因为纽约时报是大众报纸,报道得比较浅,内容很容易理解。对乳腺癌种类的划分和治疗原则进行了介绍。比方把乳腺癌划分为四种类型的,三阴乳腺癌, luminal A和luminal B,还有HER2阳性扩增的。在中国也是这样划分的,治疗原则也相当。比方 luminal A,不需要化疗,仅仅需要内分泌治疗就可以。luminal B就要有化学疗法。
The study’s biggest surprise involved a particularly deadly breast cancer whose tumor cells resemble basal cells of the skin and sweat glands, which are in the deepest layer of the skin. These breast cells form a scaffolding for milk duct cells. This type of cancer is often called triple negative and accounts for a small percentage of breast cancer.
But researchers found that this cancer was entirely different from the other types of breast cancer and much more resembles ovarian cancer and a type of lung cancer.
“It’s incredible,” said Dr. James Ingle of the Mayo Clinic, one of the study’s 348 authors, of the ovarian cancer connection. “It raises the possibility that there may be a common cause.”
There are immediate therapeutic implications. The study gives a biologic reason to try some routine treatments for ovarian cancer instead of a common class of drugs used in breast cancer known as anthracyclines. Anthracyclines, Dr. Ellis said, “are the drugs most breast cancer patients dread because they are associated with heart damage and leukemia.”
A new type of drug, PARP inhibitors, that seems to help squelch ovarian cancers, should also be tried in basal-like breast cancer, Dr. Ellis said.
“和卵巢癌的联系令人难以置信。”Meyo诊所的James Ingle医生说,James Ingle医生是这个348名研究者参与的研究之一。这种联系提出这两种癌可能由共同的原因引起。
Ellis医生还说,PARP inhibitors是一种新型药物,似乎能够帮助遏制卵巢癌,也应该试着用于治疗基底型的乳腺癌,
One of Dr. Ellis’s patients, Elizabeth Stark, 48, has a basal-type breast cancer. She has gone through three rounds of chemotherapy, surgery and radiation over the past four years. Her disease is stable now and Dr. Stark, a biochemist at Pfizer, says she knows it will take time for the explosion of genetic data to produce new treatments that might help her.
“In 10 years it will be different,” she said, adding emphatically, “I know I will be here in 10 years.”
Dr. Ellis医生的一个病人, Elizabeth Stark, 48岁了,得了这种基底型乳腺癌,在过去的四年,她已经经过三轮的化疗,手术和放射治疗。她的疾病现在稳定下来了,作为在Pfizer的生物化学家Stark博士说,她知道从基因数据的扩增到生产一种新型的能帮助到她的治疗方案需要时间。
After basal-like cancers, and luminal A and B cancers, the fourth type of breast cancer is what the researchers called HER2-enriched. Breast cancers often have extra copies of a gene, HER2, that drives their growth. A drug, Herceptin, can block the gene and has changed the prognosis for these patients from one of the worst in breast cancer to one of the best.
在基底乳腺癌,Luminal A和B型乳腺癌之外,第四种癌是HER2扩增型癌。乳腺癌时常额外地复制HER2基因,驱使癌块增长。Herceptin这种药物能够阻止这种基因,把这种癌症从预后最坏的一种乳腺癌变成预后最好的一种乳腺癌。
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