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11月23日,该校将举办第5届古典学知识竞赛(线下),由古典学讲席教授 Tim Parkinson和 Roslynne Bell博士担任竞赛主持人。




1) Which of the following was NOT part of the pentathlon at the ancient Olympic Games?(古代奥运会的五项全能项目不含以下的哪一项?)
a. Javelin 标枪
b. Boxing 拳击
c. Wrestling 摔跤
d. Long jump 跳远

2) Approximately what percentage of early imperial gladiatorial fights ended in the death of one of the combatants? (早期罗马帝国角斗士的角斗中,大约有多大百分比的角斗场次中最终有一位角斗士死亡?)
a. 20 per cent 20%
b. 50 per cent 50%
c. 80 per cent 80%
d. 100 per cent 100%

3) The Melbourne War Memorial is based on which of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?(墨尔本战争纪念馆是基于古代七大奇迹的哪一桩奇迹?)
a. Pharos (Lighthouse) of Alexandria 法洛斯岛亚历山大灯塔
b. Hanging Gardens of Babylon 巴比伦空中花园
c. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus 以弗所的阿尔忒弥斯神殿
d. Mausoleum at Halicarnassus 摩索拉斯陵墓

4) If you were in a caldarium, would you be(如果你在caldarium——博主:该词的意思是古罗马高温浴室——中,那么你的状态是):
a. Wet and hot 湿而热
b. Naked and cold 裸身而冷
c. Clothed and hungry 有衣蔽体但饥饿
d. Hot and clothed 热但是穿着衣服

5) With which phrase did Cato the Elder famously end his speeches?(老加图用哪句名言结束了他的演讲?)
a. Non ducor, duco (I am not led, I lead)
b. Sic semper tyrannis (Thus always to tyrants)
c. Carpe diem (Seize the day)
d. Carthago delenda est (Carthage must be destroyed)

6) What was the name of Helen of Troy’s husband? (特洛伊的海伦的丈夫叫什么名字?)
a. Paris
b. Menelaus
c. Jason
d. Herakles

7) With which bird do we most associate the goddess Athena?(我们经常将哪种鸟与雅典娜女神相联系?)
a. Dove 鸽子
b. Owl 猫头鹰
c. Eagle 鹰
d. Kiwi 几维鸟

8) In what year was the Olympic Flame first lit in Olympia? (奥运会首次点燃奥运火炬是哪一年?)
a. 776 BCE (First Olympics,第一届奥运会)
b. AD 67 (Nero’s Olympics,暴君尼禄参加的那届奥运会)
c. 1896 (First modern Olympics 第一届现代运动会)
d. 1936 (Berlin Olympics 柏林奥运会)

9) In Greek and Roman art, the chimera is usually comprised of which three animals? (在古希腊罗马艺术品中,喀迈拉兽通常由哪三种动物组合而成?)
a. Ram, bull, eel 公羊、公牛和鳗鱼
b. Panther, hamster, fish 黑豹、仓鼠和鱼
c. Lion, goat, snake 狮子、山羊和蛇
d. Rooster, boar, elephant 雄鸡、野猪和象

10) According to the Roman author, Aelian, “to prevent the stomach of red mullet from bursting during the cooking process, really skilful chefs…”(按照罗马作家Aelian的说法,“为了防止红鲻鱼的胃在烹制中爆裂,非常老练的厨师会……”)
a. Kiss them on the lips
b. Stuff them with mice
c. Bury them for a week
d. Beat them against a wall while shouting “Neptune!”

11) Lacedaemon is the ancient name for(Lacedaemon是以下哪个地方的古名):
a. Corinth 科林斯
b. Argos 阿戈斯
c. Athens 雅典
d. Sparta 斯巴达

12) Who was the Greek king punished for his hubris by having endlessly to roll a boulder up a steep hill in the Underworld?(希腊神话中的哪个国王由于狂妄而受到在冥界里无休止地将巨石推上陡山坡的惩罚? )
a. Erechtheus
b. Sisyphus
c. Pentheus
d. Atlas

13) Which of the following was a prized element in Roman women’s body oils and cosmetics?(古罗马女性的按摩油和化妆品中有哪种珍贵成分?)
a. Bull semen 公牛的精液
b. Eagle blood 老鹰血
c. Gladiator sweat 角斗士的汗
d. Urine 尿液

14) Which of these sites did pioneering archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann NOT excavate?(先驱考古学家海因里希·施里曼没有发掘过的是以下哪个遗址?)
a. Knossos
b. Troy
c. Mycenae
d. Tiryns

15) Which of these was NOT one of the famed seven hills of Rome?(以下哪座山丘不属于古罗马著名的七座山丘之列?)
a. Esquiline
b. Capitoline
c. Vatican
d. Quirinal

16) In what year did a Roman emperor first die in battle against a foreign enemy?(古罗马皇帝首次在与外敌交战中战死是哪一年?)
a. 37 CE
b. 96 CE
c. 114 CE
d. 251 CE

17) Who, according to tradition, first proposed the idea that the sun was the centre around which planets orbit?(据传说,谁第一个提出太阳是中心,地球围绕太阳旋转?)
a. Aristarchus of Samos
b. Aristotle
c. Copernicus
d. Archimedes

18) The remains of the Minoan Bronze settlement of Akrotiri can be found on which Greek island?(在希腊的那个岛上可以发现亚克罗提利的米诺斯青铜时代定居点遗址?)
b. Santorini
c. Aegina
d. Crete

19) In Seneca’s Apocolocyntosis, the emperor Claudius is transformed into(在塞涅卡的著作Apocolocyntosis中,克劳狄乌斯皇帝被变成了什么东西?):
a. A comet 彗星
b. An eagle 老鹰
c. A pumpkin 南瓜
d. An ass 驴

20) Attic pottery was produced in which Greek city state? (古希腊阿蒂卡瓷器是在哪个希腊城邦生产的?)
a. Sparta
b. Potidaea
c. Athens
d. Corinth

21) The geological formation in Victoria known today as Hanging Rock was previously named after which Greek philosopher? (澳大利亚维多利亚州内如今称为“悬岩”的那片地质构造原先是以哪位古希腊哲学家的名字命名的?)
a. Diogenes
b. Socrates
c. Plato
d. Antisthenes

22) In Homer’s epic poems the Iliad and the Odyssey, singers gain inspiration from(在荷马史诗《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》中,歌手们从哪里获得灵感?):
a. Wine 酒
b. The Muses 缪斯
c. Zeus 宙斯
d. Their mothers 歌手的母亲

23) Which of these is NOT a Delphic maxim?(以下哪句话不属于德尔斐箴言?)
a. Respect yourself 尊重你自己
b. Know thyself认识你自己
c. Just do it 干就是了
d. Aim to be married(旨在婚嫁)

24) Mens sana in corpore sano (“A healthy mind in a healthy body,” Juvenal) is the motto of which AFL team?Mens sana in corpore sano,“健康的心智寓于健康的身体”是澳式足球联盟哪支球队的座右铭?)
a. Collingwood
b. Essendon
c. Geelong
d. Carlton

25) What were (supposedly) the emperor Nero’s famous last words?(以下哪句话据说是尼禄皇帝的著名临终遗言?)
a. Acta est fabula, plaudite (“The story is done, applaud”)
b. Qualis Artifex pereo (“What an artist dies in me”)
c. Vae, puto deus fio (“Dear me, I think I’m becoming a god”)
d. Veni, vidi, vici (“I came, I saw, I conquered”)

26) Which epic hero is the son of Peleus and Thetis?(哪位史诗英雄是珀琉斯与忒提斯之子?)
a. Aeneas
b. Theseus
c. Achilles
d. Odysseus

27) The controversial politician famed for switching sides between Athens and Sparta during the Peloponnesian War was(在伯罗奔尼撒战争中轮番投靠雅典和斯巴达的争议甚大的政治家是谁):
a. Demosthenes
b. Alcibiades
c. Miltiades
d. Timotheus

28) Mark Zuckerberg chose which Greek prefix meaning ‘after’ or ‘beyond,’ to be the new name of the Facebook company?(马克.扎克伯格选用了希腊语表示“之后”或“超越”含义的哪个前缀来给Facebook公司起新名?)
a. Peri
b. Neo
c. Hyper
d. Meta

29) Which of these men failed to make Edward Gibbon’s list of the so-called ‘Five Good Emperors’?(爱德华.吉本开列的所谓“五贤帝”名单中没有以下哪一位?)
a. Trajan
b. Antoninus Pius
c. Septimius Severus
d. Nerva

30) The Flavian Amphitheatre can be found in…(圆形露天竞技场可在以下哪个城市找到?)
a. Rome
b. Lyons
c. Antioch
d. London


1) B (Boxing; the ancient pentathlon consisted of long jump, discus, javelin, wrestling and running)

2) A (20 per cent)

3) D (Mausoleum at Halicarnassus)

4) A (Wet and hot; caldarium was the room in a Roman bath complex with a hot, plunge bath)

5) D (Carthage must be destroyed)

6) B (Menelaus, the King of Sparta)

7) B (Owl)

8) D (Berlin Olympics; the torch relay was introduced by Hitler’s Third Reich as a means of publicising the Games)

9) C (Lion, goat, snake; traditionally the chimera has the body of a lion, a goat protruding from its back, and a snake for a tail)

10) A (Kiss them on the lips)

11) D (Sparta)

12) B (Sisyphus)

13) C (Gladiator sweat; was guaranteed to improve the complexion)

14) A (Knossos)

15) C (Vatican)

16) D (251 CE; Decius died fighting the Goths in present day Bulgaria)

17) A (Aristarchus of Samos; in the third century BCE)

18) B (Santorini)

19) C (Pumpkin; Apocolocyntosis literally means “gourdification” or more popularly “pumpkinification”)

20) C (Athens)

21) A (Diogenes)

22) B (The Muses)

23) C (Just do it)

24) D (Carlton)

25) B (Qualis Artifex pereo; “What an artist dies in me”)

26) C (Achilles)

27) B (Alcibiades)

28) D (Meta)

29) C (Septimius Severus)

30) A (Rome; another name for the Colosseum)




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