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苹果之父 传奇人物 Steve Jobs 是最成功的机会主义者

已有 5997 次阅读 2010-6-18 01:31 |个人分类:立委随笔|系统分类:海外观察| 苹果, Steve, Jobs, 机会主义

IT 业界最传奇的人物之一是苹果之父乔布斯(Steve Jobs)。苹果公司的唯美追求,曲高和寡,曾经一度濒于破产边缘。乔布斯重新回到苹果执掌以来,起死回生,但仍然举步维艰,很长一段时间,苹果电脑(硬件软件)在个人电脑市场只占有微软和PC市场的一个零头,当年主要是比较清高的北美的教育机构印刷娱乐界在使用苹果。可是今天的苹果公司市值已经超过巨人微软。苹果公司的股票在过去几年是节节攀升。这是一个典型的英雄创造历史的例证,而这个英雄是十足的机会主义者,为了市场他会随时改变自己的看法,调整策略,哪怕是前后矛盾。这里面的转机是苹果电脑与日常应用的结合,起先是 iPod 和 iTunes 在数字音乐销售方面的革命性改变,更决定性的转机是手机 iPhone 的普及,如今又出台了平板电脑 iPad.  苹果还在上升阶段,其创新速度令人瞠目结舌,我们这些苹果迷都赶不上趟:iPhone 4 最近出台了,我的 iPhone 3G 还好好的,更新还是不更新,用哈姆雷特的话说,that is a question。

When iPhone 4 was launched a few days ago, my friend commented,

Did I miss anything? My N95 can do video chat a few years ago ... Time to market is so crucial for a product success ...

Here is my response:

always like that. Individually, all functions/features are seen before, but Apple makes them to the highlight of the attention and also make them more useful and user-friendly.

I played with pre-iPod toys (a Korean product and Creative made in Singapore) for quite a while until iPod dominated the market.

Things can change too. I still remember Steve Job ridiculing those early technology products playing videos on small screens: his argument was: who would want to watch video in such a tiny screen? Who can enjoy a video many times (even the best video, one usually watch 3-4 times maximum) like one enjoying music (people can listen to the same piece hundreds of times)? How can you get video content as rich as they can get audio music in iTunes?

All those arguments sounded so strong, but one year later Apple launched iPod video (including iPod Mini with really tiny screen) and video became a selling point. 

Steve Jobs made another strong comment before iPhone when asked whether he would go to the mobile phone market now that iPod was such a success. I remember clearly his claiming not to enter this market, to the effect: this market is fairly mature (major functions are already invented), and is crowded now and dominated by big players like Motorola and Nokia. There is no more room for Apple. 

Maybe he was deliberately misleading the reporters, and maybe he was telling the truth at the moment, God knows. It was iPhone, exactly the thing he claimed he would not want to do, that changed everything for Apple, making Apple today more valuable than Microsoft.

Steve is a fun and legendary guy to watch.




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