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Frame: Cognitive DIKWP Semantic Mathematics(初学者版)

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Frame: Cognitive DIKWP Semantic Mathematics

Yucong Duan

International Standardization Committee of Networked DIKWfor Artificial Intelligence Evaluation(DIKWP-SC)

World Artificial Consciousness CIC(WAC)

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness(WCAC)

(Email: duanyucong@hotmail.com)


This document presents a comprehensive and detailed version of the modified Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom-Purpose (DIKWP) Semantic Mathematics framework, inspired by Prof. Yucong Duan's revolutionary ideas. Building upon previous investigations and addressing the paradox of traditional mathematics in AI semantics, this framework emphasizes grounding mathematics in real-world semantics, integrating human cognitive processes, and constructing an evolutionary Cognitive Semantic Space. The framework mirrors infant cognitive development, ensuring that every concept is formally bundled with semantics evolved from fundamental principles. Detailed formal definitions, implementation strategies, examples, potential applications, and considerations for future work are provided to offer a complete understanding of the modified DIKWP Semantic Mathematics.

1. Introduction1.1. Background and Motivation

Artificial intelligence (AI) strives to replicate human cognitive abilities, enabling machines to understand, reason, and interact with the world meaningfully. Traditional mathematics, with its emphasis on abstraction and formalism, has been instrumental in AI development. However, Prof. Yucong Duan identifies a critical paradox in relying solely on traditional mathematics for AI semantics:

Paradox of Mathematics in AI Semantics: Traditional mathematics abstracts away from real semantics yet seeks to achieve semantic-rich AI understanding. This detachment from real-world semantics hinders the development of AI systems capable of genuine comprehension.

To address this paradox, Prof. Duan proposes a revolutionary approach that integrates semantics directly into mathematical frameworks, ensuring that AI systems are built upon a foundation that reflects human cognitive processes and real-world understanding.

1.2. Objectives of the Modified Framework

The modified DIKWP Semantic Mathematics framework aims to:

  1. Ground Mathematics in Fundamental Semantics: Develop mathematical constructs directly from basic semantics, ensuring alignment with real-world meanings.

  2. Incorporate Human Cognitive Processes: Explicitly model human cognition within the mathematical framework, recognizing that mathematics is a product of human thought.

  3. Construct an Evolutionary Cognitive Semantic Space: Build a semantic space that evolves as the system learns and interacts with the world, mirroring the cognitive development of an infant.

  4. Prioritize Semantics Over Pure Forms: Ensure that semantics take precedence over abstract forms, keeping mathematical representations connected to the realities they model.

  5. Address Previous Limitations and Paradoxes: Resolve issues such as self-reference paradoxes and limitations highlighted by Gödel's incompleteness theorems.

2. Foundational Principles2.1. Grounding Mathematics in Fundamental Semantics

Fundamental Semantics:

  1. Sameness (Identity):

    • Definition: Recognizing shared attributes or identities between entities.

    • Symbol: ≡ (semantic equivalence).

    • Formal Representation: For entities A and B, A ≡ B if they share essential attributes.

  2. Difference (Distinction):

    • Definition: Identifying distinctions or disparities between entities.

    • Symbol: ≠ (semantic distinction).

    • Formal Representation: For entities A and B, A ≠ B if they have differing attributes.

  3. Completeness (Holism):

    • Definition: Integrating all relevant attributes and relationships to form a holistic concept.

    • Symbol: ⊕ (semantic integration).

    • Formal Representation: A concept C is complete if C = ⊕{A_i}, where {A_i} are all relevant attributes and relationships.

These fundamental semantics serve as the building blocks for all mathematical constructs within the framework, ensuring that every mathematical expression is semantically meaningful.

2.2. Evolutionary Construction Mirroring Cognitive Development

The framework models the cognitive development of an infant:

  • Stage 1: Sensory Perception:

    • The system begins with basic sensory inputs (data).

    • Forms initial semantic associations based on direct experiences.

  • Stage 2: Concept Formation:

    • Combines sensory inputs to form simple concepts.

    • Recognizes sameness and difference among entities.

  • Stage 3: Relationship Building:

    • Identifies relationships between concepts (e.g., causality, hierarchy).

    • Develops a more complex semantic network.

  • Stage 4: Abstraction and Generalization:

    • Abstracts common features to form general concepts.

    • Applies knowledge to new situations.

  • Stage 5: Continuous Learning and Adaptation:

    • Evolves by incorporating new experiences.

    • Refines existing concepts and relationships.

2.3. Integration of Human Cognitive Processes

Explicit Modeling of Cognition:

  • Conscious Processes:

    • Logical reasoning, decision-making, problem-solving.

    • Modeled using formal logic and rule-based systems.

  • Subconscious Processes:

    • Pattern recognition, intuition, associative thinking.

    • Modeled using neural networks and statistical learning.

Human Interaction:

  • Communication:

    • Natural language interfaces for interaction with users.

    • Ability to understand and generate language grounded in semantics.

  • Collaboration:

    • Learning from human feedback and corrections.

    • Sharing knowledge and aligning semantic spaces with others.

2.4. Prioritizing Semantics Over Pure Forms
  • Semantics-First Approach:

    • Mathematical forms are developed to represent semantics accurately.

    • Abstract symbols and operations are secondary to the meanings they convey.

  • Alignment with Reality:

    • Ensures that mathematical constructs are directly linked to real-world phenomena.

    • Avoids detachment from the contexts and purposes they serve.

3. Modifications and Enhancements3.1. Evolutionary Semantic Development3.1.1. Initial Stage: Primitive Perceptions
  • Data Acquisition:

    • Collect raw data from sensory inputs or datasets.

    • Example: Images, sounds, textual information.

  • Initial Semantic Assignments:

    • Associate basic meanings to data elements.

    • Use labeling or annotation to define primitive semantics.

3.1.2. Progressive Semantic Enrichment
  • Concept Formation:

    • Combine primitive semantics to form more complex concepts.

    • Use clustering and classification techniques.

  • Relationship Identification:

    • Detect relationships such as cause-effect, part-whole, and temporal sequences.

    • Represent relationships formally in the semantic network.

3.1.3. Continuous Learning
  • Adaptive Algorithms:

    • Implement learning algorithms that update semantics based on new data.

    • Examples: Reinforcement learning, online learning.

  • Error Detection and Correction:

    • Monitor inconsistencies or contradictions in the semantic network.

    • Use feedback mechanisms to correct and refine semantics.

3.2. Incorporation of Human Interaction3.2.1. Modeling Cognitive Processes
  • Conscious Reasoning:

    • Implement rule-based systems to model logical reasoning.

    • Formalize decision-making processes using decision trees or logic programming.

  • Subconscious Processing:

    • Use artificial neural networks to model pattern recognition and intuition.

    • Implement associative memory systems.

3.2.2. Collaborative Learning
  • Communication Protocols:

    • Develop interfaces for natural language understanding and generation.

    • Support dialogue systems for interactive learning.

  • Semantic Alignment:

    • Align the system's semantic network with those of human users.

    • Use techniques like semantic mapping and ontology matching.

3.3. Formal Bundling of Concepts with Semantics3.3.1. Semantic Bundles
  • Definition:

    • A semantic bundle is a structured representation of a concept, including its attributes, relationships, context, and temporal aspects.

  • Structure of a Semantic Bundle:

    SemanticBundle(C)=⟨A,R,Ctx,T⟩\text{SemanticBundle}(C) = \langle A, R, Ctx, T \rangleSemanticBundle(C)=A,R,Ctx,T


    • CCC: Concept

    • AAA: Set of attributes

    • RRR: Set of relationships

    • CtxCtxCtx: Contextual information

    • TTT: Temporal information

3.3.2. Example
  • Concept: "Tree"

  • Semantic Bundle:

    SemanticBundle(Tree)=⟨{Attributes:{Living organism,Woody stem,Leaves}Relationships:{PartOf(Forest),HabitatFor(Birds)}Context:{Botanical,Ecological}Temporal:{Grows over time,Seasonal changes}⟩\text{SemanticBundle}(\text{Tree}) = \langle \begin{cases} \text{Attributes}: \{\text{Living organism}, \text{Woody stem}, \text{Leaves}\} \\ \text{Relationships}: \{\text{PartOf}(\text{Forest}), \text{HabitatFor}(\text{Birds})\} \\ \text{Context}: \{\text{Botanical}, \text{Ecological}\} \\ \text{Temporal}: \{\text{Grows over time}, \text{Seasonal changes}\} \end{cases} \rangleSemanticBundle(Tree)=Attributes:{Living organism,Woody stem,Leaves}Relationships:{PartOf(Forest),HabitatFor(Birds)}Context:{Botanical,Ecological}Temporal:{Grows over time,Seasonal changes}

3.4. Addressing Paradoxes and Limitations3.4.1. Handling Self-Reference
  • Hierarchical Semantic Levels:

    • Statements about Level 1 concepts.

    • Allows for reflection without paradox.

    • Concepts built from Level 0 entities.

    • No self-reference within the same level.

    • Basic entities without self-reference.

    • Examples: Existence (∃), Identity (=).

    • Level 0 (Primitive Semantics):

    • Level 1 (Constructed Semantics):

    • Level 2 (Meta-Semantics):

  • Type Theory Integration:

    • Disallow operations that lead to self-reference paradoxes.

    • Enforce type safety in semantic operations.

    • Assign types to entities (e.g., Type_A, Type_B).

    • Define permissible operations based on types.

    • Types and Type Rules:

    • Preventing Invalid Constructs:

3.4.2. Managing Undecidable Statements
  • Acknowledgment of Incompleteness:

    • Recognize that some statements cannot be proven or disproven within the system.

    • Tag such statements as undecidable (⊥).

  • External Reasoning Mechanisms:

    • Use meta-systems or higher-level frameworks to analyze undecidable statements.

    • Incorporate human expertise or external knowledge bases.

  • Evolutionary Adaptation:

    • Update the system's semantics when new information becomes available.

    • Allow the system to revise previously undecidable statements.

3.5. Prioritizing Semantics in Mathematical Constructs3.5.1. Semantics-Driven Formulation
  • Mathematical Expressions Reflect Semantics:

    • Symbols and operations are defined to represent specific semantic meanings.

    • Mathematical operations correspond to meaningful real-world interactions.

  • Example:

    • Conjunction (∧) represents the co-occurrence of properties.

    • Disjunction (∨) represents alternatives or options.

    • Represents the combination of quantities or concepts.

    • Semantic addition (⊕) integrates attributes or entities.

    • Addition in Semantics:

    • Logical Operations:

3.5.2. Ensuring Semantic Integrity
  • Preservation of Meaning:

    • Mathematical manipulations must not distort the underlying semantics.

    • Valid transformations maintain the truth and relevance of statements.

  • Semantic Constraints:

    • Define rules that prevent meaningless or contradictory operations.

    • Use constraints to enforce consistency within the semantic network.

4. Formal Definitions and Structures4.1. Semantic Entities and Relationships4.1.1. Semantic Entity
  • Definition:

    A semantic entity is a formal representation of a concept, object, or idea, encapsulated with its associated semantics.

  • Notation:

    E=⟨C,S⟩E = \langle C, S \rangleE=C,S


    • CCC: Concept identifier.

    • SSS: Semantic bundle (\text{SemanticBundle}(C)).

4.1.2. Semantic Relationship
  • Definition:

    A semantic relationship is a formal connection between semantic entities, representing meaningful associations.

  • Types of Relationships:

    • Hierarchical: \text{IsA}(A, B) denotes that A is a subtype or instance of B.

    • Associative: \text{RelatedTo}(A, B) indicates a general association.

    • Causal: \text{Causes}(A, B) signifies that A leads to B.

    • Temporal: \text{Before}(A, B), \text{After}(A, B) represent temporal order.

4.2. Cognitive Semantic Space4.2.1. Structure
  • Semantic Network:

    A graph G=(V,E)G = (V, E)G=(V,E) where:

    • VVV: Set of semantic entities.

    • EEE: Set of semantic relationships.

  • Contextual Layers:

    • Contexts are dimensions or layers that provide situational information.

    • An entity can exist in multiple contexts, each with its own semantics.

  • Temporal Dimension:

    • Time-stamped semantics to account for changes over time.

    • Allows for the representation of historical data and predictions.

4.2.2. Evolutionary Dynamics
  • Growth:

    • New entities and relationships are added as the system learns.

    • The semantic network expands to represent increased knowledge.

  • Refinement:

    • Existing semantics are updated based on new information.

    • Conflicting information triggers reconciliation processes.

  • Pruning:

    • Obsolete or incorrect semantics are removed.

    • Ensures the semantic network remains accurate and efficient.

4.3. Formal Operations4.3.1. Concept Formation
  • Operation: FormConcept(S)\text{FormConcept}(S)FormConcept(S)

    • Combines a set of semantics S={S1,S2,...,Sn}S = \{S_1, S_2, ..., S_n\}S={S1,S2,...,Sn} to form a new concept CCC.

  • Rule:

    • The resulting concept must have a semantic bundle that is the integration of the input semantics:

      SemanticBundle(C)=⨁i=1nSi\text{SemanticBundle}(C) = \bigoplus_{i=1}^n S_iSemanticBundle(C)=i=1nSi

4.3.2. Semantic Inference
  • Operation: Infer(E,R)\text{Infer}(E, R)Infer(E,R)

    • Derives new semantics based on existing entity EEE and relationship RRR.

  • Rule:

    • Uses logical reasoning and inference rules to generate new knowledge.

  • Example:

    • If IsA(A,B)\text{IsA}(A, B)IsA(A,B) and HasProperty(B,P)\text{HasProperty}(B, P)HasProperty(B,P), then infer HasProperty(A,P)\text{HasProperty}(A, P)HasProperty(A,P).

4.3.3. Semantic Alignment
  • Operation: AlignSemantics(E1,E2)\text{AlignSemantics}(E_1, E_2)AlignSemantics(E1,E2)

    • Adjusts the semantics of entities E1E_1E1 and E2E_2E2 to achieve alignment.

  • Rule:

    • Minimizes semantic discrepancies while preserving the integrity of each entity's semantics.

  • Process:

    • Identify overlapping semantics.

    • Resolve conflicts through negotiation or prioritization.

5. Implementation Strategies5.1. Evolutionary Learning Algorithms5.1.1. Machine Learning Techniques
  • Reinforcement Learning:

    • The system learns by interacting with the environment and receiving feedback.

    • Rewards and penalties guide the learning process.

  • Unsupervised Learning:

    • Clustering and dimensionality reduction to discover patterns without labeled data.

    • Helps in forming new concepts from raw data.

  • Supervised Learning:

    • Uses labeled datasets to train models.

    • Applies when human-provided examples are available.

5.1.2. Incremental Learning
  • Online Learning:

    • The system updates its knowledge continuously as new data arrives.

    • Avoids the need for retraining from scratch.

  • Lifelong Learning:

    • Retains and utilizes knowledge over extended periods.

    • Adapts to changes while preserving valuable past learning.

5.2. Human-AI Interaction Modules5.2.1. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Understanding:

    • Parses and interprets human language inputs.

    • Maps linguistic expressions to semantic representations.

  • Generation:

    • Produces human-like responses based on semantic content.

    • Ensures generated language is coherent and contextually appropriate.

5.2.2. Feedback Mechanisms
  • User Interaction:

    • Provides interfaces for users to correct or augment the system's understanding.

    • Supports queries and explanations to enhance transparency.

  • Crowdsourcing:

    • Leverages input from multiple users to refine semantics.

    • Aggregates feedback to improve accuracy.

5.3. Semantic Network Construction5.3.1. Graph Databases
  • Advantages:

    • Efficient storage and retrieval of complex relationships.

    • Supports flexible querying of the semantic network.

  • Technologies:

    • Neo4j, OrientDB, and other graph database platforms.

5.3.2. Semantic Web Technologies
  • Resource Description Framework (RDF):

    • Standard for representing information about resources in a graph form.

    • Uses triples (subject-predicate-object) to encode semantics.

  • Web Ontology Language (OWL):

    • Provides a formal language for defining ontologies.

    • Enables reasoning about entities and their relationships.

5.4. Cognitive Process Modeling5.4.1. Cognitive Architectures
  • ACT-R (Adaptive Control of Thought-Rational):

    • Models human cognitive processes using production rules.

    • Integrates declarative and procedural knowledge.

  • SOAR:

    • General cognitive architecture for developing systems that exhibit intelligent behavior.

    • Emphasizes goal-directed behavior and problem-solving.

5.4.2. Subconscious Processing Modules
  • Neural Networks:

    • Deep learning models for pattern recognition and feature extraction.

    • Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for image data.

    • Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) for sequential data.

  • Associative Memory Systems:

    • Models that store and retrieve information based on patterns.

    • Hopfield networks and content-addressable memory.

6. Examples Illustrating the Modified Framework6.1. Concept Acquisition

Scenario: The system learns about "solar panels."


  1. Data Acquisition:

    • Collects data from text, images, and user inputs about solar panels.

  2. Primitive Semantics:

    • Identifies basic attributes: Produces electricity, Uses sunlight, Flat surface.

  3. Concept Formation:

    • Forms the concept "Solar Panel" by integrating primitive semantics.

  4. Semantic Bundle:

    SemanticBundle(SolarPanel)=⟨{Attributes:{Energy production,Photovoltaic effect}Relationships:{PartOf(Solar Energy System),UsedIn(Renewable Energy)}Context:{Energy,Technology}Temporal:{Evolving efficiency over time}⟩\text{SemanticBundle}(\text{SolarPanel}) = \langle \begin{cases} \text{Attributes}: \{\text{Energy production}, \text{Photovoltaic effect}\} \\ \text{Relationships}: \{\text{PartOf}(\text{Solar Energy System}), \text{UsedIn}(\text{Renewable Energy})\} \\ \text{Context}: \{\text{Energy}, \text{Technology}\} \\ \text{Temporal}: \{\text{Evolving efficiency over time}\} \end{cases} \rangleSemanticBundle(SolarPanel)=Attributes:{Energy production,Photovoltaic effect}Relationships:{PartOf(Solar Energy System),UsedIn(Renewable Energy)}Context:{Energy,Technology}Temporal:{Evolving efficiency over time}

  5. Integration into Cognitive Semantic Space:

    • Adds "Solar Panel" to the semantic network.

    • Links to related concepts like "Electricity," "Sunlight," "Renewable Energy."

6.2. Reasoning and Inference

Scenario: Determining whether "Electric Cars" are environmentally friendly.


  1. Existing Knowledge:

    • Attributes: Low emissions, Sustainable.

    • Attributes: Uses electricity, Has batteries.

    • Relationships: Alternative to Gasoline Cars.

    • Concept: "Electric Car"

    • Concept: "Environmentally Friendly"

  2. Inference:

    • Rule: If a vehicle produces low emissions, it is environmentally friendly.

    • Data: Electric cars produce zero tailpipe emissions.

  3. Conclusion:

    • Infer that "Electric Cars" are environmentally friendly.

    • Add the relationship IsA(EnvironmentallyFriendly, ElectricCar) to the semantic network.

  4. Considerations:

    • Counterpoints: Production of batteries may have environmental impacts.

    • Resolution: Represent nuanced understanding by acknowledging both positive and negative aspects.

6.3. Semantic Alignment in Communication

Scenario: Two AI systems with different semantic representations collaborate on a project.


  1. Initial Discrepancy:

    • System A's concept of "Cloud" refers to cloud computing.

    • System B's concept of "Cloud" refers to weather phenomena.

  2. Detection:

    • During communication, a mismatch is detected when discussing "Cloud storage."

  3. Alignment Process:

    • Systems exchange semantic bundles for "Cloud."

    • Identify the context difference.

  4. Resolution:

    • In technology discussions, "Cloud" refers to cloud computing.

    • In weather discussions, "Cloud" refers to atmospheric clouds.

    • Agree on context-specific usage:

  5. Update:

    • Adjust semantic bundles to include context information.

    • Enhance future communication by preventing similar misunderstandings.

7. Potential Applications7.1. Advanced Natural Language Understanding
  • Contextual Disambiguation:

    • The system can accurately interpret words with multiple meanings based on context.

    • Enhances machine translation and sentiment analysis.

  • Semantic Search Engines:

    • Search results are based on semantic relevance, not just keyword matching.

    • Improves information retrieval accuracy.

7.2. Collaborative AI Systems
  • Distributed Knowledge Bases:

    • AI systems share and synchronize semantic networks.

    • Collective learning accelerates knowledge acquisition.

  • Multi-Agent Systems:

    • Agents collaborate to solve complex problems.

    • Each agent contributes unique expertise.

7.3. Enhanced Human-AI Interaction
  • Personalized Assistants:

    • AI systems adapt to individual user's semantics and preferences.

    • Provide tailored recommendations and support.

  • Educational Tools:

    • AI tutors that understand student learning styles.

    • Offer explanations grounded in the student's existing knowledge.

7.4. Real-World Problem Solving
  • Medical Diagnosis:

    • Integrate patient data with medical knowledge to assist in diagnosis.

    • Account for nuanced symptoms and contexts.

  • Legal Reasoning:

    • Analyze legal documents and case law.

    • Support lawyers in constructing arguments and identifying precedents.

8. Addressing Challenges8.1. Scalability
  • Efficient Algorithms:

    • Implement algorithms optimized for large-scale semantic networks.

    • Use indexing and caching strategies.

  • Parallel Processing:

    • Distribute computations across multiple processors or machines.

    • Utilize cloud computing resources.

8.2. Integration with Traditional Mathematics
  • Hybrid Models:

    • Combine traditional mathematical methods with semantics-based approaches.

    • Use traditional algorithms where appropriate, ensuring semantic alignment.

  • Translational Layers:

    • Develop interfaces that map between abstract mathematical representations and semantic-rich constructs.

8.3. Computational Resources
  • Resource Optimization:

    • Prioritize critical semantics for processing.

    • Use approximate methods when exact solutions are unnecessary.

  • Advancements in Hardware:

    • Leverage GPUs and specialized hardware for machine learning tasks.

    • Explore quantum computing possibilities for complex computations.

8.4. Ethical Considerations
  • Bias Mitigation:

    • Ensure that the semantic network does not propagate biases present in the data.

    • Implement fairness algorithms and regular audits.

  • Privacy Protection:

    • Secure personal data used in learning processes.

    • Comply with data protection regulations like GDPR.

  • Transparency and Explainability:

    • Make the system's reasoning processes understandable to users.

    • Provide explanations for decisions and actions.

9. Conclusion

The modified DIKWP Semantic Mathematics framework offers a comprehensive approach to integrating real-world semantics into mathematical constructs, addressing the limitations of traditional mathematics in AI. By grounding mathematical expressions in fundamental semantics, modeling human cognitive processes, and constructing an evolving cognitive semantic space, the framework aligns AI systems with human understanding and reasoning. This alignment enhances AI's ability to comprehend, interact, and solve problems in ways that are meaningful and contextually appropriate.

The framework's emphasis on evolutionary learning, human interaction, and semantic integrity positions it as a promising foundation for developing advanced AI systems capable of genuine comprehension and collaboration with humans.

10. Future Work10.1. Prototype Development
  • Implementation:

    • Develop prototypes to test the framework in specific domains, such as language understanding or robotics.

  • Evaluation Metrics:

    • Establish criteria to assess the system's performance, including accuracy, efficiency, and user satisfaction.

10.2. Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration
  • Interdisciplinary Research:

    • Collaborate with experts in psychology, linguistics, neuroscience, and ethics to refine the framework.

  • Community Engagement:

    • Involve stakeholders, including users, developers, and policymakers, in the development process.

10.3. Long-Term Goals
  • General Artificial Intelligence:

    • Explore the framework's potential in contributing to the development of AGI.

  • Societal Impact:

    • Assess the broader implications of deploying AI systems based on the framework in society.

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I extend sincere gratitude to Prof. Yucong Duan for his pioneering work on the DIKWP Semantic Mathematics framework and for inspiring this comprehensive version. Appreciation is also given to researchers and scholars in cognitive science, artificial intelligence, philosophy, linguistics, and related fields whose foundational contributions have informed and enriched this work.

Author Information

For further discussion on the modified DIKWP Semantic Mathematics framework and its applications, please contact [Author's Name] at [Contact Information].

Keywords: DIKWP Semantic Mathematics, Cognitive Semantic Space, Evolutionary Semantics, Human Cognition, AI Semantics, Prof. Yucong Duan, Mathematical Framework, Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Cognitive Modeling, Semantic Integration, Natural Language Understanding, Ethical AI


上一篇:Frame: Evolutionary DIKWP Semantic Mathematics(初学者版)
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