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刚才忽然想起一个名字, 开了个小差.

已有 1762 次阅读 2019-5-9 11:28 |个人分类:路过|系统分类:科研笔记


* * *
(接前) 引言部分.第二段.
We would like to thank Henri Darmon, Fred Diamond and Gerd Faltings for carefully reading the first version of this article.
---- 这位 Faltings (法尔庭斯) 是个大人物.
---- 正读的另一篇文章*涉及他的理论.
Gerd Faltings has also suggested a simplification of our argument and we would like to thank him for allowing us to reproduce this in the appendix to this paper.
---- 附录中是Faltings建议的简化.
---- 更短的表述能增加“熵密度”.
R.T. would like to thank A.W. for his invitation to collaborate on these problems and for sharing his many insights into the questions considered.
---- 作者之一向另一作者致谢.
R.T. would also like to thank Princeton University, Universite de Paris 7 and Harvard University for their hospitality during some of the work on this paper.
---- 工作地点应该在普林斯顿, 但涉及到另外两所大学.
(R.T. 是从剑桥大学请来的那个帮手).
A.W. was supported by an NSF grant.
---- 没有写项目编号.
评论:致谢并非仅是客套或信用点, 也会储存一些历史信息. 致谢可起到“固定”的作用.
小结: 这个第二段是致谢,含有若干侧面信息.
PS: 刚才忽然想起一个名字*, 开了个小差*.


收藏 IP: 223.11.176.*| 热度|

2 郑永军 杨正瓴

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