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已有 12952 次阅读 2011-9-17 12:01 |个人分类:学海拾贝|系统分类:科研笔记| 数字图书馆, HathiTrust

    经检索发现,台湾林泰宏在第一时间做了介绍。(“图有其表 在第一時間已經做了介紹”但链接已无法访问。
What is HathiTrust?
HathiTrust makes the digitized collections of some of the nation’s great research libraries available for all. HathiTrust was initially conceived as a collaboration of the thirteen universities of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation, the University of California system, and the University of Virginia to establish a repository for those universities to archive and share their digitized collections. HathiTrust will quickly expand to include additional partners and to provide those partners with an easy means to archive their digital content.
What does the name "HathiTrust" mean?
Hathi (pronounced hah-tee) is the Hindi word for elephant, an animal highly regarded for its memory, wisdom, and strength. Trust is a core value of research libraries and one of their greatest assets. In combination, the words convey the key benefits researchers can expect from a first-of-its-kind shared digital repository.
“Hathi (念做 hah-tee) 在印度语里是大象的意思,因为其记忆力、智慧、及力量的象征而受到相当的敬重。信任(Trust) 是研究型图书馆(research libraries) 的核心价值,也是他们最重要的资产。结合起來,Hathi 这个字传达了研究者可以期待自这个首开先例的分享式数位典藏所获得的主要好处(benefits)。”(林泰宏译)且根据林泰宏先生的发现,University of Michigan 的  MBooks 就是 HathiTrust 的前身。
HathiTrust Digital Library
HathiTrust is a partnership of major research institutions and libraries working to ensure that the cultural record is preserved and accessible long into the future. There are more than fifty partners in HathiTrust, and membership is open to institutions worldwide.
Currently Digitized
9,609,937 total volumes
5,109,036 book titles
251,863 serial titles
3,363,477,950 pages
431 terabytes
114 miles
7,808 tons
2,624,002 volumes (~27% of total)
in the public domain
View visualizations of HathiTrust
Our Partnership
HathiTrust began in 2008 as a collaboration of the thirteen universities of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation, the University of California system, and the University of Virginia to establish a repository to archive and share their digitized collections. HathiTrust has quickly expanded to include additional partners and to provide those partners with an easy means to archive their digital content.
The initial focus of the partnership has been on preserving and providing access to digitized book and journal content from the partner library collections. This includes both in copyright and public domain materials digitized by Google, the Internet Archive, and Microsoft, as well as through in-house initiatives. The partners aim to build a comprehensive archive of published literature from around the world and develop shared strategies for managing and developing their digital and print holdings in a collaborative way.
The primary community that HathiTrust serves are the members (faculty, students, and users) of its partners libraries, but the materials in HathiTrust are available to all to the extent permitted by law and contracts, providing the published record as a public good to users around the world.
1 林泰宏.HathiTrust数位典藏计划.http://libraryviews.blogsome.com/2008/11/19/763/
2 HathiTrust数字仓库项目概述
数字图书馆论坛 >> 2009年7期 >>


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