Plastic was identified in 93 percent of the samples included in the study, which included major name brands such as Aqua, Aquafina, Dasani, Evian, Nestle Pure Life and San Pellegrino
Figure 2 : Fluorescent index, represented by (R+G)/R, plotted against published static contact angle values (a measure of the surface polarity).
有人认为瓶装纯净水要比自来水更干净,用瓶装水来代替自来水饮用。其实这本身就是一个饮水误区。据物理学家组织网2018年3月15日报道(Top bottled water brands contaminated with plastic particles: report),世界多种顶级瓶装纯净水因为受到塑料颗粒的污染,使得本来的纯净已经是徒有虚名了。相关研究机构于2018年3月16日已经在《科学报告》(Scientific Reports)杂志网站发表——Thomas Maes, Rebecca Jessop, Nikolaus Wellner, Karsten Haupt, Andrew G. Mayes. A rapid-screening approach to detect and quantify microplastics based on fluorescent tagging with Nile Red. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 44501. DOI: 10.1038/srep44501. 参与此项研究的科学家分别来自英国的环境、渔业和水产养殖科学中心(Centre for Environment, Fisheries, and Aquaculture Science)、英国东安格利亚大学(University of East Anglia)化学学院、英国诺维奇研究园食品研究所(Institute of Food Research, Norwich Research Park)以及法国索邦大学(Sorbonne Universités)、贡皮埃涅技术大学(Université de Technologie de Compiègne)。9个国家的一项大型研究结果显示,全球领先品牌的瓶装水都受到了可能在包装过程中渗入的微小塑料颗粒的污染。有93%的样品中含有塑料,其中包括一些知名品牌如阿卡(Aqua)、阿卡菲纳(Aquafina)、达萨尼(Dasani)、法国依云(Evian)、雀巢优活(Nestle Pure Life)和圣培露(San Pellegrino),我国的哇哈哈也在其中。可见中外瓶装水并非我们想象的那样纯净。
根据总部位于美国的非盈利媒体团体-奥尔布媒体(Orb Media)发布的一份摘要,研究发现塑料桶装纯净水包括一些顶级品牌,其中“广泛存在塑料污染”问题。该研究是由美国纽约州立大学(State University of New York at Fredonia)的微生物学家谢里•梅森(Sherri Mason)领导的。研究人员对来自巴西、中国、印度、印度尼西亚、肯尼亚、黎巴嫩、墨西哥、泰国以及美国的瓶装水250种进行了检测,有93%的样品中都含有塑料,包括一些知名品牌如阿卡(Aqua)、阿卡菲纳(Aquafina)、达萨尼(Dasani)、法国依云(Evian)、雀巢优活(Nestle Pure Life)和圣培露(San Pellegrino)等。塑料垃圾包括用于制造瓶盖的尼龙(nylon)、聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(polyethylene terephthalate, PET)和聚丙烯(polypropylene)等。
该报告称,在单个瓶装水中的塑料颗粒的浓度范围从“0到上万个都有可能”。平均而言,塑料颗粒大约在100 µm(0.10 mm)左右,平均每公升瓶装水含有10.4个塑料颗粒。当然,更小的颗粒更常见,平均每升含有325个!其他被发现含有塑料污染的品牌包括Bisleri、Epura、Gerolsteiner、minaland和娃哈哈(Wahaha)。
专家警告说,这种污染对人类健康造成的危害程度目前尚不清楚。但是,这项研究的领导者谢里•梅森说:“某些类型的癌症增加与此有关,也可能会导致精子数量的减少,以及增加患多动症(attention deficit hyperactivity disorder,ADHD)和自闭症(autism)等疾病的几率。”
A new approach is presented for analysis of microplastics in environmental samples, based on selective fluorescent staining using Nile Red (NR), followed by density-based extraction and filtration. The dye adsorbs onto plastic surfaces and renders them fluorescent when irradiated with blue light. Fluorescence emission is detected using simple photography through an orange filter. Image-analysis allows fluorescent particles to be identified and counted. Magnified images can be recorded and tiled to cover the whole filter area, allowing particles down to a few micrometres to be detected. The solvatochromic nature of Nile Red also offers the possibility of plastic categorisation based on surface polarity characteristics of identified particles. This article details the development of this staining method and its initial cross-validation by comparison with infrared (IR) microscopy. Microplastics of different sizes could be detected and counted in marine sediment samples. The fluorescence staining identified the same particles as those found by scanning a filter area with IR-microscopy.
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