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350年群星璀璨—免费的英国皇家学会《Phil Trans》纪念专号

已有 4177 次阅读 2015-12-30 10:33 |系统分类:科研笔记| 英国皇家学会, 物理学科, 纪念专刊

350年群星璀璨—免费的英国皇家学会《Phil Trans》纪念专号

2015年,世界上历史最悠久的未间断科学期刊Philosophical Transactions已经诞生350年了。为此,英国皇家学会(也是历史最悠久的科学学会)组织出版了Philosophical Transactions特刊,邀请著名学者和科普名家对NewtonMaxwell等科学巨匠在Phil Trans上发表的16篇文章进行了历史回顾和评述,这些评述文章和原始论文全部供免费下载。

来源:Theme issue ‘Celebrating350 years of Philosophical Transactions: physical sciences papers’ compiled and edited by Dave Garner






Newton shows thelight: a commentary on Newton (1672) ‘A letter … containing his new theoryabout light and colours…’

Patricia Fara

2. 李斯特(Lister)的植物化石研究(1673年)

Deep questionsabout the nature of early-life signals: a commentary on Lister (1673) ‘Adescription of certain stones figured like plants’

Martin Brasier

3. 普利斯特利(Priestley)的气体组成研究(1772年)

Gases, God andthe balance of nature: a commentary on Priestley (1772) ‘Observations ondifferent kinds of air’

JohnG. McEvoy

4. 赫歇尔(Herschel的彗星研究1787年)

Learned modestyand the first lady's comet: a commentary on Caroline Herschel (1787) ‘Anaccount of a new comet’

Emily Winterburn

5. 戴维(Davy)的防爆矿灯研究(1816年)

Sir Humphry Davyand the coal miners of the world: a commentary on Davy (1816) ‘An account of aninvention for giving light in explosive mixtures of fire-damp in coal mines’

JohnMeurig Thomas


6. 吉尔伯特(Gilbert)的悬索桥研究(1826年)

An amateur'scontribution to the design of Telford's Menai Suspension Bridge: a commentaryon Gilbert (1826) ‘On the mathematical theory of suspension bridges’

C.R. Calladine

7. 法拉第(Faraday)的电学研究(1832年)

The birth of theelectric machines: a commentary on Faraday (1832) ‘Experimental researches inelectricity’

Jim Al-Khalili

8. 焦耳(Joule)的热功当量研究(1850年)

Heat, work andsubtle fluids: a commentary on Joule (1850) ‘On the mechanical equivalent ofheat’

John Young

9. 麦克斯韦(Maxwell)的电磁场研究(1865年)

‘…a paper …Ihold to be great guns’: a commentary on Maxwell (1865) ‘A dynamical theory ofthe electromagnetic field’

Malcolm Longair

10. 雷诺(Reynolds)的湍流研究(1895

First steps inmodelling turbulence and its origins: a commentary on Reynolds (1895) ‘On thedynamical theory of incompressible viscous fluids and the determination of thecriterion’

BrianE. Launder

11. 戴森(Dyson)、爱丁顿(Eddington)和戴维森(Davidson)的太阳重力场偏转光线研究(1920年)

Bendingspace–time: a commentary on Dyson, Eddington and Davidson (1920) ‘Adetermination of the deflection of light by the Sun's gravitational field’

Malcolm Longair

12. 费雪(Fisher)的统计学研究(1922

From evidence tounderstanding: a commentary on Fisher (1922) ‘On the mathematical foundationsof theoretical statistics’

DavidJ. Hand

13. 兰斯代尔(Lonsdale)的X射线晶体学研究(1947

There ain'tnothing like a Dame: a commentary on Lonsdale (1947) ‘Divergent beam X-rayphotography of crystals’

A. M. Glazer

14. 伯顿(Burton)、卡布雷拉(Cabrera弗兰克(FrankBCF晶体生长理论研究1951

How does yourcrystal grow? A commentary on Burton, Cabrera and Frank (1951) ‘The growth ofcrystals and the equilibrium structure of theirsurfaces’

D.P. Woodruff

15. Bullard(布拉德)、Everett(艾弗雷特)和Smith(斯密斯)的大西洋板块构造研究(1965年)

A harbinger ofplate tectonics: a commentary on Bullard, Everett and Smith (1965) ‘The fit ofthe continents around the Atlantic’

JohnF. Dewey

16. Milner(米尔诺)的机器证明研究(1984

Tactics formechanized reasoning: a commentary on Milner (1984) ‘The use of machines toassist in rigorous proof’

M. J. C. Gordon


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