爱上科学分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/lingfeng 海纳百川,有容乃大。



已有 24168 次阅读 2008-8-15 16:19 |个人分类:敬佩的人物|系统分类:人物纪事| 施一公



9~19898, 清华大学,生物学学士, 提前一年毕业
9~19954 美国约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University), 分子生物物理博士学位
1~19981,纽约斯隆 凯特林癌症研究中心(Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center) 结构生物学实验室博士后;
2~200110,普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)分子生物学系,助理教授




我之所以列出他的教育经历是为了便于文献检索,考虑到重名的情况,必须要依靠单位名称来确定是否施一公本人。2008.8.15以“author finder”的方式在WOS数据库进行检索。Last NameshiFirst Initialy Middle Initialsg Subject CategoryLIFE SCIENCES & BIOMEDICINEInstitution (Johns Hopkins UniversityMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Princeton University)


检索结果:论文总数:66篇,总被引次数:5337,篇均被引次数:80.86H指数34.其中引用次数最高的一篇为2003cell上一篇,被引次数1092,施一公为第一作者和通讯作者(共两名作者);第二高的论文为2002年发表在molecular cell上的一篇,被引次数537次,施一公为独立作者。




但是我没有看到naturescience的文章,而我知道他肯定发过。于是用google搜索“yigong shi publication”,查到普林斯顿大学上关于他发表论文的网页(http://www.princeton.edu/~ygshi/publication.htm)从上面找到naturescience的文章,然后在WOS中检索证实并记下被引次数和是什么作者。一共有nature 8篇,其中第一作者1篇,通讯作者5篇;science4篇,其中通讯作者2篇。这12篇论文被引次数合计1910次。


将数据合并,结果为:SCI论文数78篇,被引次数合计7247次,h指数45。以上为不完全统计,WOS并不好用,中国人的姓名比较混乱,我在author finder中以Shi Y Shi YG都无法查到他的naturescience论文,估计除了naturescience以外还有一些我没有查到,也没有详细地查下去了。


其中,nature共有8篇,其中第一作者1篇,通讯作者5篇;science 4篇,其中通讯作者2篇;Cell14篇,其中同时为第一和通讯作者的3篇,通讯作者但非第一作者的6篇。其中nature science的数据是准确的,cell不排除遗漏一两篇的可能,但至少也有这么多。第一或通讯作者的CNS共计16篇。



附录 以“author finder”查到的文章(因为没有naturescience的文章所以不全)以被引次数排序,前十篇如下:



Title: Mechanisms of TGF-beta signaling from cell membrane to the nucleus
Author(s): Shi YG, Massague J
Source: CELL   Volume: 113   Issue: 6   Pages: 685-700   Published: JUN 13 2003
Times Cited: 1,092


Title: Mechanisms of caspase activation and inhibition during apoptosis
Author(s): Shi YG
Source: MOLECULAR CELL   Volume: 9   Issue: 3   Pages: 459-470   Published: MAR 2002
Times Cited: 537


Title: Crystal structure of a Smad MH1 domain bound to DNA: Insights on DNA binding in TGF-beta signaling
Author(s): Shi YG, Wang YF, Jayaraman L, et al.
Source: CELL   Volume: 94   Issue: 5   Pages: 585-594   Published: SEP 4 1998
Times Cited: 333


Title: Crystal structure of the PTEN tumor suppressor: Implications for its phosphoinositide phosphatase activity and membrane association
Author(s): Lee JO, Yang HJ, Georgescu MM, et al.
Source: CELL   Volume: 99   Issue: 3   Pages: 323-334   Published: OCT 29 1999
Times Cited: 295


Title: Molecular mechanisms of caspase regulation during apoptosis
Author(s): Riedl SJ, Shi YG
Source: NATURE REVIEWS MOLECULAR CELL BIOLOGY   Volume: 5   Issue: 11   Pages: 897-907   Published: NOV 2004
Times Cited: 245


Title: Structural basis of caspase-7 inhibition by XIAP
Author(s): Chai JJ, Shiozaki E, Srinivasula SM, et al.
Source: CELL   Volume: 104   Issue: 5   Pages: 769-780   Published: MAR 9 2001
Times Cited: 211


Title: Determinants of specificity in TGF-beta signal transduction
Author(s): Chen YG, Hata A, Lo RS, et al.
Source: GENES & DEVELOPMENT   Volume: 12   Issue: 14   Pages: 2144-2152   Published: JUL 15 1998
Times Cited: 166


Title: The 1.9 angstrom crystal structure of Escherichia coli MurG, a membrane-associated glycosyltransferase involved in peptidoglycan biosynthesis
Author(s): Ha S, Walker D, Shi YG, et al.
Source: PROTEIN SCIENCE   Volume: 9   Issue: 6   Pages: 1045-1052   Published: JUN 2000
Times Cited: 147


Title: Mechanism of XIAP-mediated inhibition of caspase-9
Author(s): Shiozaki EN, Chai JJ, Rigotti DJ, et al.
Source: MOLECULAR CELL   Volume: 11   Issue: 2   Pages: 519-527   Published: FEB 2003
Times Cited: 138


Title: Crystal structure of a UBP-family deubiquitinating enzyme in isolation and in complex with ubiquitin aldehyde
Author(s): Hu M, Li PW, Li MY, et al.
Source: CELL   Volume: 111   Issue: 7   Pages: 1041-1054   Published: DEC 27 2002
Times Cited: 131





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