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肺移植领域的里程碑:体外光移植术改善了排斥反应和感染率 精选

已有 5079 次阅读 2025-1-10 15:05 |个人分类:新科技|系统分类:海外观察




Fig. 1 Extracorporeal photopheresis for lung transplantation


Fig. 2 Foto: Getty/Sebastian Kaulitzki - Science Photo Library

据奥地利维也纳医科大学Medical University of Vienna简称MedUni Vienna)网站202519日提供的消息,肺移植领域的里程碑:体外光移植术改善了排斥反应和感染率(Milestone in the field of lung transplantation: improvement in rejection and infection rate thanks to extracorporeal photopheresis)。

来自维也纳医科大学维也纳肺移植项目(Vienna Lung Transplant Program of MedUni Vienna)和维也纳大学医院(University Hospital Vienna)的研究人员在著名的《欧洲呼吸杂志》(European Respiratory Journal)上发表了第一项关于体外光分离置换法(extracorporeal photopheresis简称ECP)在肺移植中的应用的前瞻性、随机和对照研究。这一发现可能会显著改变肺移植后排异反应的标准程序。原文详见:Alberto Benazzo, Ara Cho, Sophia Auner, Stefan Schwarz, Zsofia Kovacs, Dariga Ramazanova, Vera Kolovratova, Manuela Branka, Gabriela Muraközy, Elisabeth Hielle-Wittmann, Clemens Aigner, Konrad Hoetzenecker, Thomas Wekerle, Nina Worel, Robert Knobler, Peter Jaksch. Extracorporeal Photopheresis for the prevention of rejection after lung transplantation - a prospective randomized controlled trial. European Respiratory Journal, 2024 Dec 5: 2400733. DOI: 10.1183/13993003.00733-2024. https://doi.org/10.1183­/13993003.­00733-2024

体外光疗Extracorporeal photopheresis简称ECP)是一种基于紫外光的细胞疗法,最初用于治疗皮肤癌——T细胞淋巴瘤(T-cell lymphomas),自20世纪90年代初以来也被用于治疗肺移植后的慢性排斥反应。在目前的研究中,维也纳肺移植项目(Vienna Lung Transplant Program)率先使用ECP,并将其应用于治疗急性和慢性排斥反应以及某些抗体问题。基于这些结果,我们首次进行了一项随机对照研究,以检验除了标准的免疫抑制方案外,ECP在多大程度上有助于预防肺移植后的排斥反应。目的是防止急性排斥发作,降低早期慢性排斥的风险。

目前肺移植后的标准程序是患者接受三重免疫抑制(triple immunosuppression),有时与诱导治疗(induction therapy)联合使用。虽然这种方法在其他移植中效果很好,但肺移植第一年的急性排异率为10%~ 50%。这种排斥反应的治疗通常包括大剂量可的松治疗(cortisone treatment)即“脉冲”治疗("pulse" therapy)或使用特殊抗体(special antibodies),这有严重的副作用,并增加慢性排斥反应的风险。维也纳医科大学和维也纳大学医院的研究表明,ECP的使用在统计上显著降低了急性排斥发作的次数和严重程度。ECP包括两个连续的步骤:首先,从患者身上取血收集单个核细胞。然后将这些细胞暴露于8-甲氧基补骨脂素(8-methoxypsoralen简称8-MOP)中,这是一种生物惰性物质,不与人体组织相互作用,但与长波紫外线(UVA)光发生反应,导致细胞凋亡,这是一种“可控自杀”("controlled suicide")。

“尽管在不同移植环境下的临床经验显示出有希望的结果,但许多数据来自单中心研究,往往缺乏合适的对照组,并且仅在选定的患者中使用ECP。”维也纳肺移植项目内科主任(Head of Internal Medicine at the Vienna Lung Transplant Program)皮德·雅克什(Peter Jaksch)强调说:“我们的研究考虑了所有这些因素,并能够证明ECP的使用降低了慢性排斥和感染的风险。”


个体化免疫抑制药物概念中的预防性治疗(Prophylactic therapy in the concept of personalized immunosuppressive medicine


“如果没有各个学科和利益相关者的合作,这项研究是不可能完成的。特别要提到的是罗伯特·克诺布勒(Robert Knobler),作为一位维也纳ECP的先驱,我们与其合作了10多年。此外,皮肤病科(Department of Dermatology)、输血医学和细胞治疗科(Department of Transfusion Medicine and Cell Therapy)、普通外科移植免疫学科(Transplantation Immunology at the Department of General Surgery)和胸外科(Department of Thoracic Surgery)之间的密切合作,再次表明维也纳医科大学和维也纳总医院(Vienna General Hospital)的多学科合作是多么有效,”维也纳肺移植项目外科主任阿尔贝托·贝纳佐(Alberto Benazzo)解释说。




Rationale: Lung transplant recipients have the worst long-term outcomes of all solid organs due to acute rejection and chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD).

Objective: To investigate the efficacy of ECP as a prophylactic treatment to prevent acute cellular rejection (ACR), CMV infections and reduce the risk of CLAD.

Methods: Single-center prospective randomized controlled trial conducted at Medical University of Vienna between 2018 and 2020. It included 31 COPD recipients per group. Treatment group underwent extracorporeal photopheresis in addition to standard triple-drug immunosuppression protocol after lung transplantation. Control group received standard triple-drug immunosuppressive therapy. The primary outcome was a composite outcome defined as incidence of high-grade ACR, CMV infection or CLAD within 24 months after lung transplantation.

Results: In the control group, 19 patients (61.3%) achieved the primary combined endpoint, compared with only 6 patients (19.4%) in the treatment group (p<0.001). Freedom from high-grade ACR was significantly greater in the ECP group (p=0.045). Cumulative A scores were significantly lower in the ECP group than in the control group at 3 months (0.18±0.44 versus 0.56±0.94, p<0.05) and at 12 months (0.25±0.48 versus 1.0±1.45, p=0.002). The rate of infections was lower in the ECP group with 5 cases and 67 cumulative hospital days compared to 22 cases and 309 days in the control group (p=0.002). Freedom from CLAD at three years was significantly greater in the ECP group (p=0.015).

Conclusion: Adding ECP to standard triple immunosuppression resulted in a significant reduction of the number of ACR episodes and significantly lower incidence of CLAD.


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