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已有 6710 次阅读 2016-9-11 18:28 |系统分类:科研笔记| 欧洲专利公约实施细则




R. 161 Amendment of the application

(1)If the European Patent Office has acted as the InternationalSearching Authority and, where a demand under Article 31 PCT wasfiled, also as the International Preliminary Examining Authority for a Euro-PCTapplication, it shall give the applicant the opportunity to comment on thewritten opinion of the International Searching Authority or the InternationalPreliminary Examination Report and, where appropriate, invite him to correctany deficiencies noted in the written opinion or in the InternationalPreliminary Examination Report and to amend the description, claims anddrawings within a period of six months from the respective communication. Ifthe European Patent Office has drawn up a supplementary international searchreport, an invitation in accordance with the first sentence shall be issued inrespect of the explanations given in accordance with Rule 45bis.7(e)PCT. If the applicant does not comply with or comment on an invitation inaccordance with the first or second sentence, the application shall be deemedto be withdrawn.

(2)Where the European Patent Office draws up a supplementaryEuropean search report on a Euro-PCT application, the application may beamended once within a period of six months from a communication informing theapplicant accordingly. The application as amended shall serve as the basis forthe supplementary European search.






R. 162 Claims incurring fees

(1)If the application documents on which the European grantprocedure is to be based comprise more than fifteen claims, claims fees shallbe paid for the sixteenth and each subsequent claim as laid down in the Rulesrelating to Fees within the period under Rule 159,paragraph 1.

(2)If the claims fees are not paid in due time, they may still bepaid within six months from a communication concerning the failure to observethe time limit. If within this period amended claims are filed, the claims feesdue shall be computed on the basis of such amended claims.

(3)Any claims fees paid within the period under paragraph 1 andin excess of those due under paragraph 2,second sentence, shall be refunded.

(4)Where a claims fee is not paid in due time, the claim concernedshall be deemed to be abandoned.






(5) 在第159条第1款规定的期限期满时,未满足公约第133条第2款的要求的情况下,欧洲专利局应当要求申请人在两个月内委托专利代理人。


R. 163 Examination of certain formal requirements by the EuropeanPatent Office

(1)Where the designation of the inventor under Rule 19,paragraph 1, has not yet been made within the period under Rule 159,paragraph 1, the European Patent Office shall invite the applicant tomake the designation within two months.

(2)Where the priority of an earlier application is claimed and thefile number of the previous application or the copy thereof provided forin Rule 52,paragraph 1, and Rule 53 havenot yet been submitted within the period under Rule 159,paragraph 1, the European Patent Office shall invite the applicant tofurnish that number or copy within two months. Rule 53,paragraph 2, shall apply.

(3)Where, at the expiry of the period under Rule 159,paragraph 1, a sequence listing complying with the standard providedfor in the Administrative Instructions under the PCT is not available to theEuropean Patent Office, the applicant shall be invited to file a sequencelisting complying with the rules laid down by the President of the EuropeanPatent Office within two months.Rule 30,paragraphs 2 and 3,shall apply mutatis mutandis.

(4)Where, at the expiry of the period under Rule 159,paragraph 1, the address, the nationality or the State in which hisresidence or principal place of business is located is missing in respect ofany applicant, the European Patent Office shall invite the applicant to furnishthese indications within two months.

(5)Where, at the expiry of the period under Rule 159,paragraph 1, the requirements ofArticle 133,paragraph 2, have not been satisfied, the European Patent Office shallinvite the applicant to appoint a professional representative within twomonths.

(6)If the deficiencies noted under paragraphs 1, 4 or 5 arenot corrected in due time, the European patent application shall be refused. Ifthe deficiency noted under paragraph 2 isnot corrected in due time, the right of priority shall be lost for the application.















R. 164 Consideration of unity by the European Patent Office

(1)If the European Patent Office considers that the applicationdocuments which are to serve as the basis for the supplementary European searchdo not comply with the requirement of unity of invention, it shall:  

(a)draw up a partial supplementary search report on those parts ofthe application which relate to the invention, or the group of inventionswithin the meaning of Article 82,first mentioned in the claims;

(b)inform the applicant that, for the supplementary European searchreport to cover the other inventions, a further search fee must be paid, inrespect of each invention involved, within a period of two months; and

(c)draw up the supplementary European search report for the parts ofthe application relating to inventions in respect of which search fees havebeen paid.

(2)If the supplementary European search report is dispensed with andthe Examining Division considers that in the application documents which are toserve as the basis for examination an invention, or a group of inventionswithin the meaning of Article 82,is claimed which was not searched by the European Patent Office in its capacityas International Searching Authority or Authority specified for supplementaryinternational search, the Examining Division shall:

(a)inform the applicant that a search will be performed in respectof any such invention for which a search fee is paid within a period of twomonths;  

(b)issue the results of any search performed in accordancewith paragraph(a) together with:

a communication under Article 94,paragraph 3, and Rule 71,paragraphs 1 and 2,in which it shall give the applicant the opportunity to comment on theseresults and to amend the description, claims and drawings, or

a communication under Rule 71,paragraph 3,


(c)where appropriate, in the communication issued under paragraph(b), invite the applicant to limit the application to one invention, orgroup of inventions within the meaning of Article 82,for which a search report was drawn up by the European Patent Office in its capacityeither as International Searching Authority or as Authority specified forsupplementary international search, or for which a search was performed inaccordance with the procedure under paragraph(a).

(3)In the procedure under paragraph2(a), Rules62a and 63 shallapply mutatis mutandis.

(4)Rule 62 and Rule 70,paragraph 2, shall not apply to the results of any search performed inaccordance with paragraph2.

(5)Any fee paid under paragraphs1 or 2 shallbe refunded if the applicant requests a refund and the Examining Division findsthat the communication under paragraphs1(b) or 2(a) wasnot justified.



R. 165 The Euro-PCT application as conflicting application underArticle 54, paragraph 3

A Euro-PCT application shall be considered as comprised in the stateof the art under Article 54,paragraph 3, if in addition to the conditions laid down in Article 153,paragraph 3 or 4,the filing fee underRule 159,paragraph 1(c) has been paid.



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