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已有 6003 次阅读 2014-10-3 10:33 |个人分类:水利水资源|系统分类:生活其它| 地沟水, 合法使用









                                    发布时间: 2014-09-02 10:28:28  |  来源: 中国网  |  作者: 苏宵羽  |  责任编辑: 吴佳潼

中国网9月2日讯,据巴西《圣保罗页报》网站8月31日报道,联合国水资源问题报告员,44岁的葡萄牙人Catarina de Albuquerque指出,圣保罗严重的水资源危机是州政府的责任。他说道:“我相信不只我一个人是这么认为的。”在接受了一个有关圣保罗水资源危机的讨论会后,他接受了记者的采访,表达了自己的观点。










时间: 2010年06月29日  来源:新京报  作者: 佚名  浏览次数:22





























                                 Drinking sewage: solving Singapore's water problem


                                                    By Meera Senthilingam, for CNN.

                                          September 23, 2014 -- Updated 1212 GMT (2012 HKT)

Editor's note: Future Cities offers an inside look at the rapid evolution of urban spaces, exploring new ideas, new technologies and new design concepts that might impact urban life throughout the world.

(CNN) -- Could sewage be recycled to provide water that's cleaner than what comes out of your tap? The place to find out is the small yet highly urbanized city-state of Singapore.

The South-east Asian island country has a population of 5 million residing on less than 750 square kilometers of land. Whilst known for its strong economy, Singapore is lacking one essential asset -- water.

Water security has long been a national priority in Singapore as half of its current water supplies are imported from neighboring Malaysia. "We are preparing for the day that should the water agreement expire, we should be ready to fulfill our own needs," says Chew Men Leong, Chief Executive of the Public Utilities Board.

Recycling water in Singapore: click to view Recycling water in Singapore: click to view

The agreement with Malaysia is due to expire in 2061, so the country has time to be ready.

Singapore's strategy for a hydrated nation is four-fold: as well as importation, it includes desalinization plants, efficient catchment of rainwater and recycling of sewage.

Rainwater is collected through a network of drains, canals, rivers, storm water, collection ponds and reservoirs with the aim to catch water across two-thirds of the country. But the real hope lies in the membrane technology to treat wastewater known as 'NEWater', created by the country's public utilities board.

Through a four-step series of barriers and membranes, wastewater is made free of solids, microorganisms, and contaminants resulting in potable water supplies for use by humans and industry.

We are using the water three times before we let it into the drain

Jagadish C.V., CEO of Systems on Silicon Manufacturing

After one decade, the technology meets 30 percent of Singapore's water needs, with plans to triple volumes by 2060.

"The level of quality we receive from the Public Utility Board meets and exceeds the expectation," explains Jagadish CV, CEO of Systems on Silicon Manufacturing, where the water is used in their processing of silicon wafers. "We are using the water three times before we let it into the drain," he says.

The demand by industry is being further met by a new collaboration with Japanese firm Meiden that will supply factories with recycled industrial water. One and a half Olympic-sized swimming pools of water are currently filtered and treated every day.

The goal is to more cost-effectively treat industrial waste streams in the long run.

Professor Asit Biswas from the Lee Kuan School of Public Policy feels other countries should follow the example set by Singapore and even the current standards can be improved to eventually re-use every last drop of water.

"There are two major future challenges," he says. "First is how to make the water system less energy intensive and the second one is consumer behavior with respect to water."

If these challenges can be overcome, this small country will continue to flourish, long into the future.


               Treated sewage gets all-clear for drinking water from State Government

RECYCLED water from showers, washing machines and toilets will be pumped into Perth's underground drinking water supply after the State Government today officially signed off on a plan by the Water Corporation.

Seven billion litres of treated sewage will be added to Perth’s drinking water supply every year, Water Minister Terry Redman said today.

The Sunday Times first reported the Water Corporation claimed the trial was a success - and the State Government would approve the scheme - in March.

Mr Redman said the $116 million project was an Australian-first and would "drought proof" Perth’s water supply.

"This is only the first stage of three stages to go from seven gigalitres up to 28 gigalitres," he said.

"I’m very confident we can move towards potentially supplying 20 per cent of Perth’s drinking water supplies through this process.

"This process will come online and be injecting into the aquifer in June 2016. Stage two, hopefully with Government support by 2018, stage three in 2022."

What do you think about drinking treated water? Leave a comment below.

It comes after three-year trial that saw 2.5 billion litres of wastewater from a Craigie treatment plant treated to Australian drinking standards and then injected into an isolated aquifer in Leederville was concluded last year.

Despite the trial finishing in December, the plant has continued to recharge the aquifer with treated sewage.

The same technology would be used to treat seven billion litres of wastewater from the Beenyup Wastewater Treatment plant that would then be injected into the aquifer and eventually end up in Perth homes.

Currently, water from Beenyup is discharged into the ocean.

The Water Corporation have repeatedly claimed water injected into the aquifer during the trial was "isolated" from Perth’s drinking water supply.

However, Mr Redman said today it had in fact already entered the interconnected system.

"When you talk about how long until someone drinks this, this has been injected under the ground as part of the trial for the past three years so there is water in the ground now that has been highly treated going into the interconnected system," he said.

Mr Redman said the trial had been a "resounding success."

"The trial recycled 2,533 megalitres of water - that’s the equivalent of 1,000 Olympic-size swimming pools - and returned an outstanding result in terms of meeting water quality guidelines," he said.

"All of the 62,300 water quality samples that were taken met the required strict health and safety guidelines."

He said he was “highly confident” there was strong community support for recycled water for drinking.

WaterCorp manager for water source planning Nick Turner told PerthNow in March there could be no 100 per cent guarantee, but he said the plant was designed to shut off immediately if water purity was compromised.

The Minister’s statement also repeats claims there is 76 per cent public support for recycling wastewater for drinking.

However, PerthNow revealed in May the majority of Perth householders would prefer desalination.




作者: 立委
日期: 07/23/2013 08:32:40
电视报道一个大型净水厂,把厕所排污的废水经过n道工序再生为可饮用水(看到镜头里的厕所污水,水还敢喝?比地沟油还恶心啊)。可专家说,循环再 生的水质比一般饮用水更好,口感和卫生均佳,但考虑到民众对这种污水净化有心理抵制,头两年这种水主要用于浇水和其他使用。等民众习惯了,再正式作为饮用水进入千家万户。






                                             MAKING SEWAGE WATER GOOD TO DRINK(使地沟水可饮用)

                                           Valley District, San Jose look to ensure adequate future supply.

                                              Paul Rogers,San Jose Mercury News,09/25/2007

The Santa Clara Valley Water District and the city of San Jose are beginning talks on a bold new strategy to boost water supplies: making sewage water clean enough to drink.

If the public backs the plan, one day millions of gallons of the purified water could be pumped into streams and groundwater aquifers across Santa Clara County and mixed with existing drinking water supplies.

The county now provides half of its drinking water from wells that pump water from those aquifers. The other half comes from the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta.

"This is a homegrown resource. It is the most reliable supply you can have," said Eric Rosenblum, division manager for San Jose's South Bay Water Recycling Project.

"It is much less dependent on the weather than other sources. It is a great new tool to meet water needs."

The potentially controversial idea, still in the early stages, will be discussed this morning at the water district's weekly board meeting in San Jose. A final, detailed proposal isn't expected until next year.

Experts note that the technology exists to take sewage water and purify it to levels that meet California drinking water standards using an array of techniques such as reverse osmosis, microfiltration and ultraviolet light.

But in several areas around California - from San Diego to Pleasanton - attempts at blending purified wastewater with drinking water aquifers have been dropped after public outcry from critics who call the projects "toilet-to-tap."

But some water districts have already moved ahead with projects.

The Orange County Water District will christen a new $480 million project in November to produce up to 70 million gallons of recycled water a day from treated sewage. It will be used to recharge drinking water aquifers that serve Anaheim, Huntington Beach and other cities.

The project - the largest of its kind in the United States - came after nine years of public hearings and scientific studies. It won permits from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the state Department of Public Health.

Cautious approach

Keith Whitman, water supply manager for the Santa Clara Valley Water District, promised that the district will take a similarly cautious approach.

"What we don't want to end up with is what's happened in other areas where you have fear and politics cause a backlash," he said.

Because California's population is expected to grow from the current 37 million to more than 52 million by 2030, the state Department of Water Resources recommended four years ago that California triple its use of recycled water, now about 500,000 acre-feet a year, by 2030.

Nearly all the recycled water in the state, however, goes for non-potable uses such as irrigating crops, cooling power plants, and watering golf courses, cemeteries and highway landscaping.

San Jose has used it in those ways for a decade.

In 1997, the city began delivering recycled wastewater across the county through purple pipes from its sewage treatment plant in Alviso. The project now has 540 customers and provides about 10,000 acre-feet of water a year - nearly 3 percent of total county demand. An acre-foot is about 326,000 gallons, or the amount of water a family of five uses in a year.

Customers for recycled water include San Jose Municipal Golf Course, Metcalf Energy Plant in South San Jose, Oak Hill Cemetery and dozens of schools and parks.

The city sells the water at a discounted rate. Originally, the $225 million project was built after state water regulators ordered the city to stop pumping so much treated fresh water into San Francisco Bay, where it was diluting brackish marshes and changing the bay's ecology.

But now, the city and the water district see the project as a potentially significant source of drinking water.

Today, the water district board will vote whether to allow its staff to negotiate with the city to expand the use of recycled water. If approved, as expected, the final agreement would come next year.

No project would be built without public hearings, an environmental impact statement, approval from the state Department of Public Health, the Regional Water Quality Control Board and the San Jose City Council.

In early feasibility studies, the water district has envisioned constructing a $52 million advanced treatment plant. It would be located in Alviso next to the city's wastewater treatment plant and produce the same amount of recycled water now produced by the plant, about 10 million gallons a day, but at a higher quality. It would remove salts that, if left untreated, would eventually build up in irrigation water, causing grass to brown and harming redwoods and other trees in clay soil.

Could open by 2012

Whitman said construction could begin on the plant by 2010 and open by 2012.

After that, if the city and district want to blend its recycled water with groundwater aquifers, they would build one or more "satellite plants" in places like Coyote Valley and further treat the water to drinking water standards.

The state Department of Public Health requires any recycled water used on food crops, school fields or residential irrigation to be treated to tertiary standards - the highest level of sewage treatment, and disinfected with chlorine. San Jose's now meets that standard.

But the health department does not have uniform guidelines for pumping it into drinking water aquifers. New rules the department is drafting would require it to meet drinking water standards.

Environmentalists are generally supportive.

"Recycled water is going to be a critical component of California's water future," said Linda Sheehan, executive director of the California Coastkeeper Alliance, in Fremont. "It has to be, because of population growth and because climate change is going to reduce the amount of snowpack in the Sierra."

Sheehan said, however, that the water must be rigorously tested not only for traditional contaminants such as bacteria but also for minute levels of pharmaceuticals, hormones and other contaminants that can get through sewage treatment plants unfiltered.

The largest hurdle if the project is to go forward is the "yuck factor." Even if the science is sound, how do you persuade people that it is OK to drink toilet water?

In Sonoma County, some vintners have been fighting a proposal this summer to use recycled water from Santa Rosa to irrigate wine grapes.

"I am worried that there is a huge backlash on recycled water on our grapes," Katie Murphy, vice-president of the Alexander Valley Association, told the Santa Rosa Press Democrat in May. "I fear negative publicity - and that could linger over our wine industry for a long time."

In Orange County, water officials held hundreds of public meetings with hospitals, civic groups, religious leaders and others. They noted that astronauts have drunk recycled water for years - and that anyone drawing water from a river is drinking the recycled wastewater of cities upstream, as Los Angeles does with Las Vegas, and Memphis with St. Louis.

"We are very concerned about public opinion," said San Jose's Rosenblum. "People in Silicon Valley value innovation and technology, but they also value a high quality environment and a reliable source of water. So to the extent that using recycled water for potable purposes helps achieve those goals, I think the people in our area will be open to its use."



  新华网3月23日电 啤酒、墨水,甚至地沟水等各种污水,经过一台净水器处理后都可以成为饮用水。这是宁波大学与浙江大学等单位合作完成的"节能型饮用水深度处理系列设备的研发与产业化"项目的核心成果,并获得国家科技进步奖二等奖。







http://www.cxnews.cn  慈溪新闻网  2009年1月10日 10:19












  新华网天津频道10月14日电 一种“无毒细菌”可以“吞食”污水中的有害细菌,而这种“无毒细菌”能自己分裂、复制自身的DNA,不断产生降解有害细菌的物质,利用此方法可对污水进行降解,连续处理污水。昨天,记者从市环科院了解到,这种新的污水处理技术,今后两三年内将在本市推广。经过处理的废水可直接达到灌溉的标准,再经过消毒过滤处理便能达到饮用水标准了。








  来源:每日新报  新华网编辑:杨萍


宣传世界水日 美女当街请路人喝地沟水[组图]

新闻中心-中国网 news.china.com.cn  时间: 2010-03-22  责任编辑: 杰丝





她们喊着“爱护水资源 保护水环境 请大家共同关注中国水周”的口号。有一个女孩拿着扩音器在动员几个年轻貌美的女孩一手拿着一只杯子,有一杯是看着很脏的水,一杯是干净的水,据她们说,脏水是地沟水,而另一杯则是通过活动面前演示的那个净水设备净化后的肮脏的地沟水,他们将这两杯水送到周围逛街的、等公交的路人面前,向他们介绍世界水日、中国水周,呼吁大家要保护水资源,邀请路人喝下杯中净化后的饮用水。许多路人纷纷驻足观看、引起围观。大部分路人纷纷对她们的活动表示支持,欣然接过杯中的水喝下去。







新加坡居然公然兜售地沟水 [] (注:待核实)




                             2010-04-24 15:50:00 来源: 新华报业网(南京) 






(本文来源:新华报业网 )


                                                     桶装水真假难辨 是“自来水”还是“地沟水”

                                               2013年05月06日 14:20:15来源:淘金易

       4月18日,记者在和乔大厦C座17层某公司采访时,恰逢一名工人送来3桶雀巢桶装水。记者随即打开一桶水的塑封,拨打中国产品质量电子监管网“95001111”电话进行查询,在输入监管码后,语音提示这个监管码在2011年5月曾被查询过,使用这个监管码的桶装水是2011年3月生产的。然而部分消费者在明知饮用假桶装水的情况下, 对这类情况并不以为然,该公司有员工表示,“喝了这么多年都没事,反正喝不死,真的假的又有什么关系。”

  其实,有这种意识的消费者还不在少数。记者在采访时就曾遇到一位正在订水的消费者李先生,当记者问及是否查询过桶装水盖上的电子监管码时,李先生的回答是: “这还用检查啊,合格证、防伪标不都有吗?”李先生说,他喝了几年的桶装水了,第一次订水时打过一次防伪电话,但后来再没核实过真假。“这东西什么都是齐全的,而且自己订的也是较好的品牌水,价格也不便宜,不可能是假的。”

  目前 ,“水”在中国的市场上还是一个低关注度的产品,消费者对产品的重视程度不够。然而正是消费者淡薄的打假维权意识,导致了严重的假水泛滥。


  近日,本刊接到业内人士肖先生(化名)爆料称 :桶装水市场价格混乱、真假掺杂,桶装水配送站资质不全,存储条件不达标,制售假水的水厂难以禁绝,且已成业内常态,北京桶装水市场依然堪忧。

  肖先生称,2012年曾对北京地区1000余家使用桶装水的企业进行了调查 ,结果发现 ,50%以上被调查企业使用的桶装水为假水,且主要集中在五个品牌:农夫山泉、 雀巢、乐百氏、燕京和娃哈哈。

  在北京市国贸、建国门等高档商务楼较为集中的区域,假桶装水的“ 成灾 ”—— 每层楼都有饮用假水。如位于北京国贸附近的和乔大厦内30%左右的商户订购的是假水,其中农夫山泉、雀巢、乐百氏、 燕京和娃哈哈这五大品牌占假水的80%以上。


  韩先生在北京朝阳区某小区内经营一家水站 。“三年前, 总有人上门推销‘2号水’。所谓‘2号水’就是假水,开始我也不敢卖。”韩先生回忆说。有一次,一家品牌水厂的外包物流送来的有假水,他卖出后被顾客发现。但韩先生投诉到厂家,厂家只是赔了几桶水,然后就没什么事儿了。

  从那之后,他的胆子大了起来, 也开始卖假水,“实话说,卖假水上瘾,因为利润高。”


  送完水,工人会主动把袋和封口塑料膜一起带走,其实是怕顾客打电话查防伪。“送水赚的是辛苦钱,主要是利润太薄,导致一些店主想歪招儿 … … ”韩先生算了一笔账 ,如果全卖真水,一个水店月利润仅千元左右。房租4000元左右;一个小水站至少要两个人,一人接电话一人送水,工资共6000元还得包吃住;再加上吃饭费用、水电费和电话费 ,大约2500元。“算下来一间小水店每月成本总共12500元,这都是最低标准了。”因为利润太低,他去年已经结束了水店生意。

  但如果水站真假水掺着卖,利润就不同了。据了解,水站送一桶水的费用为:送水工送一桶水2元工资、房租1元、办公费用1元、客服1元、税钱2元、水站经理工资一桶 1 元 ,共9元。假水的进价在2元左右,真水的进价在8~15元,而假水市场价一般在13~16元,真水市 场价一般在18~25元。由此可见, 假水的利润空间非常大,这也是为什么某些水站会铤而走险的原因所在。

  而对于桶装水市场鱼龙混杂的现状,各大水企并非毫不知情。 据农夫山泉公司的一位销售人员透露,企业之所以对假水如此“大度”,是受企业的产能过低限制。 由于企业不能为水站足量供应,又怕丢掉市场,所以只能“睁一只眼闭一只眼”。



  水处理设备只有四五道,而正规的厂家最少也在24道以上的处理才能罐装。此外,假水的水源没 有经过专业的鉴定,而正规的水厂应该是全面检测,水源有没有重金属超标、有没有化学物质、有没有污染,之后才能确定做桶装水的水原,但这个成本太高,假水厂根本做不起。假水喝起来有股腥味 ,而且有的细菌超标800倍以上,对人体非常有害。

  在北京石景山区某小区的一家送水站内,记者以购水为名要求其出示营业执照复印件、卫生许可证、税务登记证、厂家颁发的授权书时,这家水店的店主非常不耐烦:“你要买就买, 不买就去别家吧。我很忙,没见过这么买水的。” 说完就去跟别人聊天了。

  随后,记者又走访了几家水站, 这几家店主对于记者要其提供桶装水供货商企业资质证明,都支支吾吾,不愿意出示。当记者表示是公司订水时,一店主表示:“你要是不要那些证,我可以再给你便宜点。”


  目前,北京所有合格的桶装水都会贴上印有“中国产品质量电子监管网”标志的“监管码 ”,可以由此查询桶装水信息,但是绝大多数的消费者不会去验证。记者随机抠了几桶假水的监管码,有的一抠即破,根本无法辨认监管码;有的查询后被告知“您所查询的监管 码不存在 ”;有的可以查询 ,但查询的结果表明生产日期在查询日期前很久,并且此前已经有人对此监管码进行了查询。

  对此 ,肖先生解释说:“只要有利润就有人做。对于这种监管码,有的造假水的生产厂家收集了很多真水的防伪标签,然后用套号的方法复制出无数个贴到假水上;有的是通过一些技术手段,对旧的监管码进行反复利用。”

附14:一个网络小说的畅想——             带着异界大军




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