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---- 文章的作者和来源可以搜索标题确定.
---- 以下蓝色字体录自原文.
标题是 “Ring theoretic properties of certain Hecke algebras”.
---- 某种 Hecke 代数的环性质.
引言部分. 第一段(逐句评论).
In the work of one of us (A.W.) on the conjecture that all elliptic curves defined over Q are modular,...
---- 作者之一的工作,即Q上所有椭圆曲线都是modular的猜想...
---- Q 该是指有理数域.
---- 看到“modular”, 先想到“模形式”*...
---- 姑且称作“模”.
评论:以前看到没见过的会跑去“查户口”, 现在懂得止于名字.
...the importane of knowing that certain Hecke algebras are complete intersections was established.
---- ...建立了知道某种 Hecke 代数是 complete intersections的重要性.
---- “intersections”是某种几何概念.
---- 大概指“相交”或“相截”. 姑且译作“截交”.
评论:正在读的其它文章里出现过 intersections, 有专门的著作(Intersection theory).
The purpose of this article is to provide the missing ingredient in [W2] by establishing that the Hecke algebras considered there are complete intersections.
---- 此文的目的是给出 [W2]中缺失的成分,即证明那里所考虑的 Hecke 代数(的确)是完全截交.
---- [W2] 是前一篇文章(存在不足).
评论:这种情况很有趣, 就像是一种安排.
As is recorded in [W2], a method going back to Mazur [M] allows one to show that these algebras are Gorenstein,...
---- 如[W2]所记录的, 源于 Mazur [M]的一个方法能让人证明那些代数是 Gorenstein 类型...
---- 这里提到 “method” 一词.
---- 可见这是个“找方法”的事情.
...but this seems to be too weak for the purposes of that paper.
---- 但对于那篇文章的目的而言这似乎太弱了.
The meshods of this paper are related to those of chapter 3 of [W2].
---- 本文的方法关乎 [W2] 第三章的方法.
---- 再次提到方法.(该是提出了新方法).
---- 核心: 某种Hecke代数是完全截交.
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