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肿瘤成因的“革命”:从遗传到表观遗传 精选

已有 8809 次阅读 2014-4-27 11:06 |个人分类:科普集萃|系统分类:科普集锦| 肿瘤







另一个让人刮目相看的领域是“诺贝尔级”研究:诱导胚胎干细胞(ESC)转变成多能干细胞(iPSC),而实现这一转变的竟然是几个癌基因编码的转录因子,被称为“山中伸弥因子”(Yamanaka factors)!有人认为iPSC就是肿瘤干细胞(CSC),目前尚无定论。











Premature Termination of Reprogramming In Vivo Leads to Cancer Development through Altered Epigenetic Regulation


Cancer is believed to arise primarily through accumulation of genetic mutations. Although induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) generation does not require changes in genomic sequence, iPSCs acquire unlimited growth potential, a characteristic shared with cancer cells. Here, we describe a murine system in which reprogramming factor expression in vivo can be controlled temporally with doxycycline (Dox). Notably, transient expression of reprogramming factors in vivo results in tumor development in various tissues consisting of undifferentiated dysplastic cells exhibiting global changes in DNA methylation patterns. The Dox-withdrawn tumors arising in the kidney share a number of characteristics with Wilms tumor, a common pediatric kidney cancer. We also demonstrate that iPSCs derived from Dox-withdrawn kidney tumor cells give rise to nonneoplastic kidney cells in mice, proving that they have not undergone irreversible genetic transformation. These findings suggest that epigenetic regulation associated with iPSC derivation may drive development of particular types of cancer.




   Science在2012年发表的一篇快报(Science,2012,338:120-123)探讨了大肠杆菌性肠炎与结肠癌及直肠癌的关系,结论是肠炎是微生物群落诱导癌症的关键因素这篇文章的新意在于不仅证实了大肠杆菌感染与结直肠癌的关系,而且首次发现只有含“基因毒性岛”(genotoxic island)的大肠杆菌才能诱发结直肠癌。也就是说,过去认为只要是慢性炎症就能致癌的观点不全面,为特殊病原体所致炎症才能致癌的观点提供了新证据。





Intestinal Inflammation Targets Cancer-Inducing Activity of the Microbiota


Inflammation alters host physiology to promote cancer, as seen in colitis-associated colorectal cancer (CRC). Here, we identify the intestinal microbiota as a target of inflammation that impacts the progression of CRC. High-throughput sequencing revealed that inflammation modifies gut microbial composition in colitis-susceptible interleukin-10–deficient (Il10−/−) mice. Monocolonization with the commensal Escherichia coli NC101 promoted invasive carcinoma in azoxymethane (AOM)–treated Il10−/− mice. Deletion of the polyketide synthase (pks) genotoxic island from E. coli NC101 decreased tumor multiplicity and invasion in AOM/Il10−/− mice, without altering intestinal inflammation. Mucosa-associated pks+ E. coli were found in a significantly high percentage of inflammatory bowel disease and CRC patients. This suggests that in mice, colitis can promote tumorigenesis by altering microbial composition and inducing the expansion of microorganisms with genotoxic capabilities.









Dietary and Genetic Obesity Promote Liver Inflammation and Tumorigenesis by Enhancing IL-6 and TNF Expression


    Epidemiological studies indicate that overweight and obesity are associated with increased cancer risk. To study how obesity augments cancer risk and development, we focused on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), the common form of liver cancer whose occurrence and progression are the most strongly affected by obesity among all cancers. We now demonstrate that either dietary or genetic obesity is a potent bona fide liver tumor promoter in mice. Obesity-promoted HCC development was dependent on enhanced production of the tumorpromoting cytokines IL-6 and TNF, which cause hepatic inflammation and activation of the oncogenic transcription factor STAT3. The chronic inflammatory response caused by obesity and enhanced production of IL-6 and TNF may also increase the risk of other cancers.




Cell子刊在2012年发表的一篇论文Cancer Cell,2012,22:645-655)首次揭示了白细胞介素15(IL-15)如何诱发大颗粒淋巴细胞白血病的机理。由于IL-15是免疫激活中释放的众多促炎症细胞因子之一,因此其与癌症相关联的发现预示着炎症致癌假说首次在白血病中获得证实。

Aberrant Overexpression of IL-15 Initiates Large Granular Lymphocyte Leukemia through Chromosomal Instability and DNA Hypermethylation
How inflammation causes cancer is unclear. Interleukin-15 (IL-15) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine elevated in human large granular lymphocyte (LGL) leukemia. Mice overexpressing IL-15 develop LGL leukemia. Here, we show that prolonged in vitro exposure of wild-type (WT) LGL to IL-15 results in Myc-mediated upregulation of aurora kinases, centrosome aberrancies, and aneuploidy. Simultaneously, IL-15 represses miR-29b via induction of Myc/NF-κBp65/Hdac-1, resulting in Dnmt3b overexpression and DNA hypermethylation. All this is validated in human LGL leukemia. Adoptive transfer of WT LGL cultured with IL-15 led to malignant transformation in vivo. Drug targeting that reverses miR-29b repression cures otherwise fatal LGL leukemia. We show how excessive IL-15 initiates cancer and demonstrate effective drug targeting for potential therapy of human LGL leukemia.


JMCB于2012年发表的一篇论文(JMCB,2012,4:174-176)认为,缺氧及产能效率与细胞增殖信号传导的错联促进肿瘤细胞快速生长。该文写道:Various proposals have been made regarding the possible drivers of cancer growth such as driver mutations and autonomous growth signaling. While these are clearly relevant, they rely too much on specific types of genomic mutations or molecular abnormalities by chance across different cancer types, which makes the probability for cancer to occur/progress significantly lower than what we have witnessed about the current cancer occurrence rates worldwide, hence making them less probable to be the ultimate drivers of cancer growth。

文章继续写道:Our model does not require genomic mutations but it allows the growing process of a cancer to positively select mutations that may give the cells a competitive edge, such as multiplications of oncogenes and deleterious mutations of tumor suppressor genes。
另外,作者又在文末再次强调了“先细胞增生,后基因突变”的观点,他们是这么说的:Hypoxia might have made the further transition from a fast growing cell to cancer cells possible since it can induce a number of cancer hallmark capabilities such as activation of emergency DNA repair mechanism, which leads to increased DNA mutations, inhibition of apoptosis and activation of angiogenesis。


Stem Cell Dev,2012,22:37-50

Induced pluripotency and oncogenic transformation are related processes


Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) have the potential for creating patient-specific regenerative medicine therapies, but the links between pluripotency and tumorigenicity raise important safety concerns. More specifically, the methods employed for the production of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) and oncogenic foci (OF), a form of in vitro produced tumor cells, are surprisingly similar, raising potential concerns about iPSC. To test the hypotheses that iPSC and OF are related cell types and, more broadly, that the induction of pluripotency and tumorigenicity are related processes, we produced iPSC and OF in parallel from common parental fibroblasts. When we compared the transcriptomes of these iPSC and OF to their parental fibroblasts, similar transcriptional changes were observed in both iPSC and OF. A significant number of genes repressed during iPSC formation were also repressed in OF, including a large cohort of differentiation-associated genes. iPSC and OF shared a limited number of genes that were upregulated relative to parental fibroblasts but gene ontology analysis pointed toward monosaccharide metabolism as upregulated in both iPSC and OF. iPSC and OF were distinct in that only iPSCs activated a host of pluripotency-related genes, while OF activated cellular damage and specific metabolic pathways. We reprogrammed OF to produce iPSC-like cells, a process dependent on Nanog. However, the reprogrammed OF (ROF) had reduced differentiation potential compared to iPSC, suggesting that oncogenic transformation leads to cellular changes that impair complete reprogramming. Taken together, these findings support a model in which OF and iPSC are related, yet distinct cell types, and in which induced pluripotency and induced tumorigenesis are similar processes.


EMBO Rep,2014,15:244-253


Dedifferentiation and reprogramming: origins of cancer stem cells


Regenerative medicine aims to replace the lost or damaged cells in the human body through a new source of healthy transplanted cells or by endogenous repair. Although human embryonic stem cells were first thought to be the ideal source for cell therapy and tissue repair in humans, the discovery by Yamanaka and colleagues revolutionized the field. Almost any differentiated cell can be sent back in time to a pluripotency state by expressing the appropriate transcription factors. The process of somatic reprogramming using Yamanaka factors, many of which are oncogenes, offers a glimpse into how cancer stem cells may originate. In this review we discuss the similarities between tumor dedifferentiation and somatic cell reprogramming and how this may pose a risk to the application of this new technology in regenerative medicine.




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