this poem is like so many of Maya Angelo's work. All negative things that she went through in her life gave her heartache. It gave her emotional and physical pain that brought her through the hardships in her life. It made her mind stronger to deal with tougher situations. It only shows that even though she went through so much in her life; for instance, this poem shows signs of depression, but at the ended of the poem she shows signs of getting stronger by expressing her feelings to the other woman and in nonchalant way that she wants her man and that no one is going to take him from her. Angelo always finds a way to take negative and brighten her life by making it positive


武夷山,“玛雅.安杰罗的传奇生涯 ”


武夷山,美国黑人女诗人玛雅.安吉罗 (1928-  ) 诗一首





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