氢分子医学分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/孙学军 对氢气生物学效应感兴趣者。可合作研究:sunxjk@hotmail.com 微信 hydrogen_thinker



已有 4956 次阅读 2012-12-20 14:48 |个人分类:呼吸氢气|系统分类:科研笔记| 检测, 生理学, 经典的





The aim of this study was to verify the correlation between mean blur rate (MBR) obtained with CCD-equipped laser speckle flowgraphy (LSFG) and capillary blood flow (CBF) obtained by the hydrogen gas clearance method in rabbit optic nerve head (ONH). Using Japanese white rabbits under systemic anesthesia, a hydrogen electrode was inserted an area of the ONH free from superficial capillaries. MBR was measured with LSFG near the hydrogen electrode. CBF and MBR were measured in the range of 32.4-83.5 mL/min/100 g and 3.5-6.0, respectively. MBR and CBF were significantly correlated (r = 0.73, P<0.01, n = 14). After inhalation of carbon dioxide (CO2) or intravenous administration of endothelin-1 (ET-1), MBR and CBF were changed in the relative range of 0.74-1.27 and 0.76-1.35, respectively. The relative changes in MBR and CBF induced by CO2 and ET-1 were also significantly correlated (r = 0.67, P<0.01). The current results suggest that MBR may correlate with CBF and also change with CBF, as an index of blood flow in the ONH, linearly.

Mydriasis was induced by topical tropicamide (Mydrin®-M ophthalmic solution 0.4%, Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Osaka, Japan). Animals were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of 0.8 mg/kg urethane at 0.4 g/mL (Nakalai, Kyoto, Japan) and additional intramuscular injection of 0.1 mg/kg urethane as necessary. Topical anesthesia was induced by topical oxybuprocaine (Benoxil® ophthalmic solution 0.4%, Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.). The CBF in the ONH was measured by the hydrogen gas clearance method as previously reported (Sugiyama et al., 1996). A hydrogen electrode (Cat.# OA211-013, platinum needle with a 0.7-mm long and 0.1-mm diameter Pt-Ir tip, Unique Medical Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) was inserted into a lower portion of the ONH with no visible surface vessels through the vitreous body from the pars plana using a vitrectomy lens. The reference electrode was subcutaneously fixed on the head. After the inhalation of 10% hydrogen gas by a mask at 5 L/min for 5 min, CBF was calculated with the hydrogen concentration half-life (T1/2) using a hydrogen clearance flow meter (model MDH-D1, Unique Medical Co., Ltd.). As shown in Fig.1A, since the clearance curve is approximately mono-exponential, the hydrogen concentration was plotted into logarithm to get half-life (T1/2) for calculation. Specifically in the current study, the linearity of hydrogen clearance in logarithm was found beforehand to be the highest at 1 to 2 min after stopping hydrogen inhalation (Fig.1B), therefore we adopted the half-life there to calculate CBF as 69.3/ T1/2 (mL/min/100g).



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