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诺沃克(Norwalk)洛克伍德--马修士( Lockwood—Mathews)庄园博物馆参观掠影(2007-06-01)

已有 6574 次阅读 2008-3-10 21:25 |个人分类:摄影图片集锦(08)

诺沃克(Norwalk)洛克伍德--马修士( Lockwood—Mathews)庄园博物馆参观掠影(2007-06-01)


黄安年文  黄安年的博客/200839日发布

位于康州诺沃克295 West Avenue(Norwalk, CT 06850,http://www.mta.info/mnr)洛克伍德--马修士庄园博物馆( Lockwood—Mathews Mansion  Museum  )是康州19世纪美国镀金时代的一座私人的反映当时社会文化建筑遗址,对于我们了解一个半世纪前美国近代经济高速发展时期的富豪们的社会生活状况是很有价值的,2006年在康州期间,我们没有机会造访,200761日孩子一家和王之伦、杨琳夫妇驱车前往参观,并由王之伦先生录像,这里的照片是由王之伦先生摄像中下载的,39,另外三幅是笔者从该博物馆网站上下载的,该网站介绍博物馆历史如下:

 The Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum is regarded as one of the earliest and finest surviving Second Empire Style country houses ever built in the United States. The 62-room mansion was built by banker-railroad tycoon LeGrand Lockwood, who in 1864 began construction of his estate on the Norwalk River in Norwalk, Connecticut. Designed by European-trained, New York-based architect Detlef Lienau, the mansion, which was completed in 1868, is considered his most significant surviving work. American craftsmen, along with many immigrant artisans, were employed in the construction of the house.

Lockwood's financial reversals in 1869 and his untimely death in 1872 resulted in the loss of the estate, then known as "Elm Park" through foreclosure in 1874. The property was sold to Charles D. Mathews and his wife Rebecca in 1876. Mathews, a prominent importer, from Staten Island, New York, and his family, resided in the mansion until 1938. In 1941 the estate was sold to the City of Norwalk and designated a public park.

When the building was threatened with demolition in the 1950s, local preservationists succeded in saving the mansion and formed the Lockwood-Mathews Mansion Museum, Inc. Designated a National Historic Landmark in 1971, the structure serves as a valuable resource of 19th-century American history. The Museum's mission is to conserve the building while creating educational programs on the material, artistic and social culture of the Victorian era.




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