日田市是天領時代的古城市,日田市是位于日本大分县西北部的一个城市,虽然隶属大分县,但因为地形的关系,与福冈县的筑前地方和筑后地方往来较为频繁。日田的水非常的有名!这个研究是不仅采用小鼠,而且观察了糖尿病患者,主要观察指标是蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶(Protein tyrosine phosphatase ,PTP),PTP是一种氧化还原调节蛋白,该酶的激活与胰岛素受体抵抗关系密切。日本日田天領水具有抑制PTP活性,从而使胰岛素受体敏感的作用,在动物实验中观察到具有促进肌肉摄取葡萄糖的能力,在临床观察中发现饮用该水具有控制血糖和血脂的作用。
Kazuhiro Osada, Yuping Li, Takeki Hamasaki, Masumi Abe, Noboru Nakamichi, Kiichiro Teruya, Yoshitoki Ishii, Ying Wang, Yoshinori Katakura and Sanetaka Shirahata
It has been reported that a natural reduced water derived from a deep well in Japan (trademark, Hita Tenryousui water®; Nakanoshima, Hita city, Oita, Japan) scavenged intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and protected a hamster pancreas β cell line HIT-T15 from oxidative damage by alloxan, a type 1 diabetes inducer. Here we demonstrated that the water also suppressed the fasted blood glucose levels of the alloxan-induced type 1-diabetes mice. Protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) is a redox-regulatable signal enzyme and activation of PTP in Type 2-diabetes patients is noted to be responsible to inactivation of insulin receptor. Hita Tenryousui water® suppressed the PTP activity, leading the activation of insulin receptor. This water stimulated glucose uptake into myotubes and showed a tendency to improve the impaired sugar tolerance of Type 2-diabetes model mice. An open clinical test of Hita Tenryousui water® against 65 patients with hyperglycemia and 50 patients with hyperlipemia for 2 months resulted in significant improvement of impaired blood sugar, plasma triglycerol and total cholesterol levels (P<0.05). These facts suggest that daily intake of natural reduced water will be beneficial to prevent and improve diabetes mellitus.
Keywords Diabetes - Hita tenryosui water - Natural reduced water - Reactive oxygen species - Protein tyrosine phosphatase