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科学是这样做的 精选

已有 6547 次阅读 2012-4-19 09:01 |个人分类:随想|系统分类:科研笔记| office, style, face






From the irregular trivia of ordinary life mixed with a bit of scientific doodling and failure, to the intense dramatic concentration as one closes in on the truth and the final elation (plus with gradually decreasing frequency, the sudden sharp pangs of doubt)--that is how science is done.


这是费曼给沃森的一封信里的话(1967210),乍看像老师告诉学生科学是怎么做的,实际上是老费对《双螺旋》(The Double Helix)手稿的评论——他大概听说了不少人对Watson的书稿颇有微词(哈佛大学出版社甚至拒绝出版),所以信一开头就说Don't let anybody criticise that book who hasn't read it through to the end




The story is a poignant example of dilemma which may confront an investigator. He [Watson] knows that a colleague has been working for years on a problem and has accumulated a mass of hard-won evidence, which has not yet been published because it is anticipated that success is just around the corner. He has seen the evidence and has good reason to believe that a method of attack which he can envisage, perhaps merely a new point of view, will lead straight to the solution.


我倒觉得这个poignant example同样说明了我一贯坚持的唯心主义观点:实验不会自发形成理论。很多人一辈子守着一座实验和数据的大山,但除了眼前的东西,什么也没看到。


Watson是爱玩儿也爱思考的青年,有人说他在剑桥做的事就是打球和泡妞。费曼也是爱玩儿的主,大概是他喜欢W的原因。而且,W关于发现过程的描写,更令他感到心有戚戚(I have had the same beautiful and frightening experience)——所以,他支持W出版他的稿子,而且尽可能不要改(Leave it that way. Publish with as little change as possible),因为科学就是那么做出来的!




The latter chapters, in which the birth of the new idea is described so vividly, are drama of the highest order; the tension mounts and mounts towards the final climax. I do not know of any other instance where one is able to share so intimately in the researcher's struggles and doubts and final triumph.


tension mounts and mounts towards the final climax”,就是老费说的intense dramatic concentration as one closes in on the truth and the final elation,连词儿好像都是一个模子出来的呢。





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