国际标准化组织ISO公布2013年世界标准日主题为「国际标准确保正向转变(International standards ensure positive change)」,并发布讯息(Message)如下,此外,为推广今年度世界标准日,WSC亦票选出符合主题之海报设计。
The Message
World StandardsDay
14 October 2013
Internationalstandards ensure positive change
Today theinternational community faces shifting global markets as well as a need tobalance remedies to macro-economic challenges with the urgent call for ameaningful response to climate change. In this complex environment, internationalstandards are powerful tools to lead positive change by detailingspecifications that can open up global markets, create enabling businessenvironments, spur economic growth and help mitigate and adapt to climatechange.
Internationalstandards represent the consensus view of the world’s leading experts inindustry sectors ranging from energy utilities and energy efficiency totransportation, management systems, climate change, healthcare, safety andinformation and communication technology (ICT). Volunteering their knowledge inservice of the public interest, experts in these and many other subjects cometogether to create standards that share innovation with all the world’scountries and so provide business, government and society with a solid platformfor positive change.
Standards supportrapid economic growth in developing countries by outlining best practices thatenable them to avoid "reinventing the wheel". Given the strongcorrelation between economic growth and urbanization, standards are becomingincreasingly important in helping cities develop more intelligent andsustainable infrastructures, making them better places to live.
Internationalstandards are ensuring that products, services and environments become moreaccessible to persons with disabilities.
Standards are alsoapplied as tools to help reduce climate change by improving energy efficiencyand decreasing waste and greenhouse gas emissions. Standards share bestpractices in renewable energy generation, provide cutting-edge requirements andprocesses for waste disposal and recycling, and tools to enhance efficiency andenvironmental sustainability across all industry sectors.
Internationalstandards bodies such as IEC, ISO, and ITU provide cohesion to a myriad ofnational and regional standards; thereby harmonizing global best practices,eliminating technical barriers to trade, and fostering shared socio-economicadvance.
These benefits areultimately all passed on to the consumer in the form of greater choice,increased quality and lower prices.
Today, IEC, ISOand ITU are employing the time-tested benefits of standardization to brokerglobal consensus on the best approaches to contemporary social, economic andenvironmental challenges. The principles underlying internationalstandardization are today more relevant than ever. Standards continue to ensurepositive change by removing barriers to communication and cooperation, and thework of IEC, ISO and ITU remains central to the development of standards that shareknowledge among all the world’s countries and so provide building blocks forglobal prosperity.
The poster
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