Lexical processing and the mental lexicon《词汇处理与心理词汇》
谈到词汇处理模式,语言学家Radford等(1999/2000)提出了两种处理模式,即Serial-autonomous versus parallel-interactive processing models(Radford et al 1999/2000 : 226-230)。
Serial-autonomous accounts of processing, maintains that these decisions are taken in sequence, with all decisions of a certain type being taken before decisions of the next type.
Furthermore, information which may be available on the basis of later decisions cannot inform earlier decisions(序列自主模式:信息处理按信息出现的先后顺序,先来的信息能引导或有助于理解后来的信息,反之则不然)。
The alternative, parallel-interactive approach takes the opposite perspective: in principle, information relevant to any decision is available at any point in processing, and there is no place for a strictly ordered set of sub-processes(平行互动模式,则是另一种信息处理模式。该模式认为,在处理过程当中,凡相关的信息,都是随时可以获得的,不存在什么顺序)。
A problem with speech perception dogs me wherever I go.
在这种时候,dogs可以分析为动词词干dog加第三人称单数形式s;也可以理解为名词词干dog加复数形式s。当然,根据上下文语境,只有第一种理解是可以接受的。但在序列自主模式看来,这类句法、语义和语境信息迫使听众作出上述理解与判断是不可能的,用Jerry Fodor的观点来说,每一个特殊模块都是信息压缩体(informationally encapsulated module)(或称为信息载体),只能凭借先前出现的信息才能得到解释。
为了更好的理解这两种模式之间的差异,我们可以从另一个术语得到启发:即“词汇触发”。More technically, if you hear a token of dog, some (mental) activation spreads to semantically associated items such as cat or animal or bark, and we say that these latter items are primed.…any priming effects depending on semantic similarity, provide experimental support for the view of the structured lexicon... that the mental lexicon is not just a list of items but rather a structured set over which a notion of psychological ‘distance’ can be defined, with semantic similarity contributing to this measure of distance (Radford et al 1999/2000: 230).
On the representation of words in mental lexicon, we know that a basic property of words is the arbitrary relationship they exhibit between meaning and form: words have meaning, and they have phonological or orthographic structure, and there is no way of recovering the former from the latter (Radford et al 1999/2000: 232).
这个话题越来越深入了,随后有学者进一步提出“词汇触发理论”,可以参考Heoy, M. (2005), Lexical Priming: A new theory of words and language.
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