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已有 4139 次阅读 2017-10-18 11:33 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察| 海豚, 行为科学, 鲸鱼



据英国曼彻斯特大学University of Manchester20171016提供的消息,该大学的研究人员与英国伦敦经济和政治科学学院The London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE)、加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学( The University of British Columbia, Canada)、美国哈佛大学Harvard University以及斯坦福大学(Stanford University)的研究人员合作结果对此给出了答案,他们发现,鲸鱼和海豚(也属于鲸类)生活在凝聚力极强的社会群体之中,它们之间有复杂的关系,可以相互交谈,甚至可以用方言进行交流,这些特征就像人类社会一样。此项研究结果已于20171016日(当地时间)在《自然生态与进化》(Nature Ecology & Evolution 杂志网站发表—— Kieran C. R. Fox, Michael Muthukrishna, Susanne Shultz                . The social and cultural roots of whale and dolphin brains, Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2017,

Published online:

.  DOI: 10.1038/s41559-017-0336-y更多信息请浏览原文及相关报道。

Whales and dolphins have rich 'human-like' cultures and societies


Encephalization, or brain expansion, underpins humans’ sophisticated social cognition, including language, joint attention, shared goals, teaching, consensus decision-making and empathy. These abilities promote and stabilize cooperative social interactions, and have allowed us to create a ‘cognitive’ or ‘cultural’ niche and colonize almost every terrestrial ecosystem. Cetaceans (whales and dolphins) also have exceptionally large and anatomically sophisticated brains. Here, by evaluating a comprehensive database of brain size, social structures and cultural behaviours across cetacean species, we ask whether cetacean brains are similarly associated with a marine cultural niche. We show that cetacean encephalization is predicted by both social structure and by a quadratic relationship with group size. Moreover, brain size predicts the breadth of social and cultural behaviours, as well as ecological factors (diversity of prey types and to a lesser extent latitudinal range). The apparent coevolution of brains, social structure and behavioural richness of marine mammals provides a unique and striking parallel to the large brains and hyper-sociality of humans and other primates. Our results suggest that cetacean social cognition might similarly have arisen to provide the capacity to learn and use a diverse set of behavioural strategies in response to the challenges of social living.


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