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百年尺度上的河东河西 精选

已有 5120 次阅读 2012-3-12 06:51 |个人分类:换一个角度|系统分类:观点评述




Technology in Society杂志200834期合刊发表了J. Thomas RatchfordWilliam A. Blanpied的文章,Paths to the Future for Science and Technology in China, India and the US(中国、印度和美国通向未来科学技术之路径)。第一作者是美国乔治梅森大学法学院“国家技术与法律研究中心”的教授。在老布什执政期间,他担任过白宫科技政策办公室副主任,主管政策与国际事务。他是美中科技关系的专家,在这方面著述颇丰。我驻美期间,曾见过他。第二作者在2003年退休之前,长期担任国家科学基金会的资深国际分析师,组织过多次美中科技政策对话。








苏联人造卫星上天后,为了应对挑战,美国建立了总统科技顾问制度。大家公认,自从Jerome Wiesner担任肯尼迪总统的科技顾问以来,在老布什任职的19891993年期间担任科技顾问兼白宫科技政策办公室主任的Alan Bromley(原为耶鲁大学物理学教授),是为美国科技事业做出了明显贡献的一位最管用的科技顾问。






China and India are frequently referred to as emerging superpowers. First, we present evidence that by virtue of their economic strength, their ability to absorb and adapt to repeated foreign intrusions, and their cultural reach, both countries should be more properly regarded as re-emerging superpowers. They qualified for that status even when the Roman Empire was at its peak, and continued to qualify until well into the seventeenth century. It was only with increasing intrusions by Europeans and, to a lesser extent Americans, from that time until well into the twentieth century, that their status began to be undermined. A series of short vignettes describing political, economic, and scientific milestones for China, India, and the United States illustrates the domestic evolution of the three countries since the middle of the twentieth century and the relationships among them.

Then we present highlights in the development of science and higher education: in China and India, from their first contacts with modern science to the present; and in the United States, from the Constitutional Convention of 1787 to the present. These highlights are followed by a short comparison of research and development expenditures in 1991 (the first year in which relatively complete, reliable data are available for China and India), and a brief explanation of their government science policy structures. We offer two “snapshots”—the first from 1995, the second from 2004—that provide detailed data on R&D investments and human resources in the three countries for those years.

We conclude by speculating on the future status of China, India, and the United States during the next half century. Will they continue to be superpowers? In what ways are their science policies likely to enable their superpower status? Will their status as superpowers provide the means to further strengthen their science and technology systems and lead to economic and military outputs of wide-ranging global significance?


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