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科技写作漫谈 (59):创建阅读动力

已有 6223 次阅读 2009-12-13 10:24 |个人分类:科技写作|系统分类:科研笔记





    (1)  In science, because intellectual honesty and the need for precision encourage the writer to use detailed qualifiers as well as conditional provisos and modified nouns, sentences tend to be long.

   (2) In science, sentences tend to be long because intellectual honesty and the need for precision encourage the writer to use detailed qualifiers as well as conditional provisos and modified nouns.

(3) In science, precision requires modified keywords, and intellectual honesty demands detailed qualifiers and provisos; as a result, sentences tend to be long.

(4) In science, sentences are usually made long by the need for precision (long modified nouns) and intellectual honesty (detailed qualifiers, caveats, and provisos).

   不同的句式创建了读者对后续内容的三种不同的预期:(1)和(3)强调sentences tend to be long这一主题,(2)强调是什么使sentences tend to be long,(4)则强调precisionhonesty的论点。

       其结果是重点的改变:句(1)强调long,而句(2)却强调是什么创造了long(如果接下来的句子阐述long的原因,那么句(2)要比句(1)好)。与通常简单句中只有一个主题、一个动词和一个重点相反,句(3)有3个主题(precision”, “intellectual honesty”, “sentences”)3个动词和3个重点。句(4)是被动语态。它的表达比(1), (2)(3)都要差吗?让推动力做你的向导吧。


(5) In science, two factors contribute to long sentences: precision requires modified nouns, and intellectual honesty demands detailed qualifiers and provisos.


(6) We were curious to find out what makes scientific sentences longer than the average book sentence. We found that the need for precision in scientific words often leads to the use of elongated modified nouns. We also discovered that, because of their intellectual honesty, scientists tend to pad their sentences with detailed qualifiers and provisos.


(7) Does writing with intellectual honesty make reading difficult? It may. To be accurate, scientists tend to pad their sentences with detailed qualifiers, provisos, and packed modified nouns. Unpacking nouns, and constantly reshaping the mental image as qualifying details and provisos are added, makes reading slow and difficult.


       (8) Intellectual honesty leads to lengthy sentences padded with detailed qualifiers such as limits or boundary conditions, and provisos such as “if” or “provided” statements. Precision has the same lengthening effect: modified nouns (nouns preceded by other nouns that modify or specify their meaning) can be two to eight words long.

摘编自《科技英语写作进阶》(任胜利, 莫京, 安瑞 . 科学出版社, 2009年出版)


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