2012年,在基因工程研究者获得了多种新的功能强大的工具,生物学家可以在多种不同级别的物种使用这一手段。其中一种工具被称转录因子效应核酸酶(TALENs),TALENs具有破坏或改变斑马鱼、爪蟾和其他动物的特定基因的功能, TALENs是一种蛋白质可选择性切断DNA特定序列,能选择性修复特定基因(听上去好象是细菌的限制性内切酶)。其中一个小组利用这个技术用于小型猪心脏疾病模型的研究。其他一些小组使用这个技术对大鼠、蟋蟀甚至人类患者来源的细胞进行基因操作。晶体结构分析结果已经部分解释了这种蛋白是如何识别并结合DNA特定序列的机制,至少有三个小组已经找到制备这种蛋白的快速便宜的方法。这些进展将会促进这一领域的快速发展。
Comparison of zinc-finger nuclease (ZFN) and Transcription Activator-Like Effector Nuclease (TALEN) architecture. (a) ZFNs. Each ZFN polypeptide consists of two functional domains, a DNA-binding domain comprising a chain of finger modules (ZFs) that each typically recognize a unique 3-base pair sequence of DNA and a DNA-cleaving domain composed of the nuclease domain of the FokI nuclease. FokI functions as a dimer, hence when two FokI nucleases bind to DNA proximal to one another they can dimerize and introduce a double-strand break. Targeted double-strand DNA cutting can be obtained by designing zinc fingers for specific sequences that flank the desired cleavage site; in the example 12 base pairs per ZFN are targeted with polypeptides containing four zinc-finger modules each (ZF-1 through ZF-4 and ZF-5 through ZF-8). (b) Model of a TALEN. A TAL Effector (TALE) polypeptide contains a series of typically 34-amino acid repeats, of which residues 12 and 13 [repeat variable diresidues (RVDs) shown in orange] are responsible for recognition of a specific base as shown in the box (note that there is some discussion about the precision of the RVD NK recognition of G and other RVDs can specify base contacts61). FokI nuclease is fused to the C-terminal end of the protein using wild-type TALE sequence as a spacer. Several spacer lengths between the TALE binding core and FokI have demonstrated activity. The number of tandem 34-amino acid repeats in the binding core defines the length of the recognition sequence, and the end of the functional DNA-binding motif. Each target sequence must be preceded by a T nucleotide. Two TALENs are shown to assemble on a genomic sequence in the opposite polarity to ZFNs to form a heterodimeric cleavage complex.
Genomic Cruise Missiles
This year, genome engineers got their hands on some potentially powerful new tools that promise to put the modification of DNA within easy reach of biologists studying a variety of organisms, including yeast and humans. One of these tools, called TALENs (for “transcription activator–like effector nucleases”), can destroy or alter specific genes in zebrafish, Xenopus toads, and livestock. A TALEN is a protein that cuts DNA in specific places, and the ensuing repair modifies the target gene. One group of researchers used the technique to create a miniature pig useful for studying heart disease. Others are modifying the genomes of rats, crickets, and even human cells from patients with disease. Crystal structures of these effector proteins attached to DNA have revealed how the proteins find their targets. And at least three teams have come up with a way to make many of these proteins fast and cheaply. This progress has prompted more investigators to give this approach a try.
Such a boom in genome engineering was unthinkable just a few years ago. For most higher organisms, changing or deleting DNA has generally been a hit-or-miss proposition. Researchers could not readily control where an added gene would insert itself into a genome or which DNA they delete in so-called knockout experiments. As a result, pinpointing what specific genes do and correcting disease genes in people have posed major challenges.
CREDIT: COURTESY OF RECOMBINETICSA decade ago, a new technology called zinc finger nucleases provided a way to target specific genes. Researchers leaped to develop this tool. But zinc fingers proved difficult to make, and one company holds all the key patents. So excitement swelled again in 2009, when two teams discovered a one-to-one correspondence between the repetitive regions of transcription activator–like effector proteins and the DNA bases they attach to, thus providing a new way to target genes. In 2012, studies drove home that TALENs work as well as zinc fingers do but are far easier and cheaper to make. Some researchers now think TALENs will become standard procedure for all molecular biology labs.
Meanwhile, another gene-targeting technology is beginning to make a name for itself. One drawback of zinc finger nucleases, TALENs, and another genome-editing tool called meganucleases is that they must be reengineered for each new DNA target. These proteins have two parts: the DNA targeting section and the DNA-cutting section. The new technology substitutes RNA—which is simpler to make than a piece of a protein—for the DNA targeting section. It also makes use of a bacterial protein called Cas9, which is part of a natural bacterial defense system called CRISPR, to do the cutting.
Researchers have shown in a test-tube that they can combine these two RNAs into a single one that both matches the DNA target and holds Cas9 in place. Using this system, they were able to cut specific target DNA, demonstrating the potential of Cas9 to work like TALENs. Now, those researchers are trying this approach in organisms other than bacteria, and other genome engineers are quite excited about their prospects, suggesting that it may one day challenge zinc finger nucleases and TALENs as the core genome engineering technology.
Genome Engineering
A. N.-S. Mak et al., “The Crystal Structure of TAL Effector PthXo1 Bound to Its DNA Target,” Science 335, 716 (10 February 2012).
D. Deng et al., “Structural Basis for Sequence-Specific Recognition of DNA by TAL Effectors,” Science 335, 720 (10 February 2012).
D. F. Carlson et al., “Efficient TALEN-mediated Gene Knockout in Livestock,” PNAS 109, (23 October 2012).
D. Reyon et al., “FLASH Assembly of TALENs for High-throughput Genome Editing,” Nature Biotechnology30 460 (May 2012).
J. Kaiser, “Putting the Fingers On Gene Repair,” Science 310, 1894 (2005)
M. Jinek et al., “A Programmable Dual-RNA–Guided DNA Endonuclease in Adaptive Bacterial Immunity,” Science 337 816-21 (17 August 2012).
V. M. Bedell et al., “In vivo Genome Editing Using a High-efficiency TALEN System,” Nature 491, 114 (1 November 2012).
Y. Lei et al., “Efficient Targeted Gene Disruption in Xenopus Embryos Using Engineered Transcription Activator-like Effector Nucleases (TALENs),” PNAS 109 (23 October 2012).
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