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已有 5351 次阅读 2012-6-1 14:33 |个人分类:他山之石|系统分类:人物纪事| 儿童节


照片中是美国学术神童劳拉. 戴明,今年17岁,她11岁就学习微积分,12岁就进遗传学实验室接触科技前沿。14岁进入麻省理工学院。2011年,对如今的高等教育极其不满的硅谷亿万富翁Peter Thiel选中24位具有创业精神的青少年,给每人10万美元,让他们自由追逐创新点子。劳拉是24人中的一人。资助条件是:资助期的两年内必须告别学业,呆在校外。现在,劳拉正在加州为自己的公司打拼。有兴趣者可阅读20125月号《科技信息》的原文:http://www.mittrchinese.com/single.php?p=173980


This is the VOA Special English Technology Report.


What do Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Larry Ellison have in common? They all made billions of dollars in technology. And they all left college. Now, a wealthy businessman is paying other technologically talented young people to follow that same path.


Peter Thiel is paying them to drop out or at least to "stop out" of higher education temporarily to work on their interests. He and his Thiel Foundation just announced the first group of what they call 20 Under 20 Thiel Fellows.

皮特·泰尔(Peter Thiel)为他们提供资金,让他们辍学,至少是暂停学业去发展他们的兴趣所在。他和他的泰尔基金会刚刚宣布了第一批所谓的20名20岁以下的泰尔研究员。

PETER THIEL: "We selected people on the basis of a combination of having demonstrated intense passion about science and technology and then having the drive to try to carry it forward in the years ahead."


There are twenty-four people to be exact, because a couple of projects involve more than one person.


One of the youngest is Laura Deming. At twelve she began researching ways to extend human life. Now, at seventeen, she has already graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

最年轻的一位获奖人是罗拉·戴明(Laura Deming)。她12岁就开始寻找延长人类寿命的方法。现在,17岁的她已经从麻省理工学院毕业。

Eighteen-year-old John Marbach just finished high school. He hopes to use Web tools to bring classrooms into the digital age. He plans to attend one semester of college before he begins his fellowship.

18岁的约翰·迈巴赫(John Marbach)刚刚读完高中。他希望使用互联网工具将课堂带入数字化时代。他计划在接受泰尔资助计划前先到大学读一个学期。

Each of the fellows will receive one hundred thousand dollars over two years to continue their research. They will also receive help from experts.


Peter Thiel has a lot of experience with technology start-up businesses. He helped create the electronic payment system PayPal. He was also one of the first investors in Facebook.


He himself is a graduate of Stanford University and Stanford Law School in California. But Mr. Thiel says college has changed.


PETER THIEL: "It's gotten a lot more expensive than when I attended school a quarter of a century ago. And so, if you look at how much college costs have gone up, you now have people graduating with a quarter million dollars worth of debt and they end up having to spend years or decades paying the debt off."


The Obama administration is pushing college. It says over the next ten years, nearly half of all new jobs will require more than a high school education. But Peter Thiel says many young people choose college for the wrong reasons.


PETER THIEL: "What I ended up doing, and what I think is still true of most of my peers and is true of most people today -- was simply to default into it. Talented, high school, what do you do? You go to college. Good in college, what do you do? You go to law school. Where education and higher education becomes almost this way for not thinking and avoiding thinking about what you're going to do with your life."


Mr. Thiel says the young people he is investing in are clear about what they want to do. At the very least, he says, they will gain experience to take back to school if that is what they decide to do.


More than four hundred people from twenty countries applied to the program. Later this year the Thiel Foundation plans to begin taking applications for the next group of fellows under the age of twenty.






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