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[笔记,科普,资料] 诺贝尔奖相关知识与资料

已有 271 次阅读 2024-7-23 22:49 |个人分类:科学 - 艺术 - 社会|系统分类:科研笔记

[笔记,科普,资料] 诺贝尔奖相关知识与资料


诺贝尔: Alfred Bernhard Nobel, 1833-10-21 ~ 1869-12-10, 63

诺贝尔奖: Nobel Prize

诺贝尔奖得主: Nobel Prize laureate




图1  am-tu-showing-medal-1067-landscape-medium-2x.webp

Tu Youyou showing her Nobel Prize medal, 11 December 2015. © Nobel Media. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud.






   以下来自“诺贝尔奖官方网站”: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/



一、Full text of Alfred Nobel’s will 阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔遗嘱全文节选



   Öfver hela min återstående realiserbara förmögenhet förfogas på följande sätt: kapitalet, af utredningsmännen realiserade till säkra värdepapper, skall utgöra en fond, hvars ränta årligen utdelas som prisbelöning åt dem, som under det förlupne året hafva gjort menskligheten den största nytta. Räntan delas i fem lika delar som tillfalla: en del den som inom fysikens område har gjort den vigtigaste upptäckt eller uppfinning; en del den som har gjort den vigtigaste kemiska upptäck eller förbättring; en del den som har gjort den vigtigaste upptäckt inom fysiologiens eller medicinens domän; en del den som inom litteraturen har producerat det utmärktaste i idealisk rigtning; och en del åt den som har verkat mest eller best för folkens förbrödrande och afskaffande eller minskning af stående armeer samt bildande och spridande af fredskongresser. Prisen för fysik och kemi utdelas af Svenska Vetenskapsakademien; för fysiologiska eller medicinska arbeten af Carolinska institutet i Stockholm; för litteratur af Akademien i Stockholm samt för fredsförfäktare af ett utskott af fem personer som väljas af Norska Stortinget. Det är min uttryckliga vilja att vid prisutdelningarne intet afseende fästes vid någon slags nationalitetstillhörighet sålunda att den värdigaste erhåller priset, antingen han är Skandinav eller ej.



   All of my remaining realisable assets are to be disbursed as follows: the capital, converted to safe securities by my executors, is to constitute a fund, the interest on which is to be distributed annually as prizes to those who, during the preceding year, have conferred the greatest benefit to humankind. The interest is to be divided into five equal parts and distributed as follows: one part to the person who made the most important discovery or invention in the field of physics; one part to the person who made the most important chemical discovery or improvement; one part to the person who made the most important discovery within the domain of physiology or medicine; one part to the person who, in the field of literature, produced the most outstanding work in an idealistic direction; and one part to the person who has done the most or best to advance fellowship among nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies, and the establishment and promotion of peace congresses. The prizes for physics and chemistry are to be awarded by the Swedish Academy of Sciences; that for physiological or medical achievements by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm; that for literature by the Academy in Stockholm; and that for champions of peace by a committee of five persons to be selected by the Norwegian Storting. It is my express wish that when awarding the prizes, no consideration be given to nationality, but that the prize be awarded to the worthiest person, whether or not they are Scandinavian.







二、Nobel Prize Lessons – Alfred Nobel and the Nobel Prize 诺贝尔奖的课程——阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔和诺贝尔奖


   This is a step-by-step timetable for the Nobel Prize Lesson Alfred Nobel and the Nobel Prize. This lesson package consists of four parts: a slide show with a speaker’s manuscript for the teacher, two short videos, a student worksheet, and this teacher’s guide. The lesson is designed to take 45 minutes.



三、Multiple Nobel Prize laureates 多次获得诺贝尔奖的得主



3.1  一人多次

   John Bardeen, 

   Marie Curie, née Skłodowska, 

   Linus Carl Pauling, 

   Frederick Sanger, 

   K. Barry Sharpless,

   Comité international de la Croix Rouge (International Committee of the Red Cross)


3.2  Married couples (at the time of the award) 夫妇(颁奖时)


   Marie Curie, née Skłodowska, Pierre Curie

   Irène Joliot-Curie, Frédéric Joliot

   Gerty Theresa Cori, née Radnitz, Carl Ferdinand Cori

   Gunnar Myrdal, Alva Myrdal

   May-Britt Moser, Edvard I. Moser

   Esther Duflo, Abhijit Banerjee


3.3  Mother & daughter 母亲和女儿

   Marie Curie, née Skłodowska, Irène Joliot-Curie


3.4  Father & daughter 父女

   Pierre Curie, Irène Joliot-Curie


3.5  Father & son 父子  

   Sir William Henry Bragg, William Lawrence Bragg

   Niels Henrik David Bohr, Aage Niels Bohr

   Hans Karl August Simon von Euler-Chelpin, Ulf von Euler

   Arthur Kornberg, Roger D. Kornberg

   Karl Manne Georg Siegbahn, Kai M. Siegbahn

   Joseph John Thomson, George Paget Thomson

   Sune K. Bergström, Svante Pääbo


3.6  Brothers 兄弟  

   Jan Tinbergen, Nikolaas Tinbergen


3.7  Why are the individuals and organisations awarded a Nobel Prize called Nobel Prize laureates?  为什么个人和组织被授予诺贝尔奖,称为诺贝尔奖桂冠?


   The word “laureate” refers to being signified by the laurel wreath. In Greek mythology, the god Apollo is represented wearing a laurel wreath on his head. A laurel wreath is a circular crown made of branches and leaves of the bay laurel (in Latin: Laurus nobilis). In Ancient Greece, laurel wreaths were awarded to victors as a sign of honour – both in athletic competitions and in poetic meets.

   “桂冠”一词指的是月桂花环。在希腊神话中,阿波罗神被描绘成头上戴着月桂花冠。月桂花环是由月桂(拉丁语:Laurus nobilis)的树枝和叶子制成的圆形花冠。在古希腊,无论是在体育比赛还是诗歌比赛中,桂冠都被授予胜利者作为荣誉的象征。


四、Quick facts 要点


   Awards: 621

   Laureates: 1000

   Prize categories: 6

   Awards to women: 65

   Awarded organisations: 27

   Youngest laureate: 17

   Oldest laureate: 97










   Nobel Prize in Physics

1901–2023: 117 prizes awarded to 225 laureates.




   Nobel Prize in Chemistry

1901–2023: 115 prizes awarded to 194 laureates.




   Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

1901–2023: 114 prizes awarded to 227 laureates.




   Nobel Prize in Literature

1901–2023: 116 prizes awarded to 120 laureates.




   Nobel Peace Prize

1901–2023: 104 prizes awarded to 141 laureates.




   Prize in economic sciences

1901–2023: 55 prizes awarded to 93 laureates.




五、Nobel Prize facts 诺贝尔奖事实

621 Nobel Prizes 截止到 2024-07-23.png


图2  截止到 2024-07-23 颁发了 621 个 Nobel Prizes 


首页 https  www.nobelprize.org prizes.jpg


图3  诺贝尔奖网站首页截图



[1] Full text of Alfred Nobel’s will


[2] Alfred Nobel’s will


[3] Nobel Prize Lessons – Alfred Nobel and the Nobel Prize


[4] New translation of Alfred Nobel’s will


[5] Nobel Prize facts




[1] The Millennium Prize Problems, Clay Mathematics Institute


[1-2] Arthur Jaffe, 薛博卿译. 千禧年大奖难题之始与未终[J]. 数学文化, 2020, 11(4): 65-74.



[2] A.M. Turing Award, Association for Computing Machinery


   The A.M. Turing Award, sometimes referred to as the "Nobel Prize of Computing," was named in honor of Alan Mathison Turing (1912–1954), a British mathematician and computer scientist. He made fundamental advances in computer architecture, algorithms, formalization of computing, and artificial intelligence. Turing was also instrumental in British code-breaking work during World War II.

   A.M.图灵奖,有时被称为“诺贝尔计算奖”,是为了纪念英国数学家和计算机科学家Alan Mathison Turing(1912-1954)而设立的。他在计算机体系结构、算法、计算形式化和人工智能方面取得了根本性进展。图灵在第二次世界大战期间也在英国的密码破译工作中发挥了重要作用。

[3] The Abel Prize, The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters



   The Abel Prize – International Prize of Mathematics – Awarded yearly

   The Abel Prize is named after Niels Henrik Abel, Norway’s greatest mathematician throughout the times. Abel left lasting marks on the mathematical world. His mathematics have served as a base for a number of major technological breakthroughs, there amongst the development of the internet.  The Abel Prize was established by the Norwegian Parliament (The Storting) in 2002, on the occasion the 200-year anniversary of his birth.



[4] SCIENCE, 2005-01-07, Special Issue 125th Anniversary, 01 JULY 2005, VOL 309, ISSUE 5731


[4-2] In Praise of Hard Questions



[4-3] 125


   Although tempted to review the 25 years of progress since 1980, my colleagues and I went with Fred instead and decided to contemplate the future, this time by posing 25 “Big Questions” along with 100 smaller ones. The choice reflects our belief that questions are more important than answers in shaping the future of science.


[4-4] 2019-05-17,《Science 125个前沿问题解读》一书即将出版 |《科学通报》


[4-5] 2017-01-22,Science125个科学前沿问题系列解读2016年度汇总|《科学通报》


[4-6] 2016-03-18,Science 125个科学前沿问题系列解读 |《科学通报》


[5] 等你求解!上海交大携手《科学》杂志向全球发布125个科学问题, 2021-04-11, 上海交通大学 


[5-2] SCIENCE, 2021-04-11, 125 questions: Exploration and discovery, In honor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s 125th Anniversary




[1] 2014-10-09,诺贝尔奖:发给主意,还是发给结果?


[2] 2022-10-06,[小资料] 两次获得诺贝尔奖的科学家们


[3] 2020-06-24,寻找共性:兴旺时期的贝尔实验室,和日本诺贝尔奖井喷


[4] 2021-08-27,[小资料] 日本政府2001年制定“50年内30个诺贝尔奖”计划时,至少16人已完成诺奖成果


[5] 2018-12-16,[求证]《诺贝尔奖得主马丁·查尔菲 Martin Chalfie:科研告诉我了什么?》的真伪


[6] 2014-11-20,[求证] 周光召先生关于“中国本土上第一个获得诺贝尔奖的人”的说法


[7] 2021-06-03,[求证] 彭罗斯(Roger Penrose)都拿诺贝尔奖了。俺的“高通滤波器”教学创新是不是也该涨价了?


[8] 2024-06-17,[互容,mutual capacitance] “互容”进入教材的情况(美国诺贝尔奖得主,俄罗斯科学院院士)


[9] 2023-01-16,[搞笑?搞哭?汇集] 怎样判断“原创”和“诺贝尔奖成果”?


[10] 2024-04-01,[笔记,数学文化] “千禧年大奖难题”,“发现全新的研究方向或领域”,后者更难能可贵


[11] 2023-10-26,[最主流,实体的物理实验波形] “费曼电容器充电”的电压波形观察


[12] 2019-07-02,记忆:南开大学2008年《科学素质教育课程骨干教师高级研修班》







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