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已有 5998 次阅读 2016-9-11 18:27 |系统分类:科研笔记| 欧洲专利公约实施细则



(1) 在欧洲-PECT专利申请进入欧洲阶段的情况下,要求公约第87条所指优先权的申请人应当与欧洲专利申请一起或者在其可获得检索结之后立即递交在先申请所提交至的机关执行的任何检索结果的副本。



R. 141 Information on prior art

(1)An applicant claiming priority within the meaning of Article 87 shallfile a copy of the results of any search carried out by the authority withwhich the previous application was filed together with the European patentapplication, in the case of a Euro-PCT application on entry into the Europeanphase, or without delay after such results have been made available to him.

(2)The copy referred to in paragraph1 shall be deemed to be duly filed if it is available to the EuropeanPatent Office and to be included in the file of the European patent applicationunder the conditions determined by the President of the European Patent Office.

(3)Without prejudice to paragraphs1 and 2,the European Patent Office may invite the applicant to provide, within a periodof two months, information on prior art within the meaning ofArticle 124,paragraph 1.


Chapter VIII Interruption of proceedings











R. 142 Interruption of proceedings

(1)Proceedings before the European Patent Office shall beinterrupted:

(a)in the event of the death or legal incapacity of the applicantfor or proprietor of a European patent or of the person authorised by nationallaw to act on his behalf. To the extent that the above events do not affect theauthorisation of a representative appointed under Article 134,proceedings shall be interrupted only on application by such representative;

(b)in the event of the applicant for or proprietor of a patent, as aresult of some action taken against his property, being prevented by legalreasons from continuing the proceedings;

(c)in the event of the death or legal incapacity of therepresentative of an applicant for or proprietor of a patent, or of his beingprevented for legal reasons resulting from action taken against his propertyfrom continuing the proceedings.

(2)When, in the cases referred to in paragraph 1(a) or (b),the European Patent Office has been informed of the identity of the personauthorised to continue the proceedings, it shall notify such person and, whereapplicable, any third party, that the proceedings will be resumed as from aspecified date.

(3)In the case referred to in paragraph 1(c),the proceedings shall be resumed when the European Patent Office has beeninformed of the appointment of a new representative of the applicant or whenthe Office has informed the other parties of the appointment of a newrepresentative of the proprietor of the patent. If, three months after thebeginning of the interruption of the proceedings, the European Patent Officehas not been informed of the appointment of a new representative, it shallcommunicate to the applicant for or proprietor of the patent:

(a)where Article 133,paragraph 2, is applicable, that the European patent application willbe deemed to be withdrawn or the European patent will be revoked if theinformation is not submitted within two months of this communication; or

(b)otherwise, that the proceedings will be resumed with theapplicant for or proprietor of the patent as from the notification of thiscommunication.

(4)Any periods, other than those for requesting examination andpaying renewal fees, in force at the date of interruption of the proceedings,shall begin again as from the day on which the proceedings are resumed. If suchdate is less than two months before the end of the period within which therequest for examination must be filed, such a request may be filed within twomonths of such date.


Chapter IX Information to the public





























R. 143 Entries in the European Patent Register

(1)The European Patent Register shall contain the followingentries:

(a)number of the European patent application;

(b)date of filing of the application;

(c)title of the invention;

(d)classification symbols assigned to the application;

(e)the Contracting States designated;

(f)particulars of the applicant for or proprietor of the patent asprovided in Rule 41,paragraph 2(c);

(g)family name, given names and address of the inventor designatedby the applicant for or proprietor of the patent, unless he has waived hisright to be mentioned under Rule 20,paragraph 1;

(h)particulars of the representative of the applicant for orproprietor of the patent as provided in Rule 41,paragraph 2(d); in the case of several representatives only theparticulars of the representative first named, followed by the words "andothers" and, in the case of an association referred to in Rule 152,paragraph 11, only the name and address of the association;

(i)priority data (date, State and file number of the previousapplication);

(j)in the event of a division of the application, the numbers of allthe divisional applications;

(k)in the case of a divisional application or a new applicationunder Article 61,paragraph 1(b), the information referred to in sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (i) withregard to the earlier application;

(l)date of publication of the application and, where appropriate,date of the separate publication of the European search report;

(m)date of filing of the request for examination;

(n)date on which the application is refused, withdrawn or deemed tobe withdrawn;

(o)date of publication of the mention of the grant of the Europeanpatent;

(p)date of lapse of the European patent in a Contracting Stateduring the opposition period and, where appropriate, pending a final decisionon opposition;

(q)date of filing opposition;

(r)date and purport of the decision on opposition;

(s)dates of stay and resumption of proceedings in the cases referredto in Rules 14 and 78;

(t)dates of interruption and resumption of proceedings in the casereferred to in Rule 142;

(u)date of re-establishment of rights where an entry has been madeunder sub-paragraphs (n) or (r);

(v)the filing of a request for conversion under Article 135,paragraph 3;

(w)rights and transfer of such rights relating to an application ora European patent where these Implementing Regulations provide that they shallbe recorded.

(x)date and purport of the decision on the request for limitation orrevocation of the European patent;

(y)date and purport of the decision of the Enlarged Board of Appealon the petition for review.

(2)The President of the European Patent Office may decide thatentries other than those referred to in paragraph 1 shallbe made in the European Patent Register.







R. 144 Parts of the file excluded from inspection

The parts of the file excluded from inspection under Article 128,paragraph 4, shall be:

(a)the documents relating to the exclusion of or objections tomembers of the Boards of Appeal or of the Enlarged Board of Appeal;

(b)draft decisions and notices, and all other documents, used forthe preparation of decisions and notices, which are not communicated to theparties;

(c)the designation of the inventor, if he has waived his right to bementioned under Rule 20,paragraph 1;

(d)any other document excluded from inspection by the President ofthe European Patent Office on the ground that such inspection would not servethe purpose of informing the public about the European patent application orthe European patent.




R. 145 Procedures for the inspection of files

(1)Inspection of the files of European patent applications andpatents shall either be of the original document, or of copies thereof, or oftechnical means of storage if the files are stored in this way.

(2)The President of the European Patent Office shall determine allfile-inspection arrangements, including the circumstances in which anadministrative fee is payable.



R. 146 Communication of information contained in the files

Subject to the restrictions laid down in Article 128,paragraphs 1 to 4,and in Rule 144,the European Patent Office may, upon request, communicate information concerningany file relating to a European patent application or European patent, subjectto the payment of an administrative fee. However, the EuropeanPatent Office may refer to the option of file inspection where it deems this tobe appropriate in view of the quantity of information to be supplied.










R. 147 Constitution, maintenance and preservation of files

(1)The European Patent Office shall constitute, maintain andpreserve files relating to all European patent applications and patents.

(2)The President of the European Patent Office shall determine theform in which these files shall be constituted, maintained and preserved.

(3)Documents incorporated in an electronic file shall be consideredto be originals.

(4)Any files shall be preserved for at least five years from the endof the year in which:

(a)the application is refused or withdrawn or is deemed to bewithdrawn;

(b)the patent is revoked by the European Patent Office; or

(c)the patent or the corresponding protection under Article 63,paragraph 2, lapses in the last of the designated States.

(5)Without prejudice to paragraph 4,files relating to applications which have given rise to divisional applicationsunder Article 76 ornew applications under Article 61,paragraph 1(b), shall be preserved for at least the same period as thefiles relating to any one of these last applications. The same shall apply tofiles relating to any resulting European patents.


Chapter X Legal and administrative cooperation




R. 148 Communications between the European Patent Office and theauthorities of the Contracting States

(1)Communications between the European Patent Office and the centralindustrial property offices of the Contracting States which arise out of theapplication of this Convention shall be effected directly between theseauthorities. Communications between the European Patent Office and the courtsor other authorities of the Contracting States may be effected through theintermediary of the said central industrial property offices.

(2)Expenditure in respect of communications under paragraph 1 shallbe borne by the authority making the communications, which shall be exempt fromfees.





R. 149 Inspection of files by or via courts or authorities of theContracting States

(1)Inspection of the files of European patent applications or ofEuropean patents by courts or authorities of the Contracting States shall be ofthe original documents or of copies thereof; Rule 145shallnot apply.

(2)Courts or Public Prosecutors' offices of the Contracting Statesmay, in the course of their proceedings, communicate to third parties files orcopies thereof transmitted to them by the European Patent Office. Suchcommunications shall be effected in accordance with Article 128 andshall not be subject to any fee.

(3)The European Patent Office shall, when transmitting the files,draw attention to the restrictions which may, under Article 128,paragraphs 1 and 4,apply to file inspection by third parties.










R. 150 Procedure for letters rogatory

(1)Each Contracting State shall designate a central authority toreceive letters rogatory issued by the European Patent Office and to transmitthem to the court or authority competent to execute them.

(2)The European Patent Office shall draw up letters rogatory in thelanguage of the competent court or authority or shall attach to such lettersrogatory a translation into that language.

(3)Subject to paragraphs 5 and 6,the competent court or authority shall apply national law as to the proceduresto be followed in executing such requests and, in particular, as to the appropriatemeasures of compulsion.

(4)If the court or authority to which the letters rogatory aretransmitted is not competent to execute them, the letters rogatory shall besent forthwith to the central authority referred to inparagraph 1.That authority shall transmit the letters rogatory either to the competentcourt or authority in that State, or to the European Patent Office where nocourt or authority is competent in that State.

(5)The European Patent Office shall be informed of the time when,and the place where, the enquiry or other legal measure is to take place andshall inform the parties, witnesses and experts concerned.

(6)If so requested by the European Patent Office, the competentcourt or authority shall permit the attendance of members of the departmentconcerned and allow them to question any person giving evidence either directlyor through the competent court or authority.

(7)The execution of letters rogatory shall not give rise to anyreimbursement of fees or costs of any nature. Nevertheless, the State in whichletters rogatory are executed has the right to require the Organisation toreimburse any fees paid to experts or interpreters and the costs arising fromthe procedure under paragraph 6.

(8)If the law applied by the competent court or authority obligesthe parties to secure evidence and the competent court or authority is not ableitself to execute the letters rogatory, that court or authority may, with theconsent of the European Patent Office, appoint a suitable person to do so. Whenseeking such consent, the competent court or authority shall indicate the approximatecosts which would result from this procedure. If the European Patent Officegives its consent, the Organisation shall reimburse any costs incurred;otherwise, the Organisation shall not be liable for such costs.  


Chapter XI Representation




R. 151 Appointment of a common representative

(1)If there is more than one applicant and the request for grant ofa European patent does not name a common representative, the applicant firstnamed in the request shall be deemed to be the common representative. However,if one of the applicants is obliged to appoint a professional representative,this representative shall be deemed to be the common representative, unless theapplicant first named has appointed a professional representative. The sameshall apply to third parties acting in common in filing a notice of oppositionor intervention and to joint proprietors of a European patent.

(2)If the European patent application is transferred to more thanone person, and such persons have not appointed a common representative, paragraph 1 shallapply mutatis mutandis. If such application is not possible, the EuropeanPatent Office shall invite such persons to appoint a common representativewithin a period to be specified. If this invitation is not complied with, theEuropean Patent Office shall appoint the common representative.

R. 152 Authorisations

(1)The President of the European Patent Office shall determine the casesin which a signed authorisation shall be filed by representatives acting beforethe European Patent Office.

(2)Where a representative fails to file such an authorisation, theEuropean Patent Office shall invite him to do so within a period to be specified.The authorisation may cover one or more European patent applications orEuropean patents and shall be filed in the corresponding number of copies.

(3)Where the requirements of Article 133,paragraph 2, have not been satisfied, the same period shall bespecified for the appointment of a representative and the filing of theauthorisation.

(4)A general authorisation may be filed enabling a representative toact in respect of all the patent transactions of a party. A single copy shallsuffice.

(5)The President of the European Patent Office may determine theform and content of:

(a)an authorisation relating to the representation of personsunder Article 133,paragraph 2;

(b)a general authorisation.

(6)If a required authorisation is not filed in due time, anyprocedural steps taken by the representative, other than the filing of a Europeanpatent application, shall be deemed not to have been taken, without prejudiceto any other legal consequences provided for by this Convention.

(7)Paragraphs 2 and 4 shallapply to the withdrawal of an authorisation.

(8)A representative shall be deemed to be authorised until thetermination of his authorisation has been communicated to the European PatentOffice.

(9)Unless it expressly provides otherwise, an authorisation shallnot terminate vis-à-vis the European Patent Office upon the death of the personwho gave it.

(10)If a party appoints several representatives, they may act eitherjointly or singly, notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in thecommunication of their appointment or in the authorisation.

(11)The authorisation of an association of representatives shall bedeemed to be an authorisation of any representative who can provide evidencethat he practises within that association.















R. 152 Authorisations

(1)The President of the European Patent Office shall determine thecases in which a signed authorisation shall be filed by representatives actingbefore the European Patent Office.

(2)Where a representative fails to file such an authorisation, theEuropean Patent Office shall invite him to do so within a period to bespecified. The authorisation may cover one or more European patent applicationsor European patents and shall be filed in the corresponding number of copies.

(3)Where the requirements of Article 133,paragraph 2, have not been satisfied, the same period shall bespecified for the appointment of a representative and the filing of theauthorisation.

(4)A general authorisation may be filed enabling a representative toact in respect of all the patent transactions of a party. A single copy shallsuffice.

(5)The President of the European Patent Office may determine theform and content of:

(a)an authorisation relating to the representation of personsunder Article 133,paragraph 2;

(b)a general authorisation.

(6)If a required authorisation is not filed in due time, anyprocedural steps taken by the representative, other than the filing of aEuropean patent application, shall be deemed not to have been taken, withoutprejudice to any other legal consequences provided for by thisConvention.

(7)Paragraphs 2 and 4 shallapply to the withdrawal of an authorisation.

(8)A representative shall be deemed to be authorised until thetermination of his authorisation has been communicated to the European PatentOffice.

(9)Unless it expressly provides otherwise, an authorisation shallnot terminate vis-à-vis the European Patent Office upon the death of the personwho gave it.

(10)If a party appoints several representatives, they may act eitherjointly or singly, notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in thecommunication of their appointment or in the authorisation.

(11)The authorisation of an association of representatives shall bedeemed to be an authorisation of any representative who can provide evidencethat he practises within that association.







R. 153 Attorney-client evidentiary privilege

(1)Where advice is sought from a professional representative in hiscapacity as such, all communications between the professional representativeand his client or any other person, relating to that purpose and fallingunder Article 2 ofthe Regulation on discipline for professional representatives, are permanentlyprivileged from disclosure in proceedings before the European Patent Office,unless such privilege is expressly waived by the client.

(2)Such privilege from disclosure shall apply, in particular, to anycommunication or document relating to:

(a)the assessment of the patentability of an invention;

(b)the preparation or prosecution of a European patent application;

(c)any opinion relating to the validity, scope of protection orinfringement of a European patent or a European patent application.








R. 154 Amendment of the list of professional representatives

(1)The entry of a professional representative shall be deleted fromthe list of professional representatives if he so requests or if, despiterepeated reminders, he fails to pay the annual subscription to the Institutebefore the end of September of the year for which the subscription isdue.

(2)Without prejudice to any disciplinary measures taken under Article 134a,paragraph 1(c), the entry of a professional representative may bedeleted ex officio only:

(a)in the event of his death or legal incapacity;

(b)where he is no longer a national of one of the ContractingStates, unless he was granted an exemption under Article 134,paragraph 7(a);

(c)where he no longer has his place of business or employment withinone of the Contracting States.

(3)Any person entered on the list of professional representativesunder Article 134,paragraphs (2) or (3),whose entry has been deleted shall, upon request, be re-entered on that list ifthe conditions for deletion no longer exist.

R. 155 Filing and transmission of the request for conversion

(1)The request for conversion referred to in Article 135,paragraph 1(a) or (b),shall be filed within three months of the withdrawal of the European patentapplication, or of the communication that the application is deemed to bewithdrawn, or of the decision refusing the application or revoking the Europeanpatent. The effect of the European patent application under Article 66 shalllapse if the request is not filed in due time.

(2)When transmitting the request for conversion to the centralindustrial property offices of the Contracting States specified in the request,the central industrial property office concerned or the European Patent Officeshall attach to the request a copy of the file relating to the European patentapplication or European patent.

(3)Article 135,paragraph 4, shall apply if the request for conversion referred to inArticle 135,paragraphs 1(a) and (2),is not transmitted before the expiry of a period of twenty months from the dateof filing or, if priority has been claimed, the date of priority.


Part VIII Implementing Regulations to part VIII of the Convention





R. 155 Filing and transmission of the request for conversion

(1)The request for conversion referred to in Article 135,paragraph 1(a) or (b),shall be filed within three months of the withdrawal of the European patentapplication, or of the communication that the application is deemed to bewithdrawn, or of the decision refusing the application or revoking the Europeanpatent. The effect of the European patent application under Article 66 shalllapse if the request is not filed in due time.

(2)When transmitting the request for conversion to the centralindustrial property offices of the Contracting States specified in the request,the central industrial property office concerned or the European Patent Officeshall attach to the request a copy of the file relating to the European patentapplication or European patent.

(3)Article 135,paragraph 4, shall apply if the request for conversion referred to inArticle 135,paragraphs 1(a) and (2),is not transmitted before the expiry of a period of twenty months from the dateof filing or, if priority has been claimed, the date of priority.




R. 156 Information to the public in the event of conversion

(1)The documents accompanying the request for conversion under Rule 155,paragraph 2, shall be made available to the public by the centralindustrial property office under the same conditions and to the same extent asdocuments relating to national proceedings.

(2)The printed specification of the national patent resulting fromthe conversion of a European patent application shall mention thatapplication.


Part IX Implementing Regulations to part X of the Convention






R. 157 The European Patent Office as a receiving Office

(1)The European Patent Office shall be competent to act as areceiving Office within the meaning of the PCT if the applicant is a residentor national of a Contracting State to this Convention and to the PCT. Withoutprejudice to paragraph 3,if the applicant chooses the European Patent Office as a receiving Office, theinternational application shall be filed directly with the European PatentOffice.Article 75,paragraph 2, shall apply mutatis mutandis.

(2)Where the European Patent Office acts as a receiving Office underthe PCT, the international application shall be filed in English, French orGerman. The President of the European Patent Office may determine that theinternational application and any related item shall be filed in more than onecopy.

(3)If an international application is filed with an authority of aContracting State for transmittal to the European Patent Office as thereceiving Office, the Contracting State shall ensure that the applicationreaches the European Patent Office not later than two weeks before the end ofthe thirteenth month from filing or, if priority is claimed, from the date ofpriority.  

(4)The transmittal fee for the international application shall bepaid within one month of filing the application.  





R. 158 The European Patent Office as an International SearchingAuthority or International Preliminary Examining Authority

(1)In the case of Article 17,paragraph 3(a) PCT, an additional international search fee shall bepaid for each further invention for which an international search is to becarried out.

(2)In the case of Article 34,paragraph 3(a) PCT, an additional fee for international preliminaryexamination shall be paid for each further invention for which theinternational preliminary examination is to be carried out.

(3)Where an additional fee has been paid under protest, the EuropeanPatent Office shall examine the protest in accordance with Rule 40.2(c) to (e) or Rule 68.3(c) to (e) PCT, subject topayment of the prescribed protest fee. Further details concerning the procedureshall be determined by the President of the European Patent Office.












R. 159 The European Patent Office as a designated or elected Office– Requirements for entry into the European phase

(1)In respect of an international application under Article 153,the applicant shall perform the following acts within thirty-one months fromthe date of filing of the application or, if priority has been claimed, fromthe priority date:

(a)supply, where applicable, the translation of the internationalapplication required underArticle 153,paragraph 4;

(b)specify the application documents, as originally filed or asamended, on which the European grant procedure is to be based;

(c)pay the filing fee provided for in Article 78,paragraph 2;

(d) pay the designation fee if the period under Rule 39 hasexpired earlier;

(e)pay the search fee, where a supplementary European search reporthas to be drawn up;  

(f)file the request for examination provided for in Article 94,if the period under Rule 70,paragraph 1, has expired earlier;

(g)pay the renewal fee in respect of the third year provided forin Article 86,paragraph 1, if the fee has fallen due earlier under Rule 51,paragraph 1;

(h)file, where applicable, the certificate of exhibition referred toin Article 55,paragraph 2, and Rule 25.

(2)The Examining Division shall be competent to take decisions ofthe European Patent Office under Article 25,paragraph 2(a) PCT.




R. 160 Consequences of non-fulfilment of certain requirements

(1)If either the translation of the international application or therequest for examination is not filed in due time, or if the filing fee, thesearch fee or the designation fee is not paid in due time, the European patentapplication shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

(2) If the European Patent Office notes that the application isdeemed to be withdrawn underparagraph1, it shall communicate this to the applicant. Rule 112,paragraph 2, shall apply mutatis mutandis.



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