北京的PM2.5,使很多在北京工作的外国人非常担心。有一位名叫 Richard Saint Cyr 的美国医生,建立了一个博客,专门回答在北京工作的外国人的各式各样的医疗卫生问题:
Doctor Richard Saint Cyr is originally from the United States and now works as a general practitioner at Beijing's International Medical Centre. He's even created a blog called www.MyHealthBeijing.com.
Arriving in Beijing from the U.S. three years ago Doctor Richard describes himself as a 'trailing spouse' - as he followed his Beijing born wife back to her home city.
本文的一些重要信息,就是来自他的一篇博文:“A Day In Beijing Is Like Smoking Only One Sixth Of A Cigarette? It’s Almost…Disappointing!”
他的结论是,在北京呆一天相当于抽了1/6支香烟:“ a day in Beijing is like smoking one sixth of a cigarette. More specifically, on an average day in
Beijing an average adult inhales a total of 1.8mg of PM2.5 particles from air pollution, which is 1/6 of the average 12mg of PM2.5 particles inhaled from an average cigarette”.
1. 去美国生儿育女和/或移民发达国家;
2. 支援中西部地区的建设,或去老少边穷地区扶贫。
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