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已有 4972 次阅读 2012-4-4 08:01 |个人分类:科研思路分享|系统分类:论文交流| office, 电解水, 延长





Does alkaline-reduced hexagonal water delay the aging process in Drosophila?

  1. Kyung-Eun Rheem1,†,
  2. Yi-Rang Lim1,†,
  3. Byung-Sub Lee1,
  4. Su-Kyung Lee1,
  5. Ki Moon Seong2,
  6. Dong-Hoon Hyun3,
  7. Kyung-Jin Min1

Article first published online: 21 DEC 2011

DOI: 10.1111/j.1447-0594.2011.00713.x


Dear Editor,

Water is the most common substance on earth and many people want to drink clean water. Owing to demands, altered water – water exposed to external energy fields such as electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic, ultrasound and vortex implosion – has been developed. There is a common belief that altered water makes a positive impact on health. Recent studies found that consumption of water containing hydrogen at a saturated level (hydrogen water) reduced oxidative stress and prevented stress-induced decline in learning and memory caused by chronic physical restraint.1 Recent studies also have shown that alkaline-reduced water (ARW) – water produced either by electrolysis or by chemical reaction with alkaline metals – has anticancer and antidiabetic effects. Mice fed with ARW showed delays in tumor growth and lengthened survival.2,3 In addition, there is evidence that long-term ARW consumption reduced glucose, triglyceride and cholesterol levels in mice.4 Although the molecular mechanisms behind those effects are not yet clearly understood, the capacity to reduce reactive oxygen species (ROS) by ARW is believed to be a reason behind these positive effects.5,6 Because ROS is a cause of aging7 and reduction of ROS led to extended lifespan in many organisms,8 it is hypothesized that ARW has anti-aging effects.

Hexagonal or structured water is another type of altered water. Water is able to form different structures, depending on how individual molecules bond together. Advocates of structured water claim that biological organisms prefer the six-sided (hexagonal) ring-structure of water.9 Recent clinical studies showed that a hexagonal water product was more effective at hydration than distilled water and there was a trend toward lower blood sugar levels in just 4 weeks in diabetic patients with hexagonal water drinking.10 Hexagonal water also appears to enhance immune function. When mice were given a hexagonal water product while a control group was given de-ionized water, 60% increase in lymphocyte production was measured in the hexagonal water group, indicating a significant improvement in immune function.11 It has been also claimed that hexagonal water could delay the aging process. The amount of hexagonal water decreases with age and aging is caused by a loss of hexagonal water from organs, tissues and cells, and an overall decrease in total body water.9 However, there are also claims that the health benefits of altered water are fraudulent, because claims by altered water manufactures contradict the basic laws of physics and chemistry.12 Thus far, there has been no attempt to assess the effects of altered water on the aging process in any organisms. We therefore elect to investigate the effects of altered water on the lifespan in Drosophila.

Alkaline-reduced hexagonal water was produced with an instrument using electromagnetic implosion, and it was provided to adult flies in the form of a sucrose–yeast diet. The pH of the distilled water was reduced from 7.16 ± 0.4 to 9.84 ± 0.2 with the instrument, confirming the production of ARW. Adult sucrose–yeast diets were prepared with 10 g sucrose, 10 g yeast, 2.5 mg kanamycin, 10 mg tetracycline, 1.1 mL of a 20% tegosept and 0.79 g agar per 100 mL of distilled water, or alkaline-reduced hexagonal water. Newly eclosed Canton-S adult flies were collected over 48 h and were randomly assigned to 500 mL demography cages to the final density of 100 females and 100 males per cage. Food vials were affixed to separate cages and changed every 2 or 3 days, at which time dead flies were removed and recorded.13 Our results show that alkaline-reduced hexagonal water had no effect on the lifespan of either female or male flies (Fig. 1a,b). Measurements of flies' mean and median lifespan fed with alkaline-reduced hexagonal water containing media indicate that their lifespan had not been significantly extended, when compared to flies maintained on distilled water containing media (Table 1).

Figure 1. The effects of altered water (a,b) and water transport gene (c,d) on the lifespan of Drosophila. Male (a) and female (b) survivorship when maintained on media containing distilled water (DW) or alkaline-reduced hexagonal water (ARW). Male (c) and female (d) survivorship when water transport gene, DRIP, is overexpressed (+RU) or not (RU). Survivorship is plotted with the data of three replicate cages for each treatment combined. See Table 1 for statistical analysis.

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Table 1. Mean and median lifespan of Drosophila fed with distilled water (DW) or alkaline-reduced hexagonal water (ARW), F1 progeny of daughterless-gene switch gal4 > EP (DRIP) flies and F1 progeny of actin-gene switch gal4 > EP (hsp26) flies fed with or without RU 486




Mean lifespan

Median lifespan


1.       P-values are from χ2-test comparison of survival by log–rank test. *Significant difference compared to control.













































Hsp26 (RU)





Hsp26 (RU)






Hsp26 (RU+)





Hsp26 (RU+)






Advocates of hexagonal water claim that the aging process is accompanied by reduction of water content in the body; drinking hexagonal water can delay the aging process because hexagonal water is easily transported into cells. We tested this hypothesis by genetic manipulation of the water transport gene. Water is transported through highly water-permeable membranes via water-selective pores: the water channels. Aquaporins accelerate the movement of water and other solutes across the biological membranes. Drosophila have aquaporin-like water channel genes, DRIP (Drosophila integral protein).14 We increased the expression of DRIP using the UAS-GAL4 system15 which renders temporal and spatial expressions of genes possible. Male EP (Drip) flies were crossed with females with daughterless-gene switch gal4 driver or actin-gene switch gal4 driver, and the survival of F1 offspring was monitored with or without RU486 supplementation. In the gene-switch gal4 system, gal4 is expressed only when RU486 is present in the media. Our results show that survival of flies with overexpressed DRIP gene (+RU) was not significantly different from that of flies with normal DRIP gene expression (RU) either with daughterless-gene switch driver (Fig. 1c,d; Table 1) or actin-gene switch driver (data not shown). As a positive control, the validity of the gene switch driver was tested by overexpressing the hsp26 gene which is known to extend lifespan when overexpressed.16 As expected, survival of flies with overexpressed hsp26 gene was significantly extended compared to that with normal hsp26 gene expression (Table 1). Although both hexagonal water and overexpression of DRIP have no effect on the lifespan of Drosophila in this study, it is still possible that water transport is associated with the aging process because the lifespan of Drosophila on a restricted diet is regulated by water content in the media.17

The size of the water market is estimated to be $US 318 billion globally and is rapidly increasing due to pollution and economic growth. Many people follow the “well-being” trend and seek “healthy” water. Demands have driven many vendors to develop altered water, which is being advertised as providing health benefits. However, the impact on health by altered water has not been validated scientifically. Most altered water is produced by electrical devices that utilize electrolysis to generate ionized and alkalinized water. Many water ionizers originate from Japan and Korea, countries in which many people believe altered water has health benefits. This is in contrast to the views held by many scientists in Western countries that altered water is yet another scam.

We do not yet have adequate information on which to judge the impact of altered water on health. It is the scientists' responsibility to study altered water further. Our results indicate that ARW and hexagonal water has no impact on the aging process, as far as Drosophila is concerned.

This work was supported by a research grant from the Inha University (INHA-38335).

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