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已有 4178 次阅读 2014-1-31 03:50 |个人分类:自然科学|系统分类:海外观察

 2014129日早晨,联合国科学咨询委员会在德国联邦外交部正式成立,联合国秘书长潘基文出席了开幕式。来自26个不同国家的著名科学家组成了这个委员会。其中包括马来西亚首席科学顾问Abdul Hamid Zakri巴巴多斯元历史学家Hilary Beckles意大利核物理学家Fabiola Gianotti。虽然他们不可能有什么共同点,但他们都将服务于新的联合国科学咨询委员会。



Anne Glover2012年成为欧盟主席的科学首席顾问。她说对联合国成立自己的科学咨询委员会很正确,越来越多的政府和组织认识到系统连贯的科学咨询对政策制定的重要性,考虑到委员会成员的质量,她认为该委员会将可以发挥重要作用。

 也有人对该委员会有些担心,来自以色列诺贝尔化学奖获得者Ada Yonath说,许多委员会都是人浮与事,往往不能达成有价值的共识。经过周三晚上的第一次短会,Yonath的期望值变的更低。


l   Ms Tanya Abrahamse (South Africa),CEO, South African National Biodiversity Institute

l   Ms Susan Avery (United States of America),President and Director, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

l   Sir Hilary McDonald Beckles(Barbados), Pro-Vice Chancellor and Principal, University of the West Indies

l   Ms Joji Cariño (Philippines),Director, Forest Peoples Programme

l   Ms Rosie Cooney (Australia), VisitingFellow, University of New South Wales, Sydney

l   Mr Abdallah Daar (Oman), Professor ofPublic Health, University of Toronto, Canada

l   Mr Gebisa Ejeta (Ethiopia), Professorof Agronomy, Purdue University, United States

l   Mr Vladimir Fortov (RussianFederation), President of the Russian Academy of Sciences

l   Ms Fabiola Gianotti (Italy), Researchphysicist and former Coordinator of ATLAS Experiment, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

l   Mr Ke Gong (China),President of Nankai University

l   Mr Jörg Hinrich Hacker (Germany),President, German National Academy of Sciences - Leopoldina

l   Ms Maria Ivanova (Bulgaria), Professorof Global Governance, University of Massachusetts Boston, United States

l   Ms Eugenia Kalnay (Argentina),Professor of Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences, University of Maryland, UnitesStates

l   Ms Eva Kondorosi (Hungary), ResearchProfessor, Biological Research Centre, Academy of Sciences of Hungary

l   Ms Reiko Kuroda (Japan), Professor,Research Institute for Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science

l   Mr Dong-Pil Min (Republic of Korea),Emeritus Professor, Seoul National University

l   Mr Carlos Nobre (Brazil), SeniorClimate Scientist, National Secretary for R&D Policies

l   Mr Rajendra Kumar Pachauri (India),Director-General, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI); Chairperson,Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) - Nobel Laureate for Peace

l   Mr Shankar Sastry (United States ofAmerica), Dean, College of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley

l   Ms Hayat Sindi (Saudi Arabia), Founderand CEO, Institute of Imagination and Ingenuity (i2nstitute)

l   Mr Wole Soboyejo (Nigeria), President,African University of Science and Technology (AUST), Garki

l   Ms Laurence Tubiana (France),Professor, Sciences Po Paris and Professor, Columbia University; Founder andDirector, Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations(IDDRI); Co-Chair, Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) LeadershipCouncil; President, French Development Agency (AFD) Board of Governors

l   Ms Judi Wakhungu (Kenya), Professor ofEnergy Resources Management, First Cabinet Secretary, Ministry for Environment,Water and Natural Resources

l   Ms Ada Yonath (Israel), Director,Helen and  Milton A. Kimmelman Centre for Biomolecular Structure andAssembly, Weizmann Institute of Sciences; Nobel Laureate in Chemistry

l  Mr AbdulHamid Zakri (Malaysia), Science Advisor to the Prime Minister of Malaysia;Chairperson, Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services(IPBES)

l  Mr Ahmed Zewail (Egypt),Linus Pauling Chair Professor of Chemistry & Physics, Director,Physical Biology Center for Ultlrafast Science & Technology, CaliforniaInstitute of Technology, United States; Nobel Laureate in Chemistry



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