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答颜宁:“饿死”癌细胞的想法并不离谱! 精选

已有 19041 次阅读 2014-6-8 11:50 |个人分类:期刊论文|系统分类:论文交流| GLUT


我在2000年后曾做过一段时间的抗肿瘤研究,现在手头还有一个肿瘤干细胞的国家级课题,因此我关注肿瘤的"饥饿疗法"不算管闲事,反而我还应该做多点功课,更深入地挖掘一下。这不,刚才随便上网一查,就找到一篇以GLUT1为靶点开发小分子抗癌药物WZB117开展抗肺癌体内外研究的论文,而且早在两年前就发表了。以下是该论文的题目及摘要,其为Open Access,感兴趣者还可以下载、阅读全文。

2012 Aug;11(8):1672-82. doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-12-0131. Epub 2012 Jun 11.

A small-molecule inhibitor of glucose transporter 1 downregulates glycolysis, induces cell-cycle arrest, and inhibits cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo.


The functional and therapeutic importance of the Warburg effect is increasingly recognized, and glycolysis has become a target of anticancer strategies. We recently reported the identification of a group of novel small compounds that inhibit basal glucose transport and reduce cancer cell growth by a glucose deprivation-like mechanism. We hypothesized that the compounds target Glut1 and are efficacious in vivo as anticancer agents. Here, we report that a novel representative compound WZB117 not only inhibited cell growth in cancer cell lines but also inhibited cancer growth in a nude mouse model. Daily intraperitoneal injection of WZB117 at 10 mg/kg resulted in a more than 70% reduction in the size of human lung cancer of A549 cell origin. Mechanism studies showed that WZB117 inhibited glucose transport in human red blood cells (RBC), which express Glut1 as their sole glucose transporter. Cancer cell treatment with WZB117 led to decreases in levels of Glut1 protein, intracellular ATP, and glycolytic enzymes. All these changes were followed by increase in ATP-sensing enzyme AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and declines in cyclin E2 as well as phosphorylated retinoblastoma, resulting in cell-cycle arrest, senescence, and necrosis. Addition of extracellular ATP rescued compound-treated cancer cells, suggesting that the reduction of intracellular ATP plays an important role in the anticancer mechanism of the molecule. Senescence induction and the essential role of ATP were reported for the first time in Glut1 inhibitor-treated cancer cells. Thus, WZB117 is a prototype for further development of anticancer therapeutics targeting Glut1-mediated glucose transport and glucose metabolism.

PMID: 22689530 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Free full text



[30]颜宁  2014-6-8 11:10多谢曾老师科普。我自己本来计划着写一篇博客,讲讲Warburg Effect,导致GLUT1在许多癌细胞里面超量表达,以及据此目前的一些GLUT1 inhibitor在抑制特异种类的tumor (RCC)里面的一些进展。不过,这基本成个小综述了,要加很多文献;而我本人自从不做细胞凋亡之后就没再研究癌症,怕出差错,所以慢工出细活。于是就偷懒在微博上写了几句先:

“我再重申一遍,从基础科研到制药,路漫漫其修远。而我在讲述GLUT1的时候强调的是基础研究本身的意义,那么为何会冒出”饿死癌细胞“这种极具噱头的新闻呢?因为我在回答问题的时候说:细胞需要ATP维持生命活动;正常细胞除了葡萄糖,还可以通过氨基酸、脂肪酸等能量物质;而大脑也可以勉为其难地用酮体 ;但是实体瘤因为缺氧,其ATP只得依赖于糖酵解产生的ATP,所以对葡萄糖格外依赖。这也许提供了一个思路,是否可以通过抑制葡萄糖摄取而定点抑制肿瘤细胞生长?可是癌症如此复杂,要研发药物、创造疗法路阻且长。请支持基础研究,在不断的探索跌撞甚至弯路后,也许会成功。如对以上推理有疑义,欢迎讨论。”




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Glycolytic phenotype in breast cancer: activation of Akt, up-regulation of GLUT1, TKTL1 and down-regulation of M2PK  
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