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科学家发现热电材料中显著的原子行为 精选

已有 5322 次阅读 2022-10-7 14:45 |个人分类:新观察|系统分类:海外观察




Neutron probes of the atomic structure and dynamics of tin-based thermoelectric materials unraveled the microscopic mechanism for their low thermal conductivity. Credit: Oak Ridge National Laboratory

据《科技日报》(SciTechDaily)网站2022105日报道,美国杜克大学(Duke University)和美国橡树岭国家实验室(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)的研究人员合作发现热电材料中显著的原子行为(Scientists Uncover Remarkable Atomic Behavior in Thermoelectric Materials),揭示了热电热传输背后的原子机制。相关研究结果于202294日已经在《自然通讯》(Nature Communications)杂志网站发表——T. Lanigan-AtkinsS. YangJ. L. NiedzielaD. BansalA. F. MayA. A. PuretzkyJ. Y. Y. LinD. M. PajerowskiT. HongS. ChiG. EhlersO. Delaire. Extended anharmonic collapse of phonon dispersions in SnS and SnSe. Nature Communications, volume 11, Article number: 4430 (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-18121-4. Published: 04 September 2020. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-18121-4

科学The Science

热电设备通过设备热段和冷段之间的温差产生电压,将热能转化为电能。研究人员利用中子研究了硫化锡(SnS)和硒化锡(SnSe)的单晶,以更好地了解转化过程是如何在原子尺度上发生的。他们测量了与温度相关的变化。测试发现,不同温度下的结构变化与原子振动频率(声子, phonons)之间存在着强烈的联系。



影响(The Impact

热电材料是清洁能源技术的关键。研究人员利用中子散射来揭示声子重正化机制(phonon renormalization mechanism)的细节。这就是解释两种常见热电材料极低导热率的量子力学过程。这一发现可能有助于研究人员为更高效的热电器件创造材料,它还将有助于改进可再生能源转换技术。



为了解决这一长期存在的科学难题,美国杜克大学(Duke University)的研究人员利用中子散射实验,并结合其他技术,来探测典型的热电材料,锡(Sn)与硫(S)和硒(Se)分别结晶形成的二元化合物即SnSSnSe

通过使用位于美国橡树岭国家实验室(Oak Ridge National Laboratory)的能源部(Department of Energy简称DOE)用户设施的散裂中子源(Spallation Neutron Source)和高通量同位素反应堆(High Flux Isotope Reactor)的先进中子散射仪器,在150 K1050 K的宽温度范围内测量了结构变化和声子光谱,揭示了在800 K时原子间距向一个方向扩展,但在其他方向收缩的转变。

动力学测量还提供了关于原子在转变时振动频率大幅降低的关键信息,这是导致热传导降低的原因。这项工作还表明,观察到的声子行为可能存在于许多具有类似相变的其他材料中,如卤化物钙钛矿(halide perovskites)、氧化物铁电体(oxide ferroelectrics)或接近不稳定的热电体(thermoelectrics near instabilities),极大地拓宽了能量转换材料的可能性范围。

该研究由美国能源部科学、基础能源科学、材料科学和工程部办公室资助(U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Engineering Division, under Award No. DE-SC0019299; under the Early Career Award No. DE-SC0016166)。这项研究还使用了美国能源部科学办公室的用户设施(U. S. DOE Office of Science User Facility supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231)



The lattice dynamics and high-temperature structural transition in SnS and SnSe are investigated via inelastic neutron scattering, high-resolution Raman spectroscopy and anharmonic first-principles simulations. We uncover a spectacular, extreme softening and reconstruction of an entire manifold of low-energy acoustic and optic branches across a structural transition, reflecting strong directionality in bonding strength and anharmonicity. Further, our results solve a prior controversy by revealing the soft-mode mechanism of the phase transition that impacts thermal transport and thermoelectric efficiency. Our simulations of anharmonic phonon renormalization go beyond low-order perturbation theory and capture these striking effects, showing that the large phonon shifts directly affect the thermal conductivity by altering both the phonon scattering phase space and the group velocities. These results provide a detailed microscopic understanding of phase stability and thermal transport in technologically important materials, providing further insights on ways to control phonon propagation in thermoelectrics, photovoltaics, and other materials requiring thermal management.


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